• Babingo: The Nobel Rebel

    In Pointe-Noire of the 1950’s lived Paul Makouta, a “civilized” and westernized native who was very proud of communicating exclusively in French with Madeleine Mamatouka, his wife, Alex his only son, and the other children of his household. Under no circumstance did Makouta allow the members of his family speak the language of Metropolitan France with the slightest trace of a Bantu accent. Again, anyone who dared speak Kituba, an indigenous language, with the family’s domestic staff was liable to severe reprimand.

    Clearly, the father’s intransigence was at odds with the communicative practices in the neighborhood and of children commuting daily to school. And it was only natural for Tessa, a fellow pupil from the neighborhood, to successfully convince her teenage friend, Alex Babingo, of the absurdity of Makouta’s directive. Little did Alex Babingo realize that his initial acceptance of the irrationality of the father’s prohibition in colonized Congo was only the start of a trajectory which, from the other side of the world, would impel his return to the very roots of his culture and ancestral traditions in the now independent Republic of Congo or Congo-Brazzaville. Babingo, the Noble Rebel is a poignant and pulsating advocacy for the mainstreaming of indigenous languages into the curriculum of African countries, not least those belonging to the French-speaking world.

  • Philosophy, Culture and Vision: African Perspectives

    Believing that the intellectual enterprise called philosophy is essentially a part of the cultural as well as historical experience of a people, that the concepts and problems that occupy the attention of philosophers placed in different cultural spaces or historical times generally derive directly from those spaces and times, and that philosophy, in turn, has been most relevant to the development of human cultures, the Ghanaian philosopher Kwame Gyekye gives reflective attention in this book to some of the concepts and problems that in his view feature most prominently in the contemporary African cultural, social, political, and moral experience. Such concepts and problems include the following: political legitimacy, development, culture and the pursuit of science and technology, political corruption, democracy, representation and the politics of inclusion, the status of cultural values in national orientation, understanding globalization, and others. It is these topics that are covered in the essays collected in this book.

    The unrelenting pursuit of the speculative activity by the philosopher in most cases eventuates in normative proposals; these normative proposals often embody a vision-a vision of an ideal human society in terms of its values, politics, and culture. Vision, understood here, has human-not supernatural or divine-origination and involvement and requires action by human beings in order for it to come into reality. A vision may derive from sustained critical evaluation of a culture or some elements of it. Gyekye attempts an articulation of the visions of the essays contained in the book.

    Even though philosophical ideas and concerns are originally inspired by and worked out in a cultural milieu, it does not necessarily follow, Gyekye strongly believes, that the relevance of those ideas and insights is to be tetheed to the cultures that produced them. For, more often than not, the relevance of those ideas, or at least some of them, transcends the confines of their own times and cultures and can be appreciated by other societies, or cultures, or generational epochs. This trans-cultural or trans-epochal or meta-contextual appeal or attraction of philosophical ideas and insights spawned by a particular culture or cluster of cultures or in specific historical times is to be put down to our common human nature-including our basic human desires and aspirations. Thus, most of the essays published here should be of interest to the global community-i.e., to cultures and societies beyond the African.

  • Step Magazine: Volume 27 Issue 2

    The StepMagazine has exciting sections for the youth and throws more light on Youth in Business!!
  • My Happiest Day

    Almost everybody in the village of Akroful can sing well except Kofi. But when Christmas comes, Kofi is chosen to sing the Christmas carol for his class. He displayed a hidden talent to the admiration of all. Kofi can dance better than everybody.

    My Happiest Day

  • Frema Visits the Airport

    Ever since Frema saw the huge iron bird in the sky, she was excited about aeroplanes.

    She knew she wanted to be a pilot in future. Follow Frema as she takes a trip to the airport to learn all about aeroplanes.

  • The Tale of Bantama

    There is almost a story behind every name. When Serwaa asked about the meaning of “Bantama”, she is given two meanings behind the name.

    Which is true? Which one should she believe?

  • The Yellow Ball in the Sky

    Araba is excited when she sees the bright yellow colour of the Sun in the sky. When she asks about the yellow ball, her mother tells her that it’s the Sun.
    Araba decides to ask the Sun many questions. When the Sun replies, they become friends.
    What does the Sun tell Araba? Will Araba heed to the Sun’s words or order for them to be friends forever.

  • A Journey to Lake Sana

    Lake Sana is one of the beautiful Lakes visited by many including tourists. It has a lot of fishes and other aquatic animals in it. Oduro was very happy when he returned home because his teacher had told them they will be going on an excursion to Lake Sana,
    His father had promised him to pay for the excursion if he placed first to third position in class.
    What will Oduro do in order to go to Lake Sana?

  • Beware of Bad Friends

    Five frogs-Quinie, Bownie, Tinie, Crippie and Ninie-live with their close friends, the three snakes and the singing bird.

    They are so close that they do all things together, including throwing parties.

    Sadly, the frogs begin to die one after the other. Who is behind their death and why are the frogs always crying? The wisest bird will tell ..

  • Naughty Adwoba

    When Adwoba is punished for her naughty behaviour, she escapes into the bush. She falls into a deep sleep and wakes only to find herself in a strange room with some other children whose hands and feet are tied up.
    As she screams and cries for release, an ugly-looking man enters. What happens to Adwoba and the other children? Will she ever see her mom and friends again?

    Naughty Adwoba

  • Fafa at the Zoo

    Fafa, a beautiful girl of about eight years old loves animals. Her parents promised to take her to the Zoo when she comes first in class. She studied very hard and came first. Mr and Mrs Osei sent their daughter to the Zoo as they had promised.

    Fafa at the Zoo

  • Tears of a Mother and Other Stories

    If you were Mother Mary, and if your first-born son – the Teacher – was so brutally maltreated and led away to be crucified, what would you do? Cry? Weep? Wail? What would you do?
    In this storybook, Mother Mary tells her own story: the sword that pierced her own heart when she saw what the soldiers did to her son. In tears, she stood by and watched, for what could she do?

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life. Enjoy  the stories of-

    1.The cockcrow at dawn during the denials
    2.The troubled dreams of the governor 3 wife
    3.Why the governor washed his hands before judgement
    4.The man from Libya who was forced to carry his cross
    5. The reflections of the beam used for the crucifixion
    6.The brutal execution of the 1eacher
    7.The seven last statements of the Teacher

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Serving Ghana: 70+ Everyday Ghanaian Indigenous Recipes for Hospitality with Step-by-Step Instructions (Hardcover)

    Full Colour Inside!

    Serving Ghana: 70+ Everyday Ghanaian Indigenous Recipes for Hospitality with Step-by-step Instructions is a Ghanaian standard recipe book. The book is written in everyday language but takes care of a number of professional à la carte food production concerns of the professional chef.

    With data collected through focus group discussions from thirteen ethnic groups as its basis, the book in addition to some nutritional information documents the recipes of popular indigenous soups, gravy, sauces and stews, grills and fries, one-pot dishes and carbohydrate accompaniments.

    The book will facilitate the teaching and learning of younger generations to appreciate and cook Ghanaian local cuisine.

  • Ogyam the Scholar

    Ogyam, popularly known as the scholar, is the laziest man in the village. While people farm the land to grow crops, he uses his tongue to earn his living. But when he could no longer get cases to defend, he resorts to stealing other people’s crops.

    One day he runs out of luck and he is caught. Will he go to jail or he will be able to defend himself as he defends others?

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