• Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (Our Ancestories)

    Age Range: 4 – 12 years

    Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba is the true story of a girl who had a difficult birth but went on to become the Queen of two ancient African kingdoms.

    Revered for her wisdom, courage, and strength, Njinga became a dominant political figure in Angola in the 1600s. This richly illustrated children’s book tells her story and the challenges she faced from the day she was born. Njinga must overcome the jealousy of her brother, the loss of her father, and the encroachment of the Portuguese at the dawn of a time of great trial for the African continent.

    This is the story of hope and courage that shows every young girl is capable of greatness..

    ★ The Story of an Actual Legendary Queen

    Queen Njinga is remembered for defying the odds and standing up for herself and her people.

    ★ A Narrative That Empowers and Motivates

    Njinga’s story is inspiring because she is an outstanding example of female governance in the history of Africa.

    ★ An Author with Passion for African History

    Born and raised in Nigeria, Ekiuwa Aire hopes that her books on African history will instill pride and acceptance in young minds about diverse cultures.

    ★ Beautiful, Vibrant Illustrations

    Natalia Popova studied at Moscow State University where her interest in visual arts and illustration was born.

    ★ Exciting Historical Facts

    Based on true events in Angola in the 1600s, the story of Queen Njinga is beautifully illustrated and presented in a way every child will enjoy and learn from. The book also includes a brief history of the Kingdoms of Ndongo and Matamba, where they were located on a map, as well as information on Queen Njinga’s legacy.

  • Idia of the Benin Kingdom (Our Ancestories)

    Age Range: 4 – 12 years

    • Children’s Africana Book Awards (CABA) – 2021 Winner – Best Books for Young Children
    • Wishing Shelf Book Award – 2020 Finalist
    • Kidsshelf Book Cover Award -2020 Winner
    • Eric Hoffer Award – Honourable Mention (Children’s Category) First Horizon Finalist Grand Prize Short List

    “She became a queen, a warrior, the first woman to fight for the kingdom, and the first Iyoba (Queen Mother) of Benin.”

    What do you know about African History?

    African history spans thousands of years, has been moulded by many intelligent artists, scientists, and thinkers, and is bound to fascinate you.

    Explore the history of Africa in a way that will be more memorable and enjoyable than what you get from traditional textbooks.

    Idia of the Benin Kingdomis an empowering children’s picture book (loved by kids ages 4-12) that takes readers on a beautifully illustrated journey to the 1500s in ancient Africa. Readers are captivated as they watch Idia transform herself from the young and curious daughter of a village warrior to becoming the Queen of the Kingdom of Benin.

    Idia was an actual queen who helped rule the ancient kingdom of Benin with her wisdom, charisma, and prowess. Much has been written about her bravery, and artefacts in her image are treasured in museums all over the world.

    This book imagines what her childhood may have been like, and shares the story of this well-loved and successful African queen in a way that is relatable to young readers.

  • Madam High Heel

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Every knew the mischief and cantankerous behavior of Agyekum at Sir Good Leaf Boys Academy, a school that prides itself for discipline and academic brilliance.

    However, when his deviant behavior becomes anti-social to the point where he causes bodily, harm to the much-liked Ms. Philips, things had to change.

    In comes the new substitute teacher, Ms. Helen Eel and, for once, Agyekum pranks cannot trip her

    One night, the legend of madam high heels hits Sir Goodleaf. The ‘click clacks’ footfalls of the one high heeled, red-gowned ghost appear to scare everyone but Agyekum.

    Will the much-dreaded Madam High Heels be able to reform the stiff-necked Agyekum, or would he meet a grimmer end?


    Madam High Heel

  • The Narrow Path (African Writers Series, AWS27)

    The Narrow Path is a story set in southern Ghana. Kofi, the hero of this novel, follows the well-worn path of many young Africans caught between the traditional life and the new world after the end of colonial administration.

    It is a story about discipline, mischief and the continuous struggle of the youth between adventure and discipline from his parents. The struggle defines the young protagonist and the interesting narration makes this novel a fine piece of literature.

  • The Deliverer

    The Deliverer received a Burt Award for African Literature 2010

    “Drop the stone, young man!” he screamed.

    Osei dropped the stone gently on the ground when he realised that the man had no arms and his garments were torn to shreds. He was a frightful sight to behold. With his chest still heaving up and down with rage he turned to find his friends standing around looking ashamed. “When you are born to kill an elephant, you don’t go bruising your knees chasing rats!” the strange man said.

    The style used in The Deliverer is an interesting way of capturing history in fiction. Set in the Ashanti Kingdom, read about how a handicapped boy grows up to become a hero and the deliverer of his people. High in suspense and a page turner.

    The Deliverer

  • The Lady Who Refused To Bow (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    After many failed relationships, whether or not Sandra would marry is a hanging question.

    Joe, the only man who formally introduced himself to her parents, leaves Sandra for her junior colleague. But after she turns down a marriage offer from the president of a multinational company her life changes forever.


  • The Last Wish (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    Amzi has it all – great looks, excellent business acumen and a strong determination to fulfill his destiny.

    His meteoric rise to fame stuns everyone as he receives universal acclaim for his business innovations, his adoring fans are unconscious of the highly ingenious woman in his life.

    Amzi has a debilitating secret fear which drives him to sacrifice everything in his bid to retain his position at the top.

  • The Masquerader (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    Susan shook her head several times as she stared at Esinam in utter disbelief. Of all the strange tales she was privileged to have heard as she grew up in the city of Accra, none could rival what her daughter narrated.

    Kapre is his name. He has no known relative and, somehow, all the people who helped raise him died. His physical features are unattractive and everyone agrees he and ravishingly beautiful Esinam are worlds apart but the two get married against all the odds and the predicted difficulties begin.

    Professor Demas, an internationally acclaimed man of God, arrives in the nick of time promising to unravel the mystery. This, true to his word, he does but in an unanticipated manner.

  • The Silver Spoon (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Sekyiwaa is a product of a broken home characterised by hardships, heartaches and deprivation. When she receives an all-expenses covered scholarship to study medicine overseas, she sees this not only as the realisation of her life’s ambition but also as the gateway to a bright future. She is determined that nothing will come between her and the fulfilment of this dream.

    Sekyiwaa’s rich fiance, Jeremiah, is determined to marry before the completion of her eleven years of education and pursues this objective relentlessly using all resources available to him — his irresistible charm, time, energy and money — in his efforts to break her resolve.

  • The Black Heel (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Everything was going on smoothly for her and the future appeared secured until a shocking betrayal shatters everything Naomi had lived for. In the bleak darkness that follows she is forced to make a choice — to return to the past or wade towards the flickering light that beckoned her.


  • Echoes from the Past (Peggy Oppong Novel)


    Phoebe courageously steps in to avert a near-clash between Barbara Fhanuelle, the affluent but caustic-tongued client and the salon owner. Barbara, driven by curiosity to learn more about Phoebe, invites her home. Phoebe meets two men at Barbara’s residence: Felix Newgate, old enough to be Phoebe’s father but a wealthy, handsome and highly-respected doctor who offers her financial security, a future of bliss and also has the active support of Barbara; and Ekow, Barbara’s only son, who is younger, makes Phoebe laugh and open up in a way no one else has done before.

    But everyone, including Barbara, warns her to stay away from Ekow, who breaks women’s hearts.

    Kwaku Amoa, the famous investigative journalist, is convinced the playing field is not level and undertakes to dig up dirt, from Newgate’s past to permanently shame and disqualify him.

    The battle lines are drawn and it promises to be fierce.

  • End of the Tunnel (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    She is beautiful and exceptionally brilliant. Born into a happy middle-class family, she appears to have it all. But all that changes when her parents divorce and she, together with her two siblings, are plunged into a nightmare of intense suffering. Her mother comes to the rescue but extreme poverty compels her to put pressure on Sekyiwaa to give up the one passion of her life – a dream to become a pediatrician. She vows nothing will stop her as she fights against surmounting difficulties with dogged determination. She receives a lot of love proposals and a very tempting one from Jeremiah, a handsome undergraduate with lots of money to spend. Sekyiwaa battles with strong emotions, which threaten to derail her cherished plans. Faced with pressures from within and without, will she be able to achieve her dream?

  • Adventures of Cleopas (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Cleopas Onini was born, he had two front teeth and drank a big cup of porridge. At his naming ceremony, his uncle who had lived on top of a tree for 30 years climbed down to witness the occasion. As the family argued about the appropriate name for the baby, eight-day-old Cleopas sat up in his bed and clapped his tiny hands to show his preference for the name his uncle Ofutu announced. Everybody, including the catechist, took to their heels as they witnessed the strange scene. At three months, he could sit up, crawl and talk.

  • The Shark (Peggy Oppong Novel)

    When Benjamin Takyi was posted to Lily Girls High School to teach physics, it did not take long for students, teachers and parents to notice his exceptional brilliance, dedication to work and the ensuing remarkable results.

    Everything was going on smoothly until trouble knocked at his door one night, beginning his long tortuous journey into self discovery.

  • A Woman in Her Prime (African Writers Series, AWS40)

    A young woman makes that all-important rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood. However, her early adult life is marred by childlessness in a society that places a great premium on children and motherhood as the ultimate mark of womanhood.

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