• Hɔmɔwɔ: Ga Lalawiemɔi

    Hɔmɔwɔ: Ga Lalawiemɔi is a collection of Ga poetry by thirteen (13) contemporary poets.

    Featuring nineteen (19) poems, the poems cover different themes such as pandemics, Ga heritage, family, memory, childhood and love.

    Written completely in Ga, the book is a groundbreaking addition to the Ga language literary scene.

  • The Methodist Children’s Hymnal (Hardcover)

    The printing of the Children’s Hymnal became necessary when the Church saw that our children and the young people were more in tune with the singing of the choruses than the Methodist Hymns. As a result, the Christian Education Division was mandated by the Board of Ministries to select some of the hymns which could be conveniently sung by the children. The publication was to be handy and attractive for the children.

    Moreover, it was meant for the children to appreciate and know the worship setting and culture of the Methodist Church, so that they could grow with it. The Church also realised that unlike the olden days where hymns were taught in schools, there was the need to print the hymns in smaller booklets to assist worship in our Methodist Schools.

    It is the hope that the children would be inspired by this hymnal, and their faith will increase and be strengthened in God as they sing and memorise the lines of the stanzas. The hymns, we believe, will enable them to draw close to God and to relate well with other people.

  • Keke And The Cake Thief

    Age Range: 4 – 8 years

    Reading Level: 2 – 3

    Keke and the Cake Thief, written by L.M Daini and illustrated by Chike Obasi and Emmanuel Adepitan. Suitable for ages 4-8 years.

    In this story, there’s a cake thief in the kingdom and the king is getting very upset. Keke’s love for cakes makes him the best person to help track down the elusive cake thief and restore peace in the king’s kitchen!

    This is a fun and beautifully illustrated modern African fairy tale, perfect for story time at home and in the classroom. A must-have for every child’s library and an excellent gift for all occasions, birthdays, Christmas, World Book Day, Black History Month and Kwanzaa.

  • Malik’s Bridge

    Age Range: 3 – 8 years

    Reading Level: 2 – 3

    Malik’s Bridge is an inspiring story of four friends who find a way to keep connected over the school holidays. This wonderful story celebrates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and the power of unity.

    Written by Marwa Al.Hifnawi and illustrated by Chike Obasi.

    In this story, Malik and his best-friends Ola, Lisa and Amina cannot wait for the school holidays, but they soon realise how much they will miss each other! 

    Can the friends find a way to keep connected across their countries in Africa?

    Join Malik and his squad as they use STEM to bridge the distance and celebrate their unity.

  • Christian Asɔr Ndwom Fofor: Ghana Methodist Asafo (Hardcover)

    Contains all the hymns as found in the Christian Asɔr Ndwom as used by the Methodist Church of Ghana.

  • Methodist Hymn Book – Normal Edition (Wine or White Covers, Hardcover)

    Methodist Hymn Book – Normal Edition (Wine or White Covers)

  • Dede Sa Wɔ Our Day (Asante Twi)

    Age Range: 6 – 8 years

    Ɔkyena yɛ Our Day. Sukuu no aba awieɛ na aduru apontoɔ mmerɛ, adidie ne asa. Nanso

    Dede suro sɛ ɔbɛsa wɔ sukuu mu. Wɔdwene sɛ nkurofoɔ bɛsere no na ɛbɔ ne hu pa ara.

    Ne tiri nkwa, Dede abusua nim kwan a wɔbɛfa so aboa no ama wadi Our Day.

  • Methodist Hymn Book – Pocket (Black or White Covers, Hardcover)

    Methodist Hymn Book – Pocket (Black or White)

  • Dede Dances at Our Day

    Age Range: 6 – 8 years

    Tomorrow is Our Day. The school term has ended and it is time to party, eat and dance. But Dede is afraid to dance in school. She thinks people will laugh at her and that frightens her. Luckily, Dede’s family know just how to help her enjoy Our Day.

  • Methodist Hymn Book with Tunes – Stave Notation (Hardcover)

    First published in 1933, this contains the hymns in the Methodist Hymn books accompanied by their staff notations. It also includes tunes for the Canticles, Psalms and other Bible passages included the Beatitudes. It is a useful resource for church choirs and all music lovers.

  • Financial Whizzdom Nuggets

    Young Perbi had a rude shock in medical school: you can become a poor doctor! That set him on a journey to discover, practice and teach these 25 lessons in personal financial growth, success and significance. Financial Whizzdom Nuggets is the second a Financial Whizzdom triad and contains golden summaries of each of the 25 lessons in personal financial transformation in ‘the big book’, Financial Whizzdom. You will encounter eight financial growth nuggets, another eight financial success nuggets and a final seven nuggets for financial significance.

    It begins with getting your financial motives right and ends with getting off the fence, taking action on all the nuggets, now.

  • Positiveness: A Fuel For Success

    I’ve written this book for you because leaders are dealers in faith, hope and love. No matter how positive your goals in life are and how passionate you are about your purpose, you will need persistent faith on the journey. Life is tough and leadership isn’t smooth. My hope is to inspire and encourage you to build up and keep up that persistent faith known as positiveness.

    I pray you will be gingered up by this work into being better and going further in the things that really matter, knowing that once you have life, there is hope—and only people alive can read this book! Love life.

  • Read: You are “Illiterate” If You Can Read But Don’t

    If you can read this, you may be among a certain group people called “the talented tenth;” it is a gift. Yet it is not a given that you’ve made a habit of reading for personal growth, success and significance. Many people never pick up another book after they graduate from college. This book tells you in the face that one who can read but does not, really isn’t any better off than the one who cannot read at all.

    Schooling and education don’t mean the same thing. With compelling research about the power of reading from childhood to adulthood and over a 1000 classic quotes on books, reading, writing and learning, this little book will inspire and empower you to do just what its title says: Read! Leaders are readers; readers are leaders. Growth, success and significance are just a book away.

  • Leadership in Africa Redefined – Untold Stories

    The story on leadership in Africa is not a good one. It is a story in which the key actors are often corrupt, authoritarian politicians. And yet, this is only one side of the story.

    The untold story is that Africa is also home to leaders who are imaginative, adaptable, ethical, and empowering. These are leaders who are transforming the spaces they serve on this continent. They are redefining leadership in Africa.

    The time has come where we need to stop defining our leadership by the worst of us. We need to learn from the best of us.

    Taaka Awori’s Leadership in Africa Redefined offers concrete principles to guide the practice of this form of leadership. Using the stories and lessons from outstanding leaders on the continent, Taaka Awori illustrates the idea that your leadership reflects who you are as a person. Her hope is that this book will be an inspiration and a practical guide to support each reader in becoming the leader Africa needs and deserves.

  • Creating Wealth and Enjoying it

    Having worked in the financial sector for quite a while, I have seen and noticed the lifestyle changes in different categories of people.
    I have observed with great admiration some groups of people who in their old age and during their retirement maintain a dignified standard of living, all things being equal.
    I have also come across another category of people who have struggled financially after retirement with a deteriorated standard of living, under normal circumstances.
     I have been particularly perturbed about the affluent lifestyles of some people who have had negative financial changes during the latter part of their lives and have thought that if perhaps,  they had  information and understanding of some truths about  Financial  Planning and Wealth Creation, it would have made some difference in their lives.
    This book “How to Create Wealth and Enjoy it” is aimed at creating awareness and providing information on how one can plan and do simple things which will make a difference in their finances later on in life. I believe the information in this book will be beneficial to anyone who reads it especially those who earn salary.

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