• Rewards: An Autobiography

    Prof. Marian Ewurama Addy was a Professor of Biochemistry. In January 2008 she was appointed President of the Anglican University College of Technology, then a newly launched private initiative for higher technical education in Ghana. Professor Addy’s interest and extension activities were in bridging the gap between scientific and indigenous knowledge and in the popularisation of science.

    In her autobiography Ewurama Addy takes us through the various stages of her life, culminating in her rise up the academic ladder and an affirmation of her Christian faith.

    Professor Mariama Ewurama Addy, the popular host of the Science and Maths quiz died at age 72 in 2014. Prof. Addy was the first woman professor of Science from the University of Ghana. She was also a resource person for science education programs in the country.

    As the Quiz Mistress of a national weekly science and mathematics quiz program on television, she contributed immensely to science education by making the subject interesting to Ghanaians of all ages. It is believed that her quiz mistress role inspired many female students to study science.

  • Speaking of Ghana: Did You Know That…?

    The book is a simple story about Ghana, intended to be a companion to students, and all people who would like to know more about Ghana. It is written in a simple style, and through bullet points and questions, teaches some basic facts about Ghana’s recent political history as well as essential information about each of the sixteen regions. The book is a peek into Ghana, but gives the reader a broad view of the country.
    The book has been recommended by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, (NaCCA) for use as supplementary material for Junior and Senior high schools.

  • Ghana: The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah (Hardcover)

    The moving, human story of Kwame Nkrumah’s life from childhood to his dynamic leadership of the liberation struggle and the attainment of Ghana’s independence in 1957.

    A personal account of the African liberation struggle, this book was first published on March 6, 1957, to mark the day of Ghana’s Independence, a day which signalled the launching of the wider Pan-African struggle for the liberation of the entire African continent. As the leader of the movement for independence, Nkrumah provides an illuminating discussion of the problems and conflicts along the way to political freedom, and the new prospects beyond.

    This book is essential for understanding the genesis of the African Revolution and the maturing of one of its outstanding leaders.

  • Ghanaian Cook Book: Favourite Recipes from Ghana

    In this book, you will find truly Ghanaian recipes devoid of foreign recipes which have gradually established themselves in the Ghanaian household. Most of the dishes described in the book are not only favourites in Ghana, but are also common to West Africa.

  • Beyond the Extra Mile: How to Get Ahead of the Pack, No Matter Your Place, Position or Profession in Life

    This book will totally transform you, provided you practise the principles therein. After reading it, you are likely to believe that:

    • You can do more and perform beyond the expected in order to achieve higher levels of success
    • You can change your personal circumstances and move forward in life through a commitment to change your daily habits
    • You can move up in life and surpass your peers by being more productive

    The cost of reading it is that your life and business will be positively impacted forever.

  • See You Later

    Age Range: 2 – 5  years

    Enjoy the farewell wishes of the Alligator and his friend Crocodile along with Edmund’s whimsical illustrations. Look for the blue bird on each page!

    See You Later

  • The Thing Around Your Neck

    A dazzling story collection from the best-selling author of Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists, “one of the world’s great contemporary writers” (Barack Obama).

    In these twelve riveting stories, the award-winning Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explores the ties that bind men and women, parents and children, Africa and the United States. Searing and profound, suffused with beauty, sorrow, and longing, these stories map, with Adichie’s signature emotional wisdom, the collision of two cultures and the deeply human struggle to reconcile them.

  • No Percent Tithe: How to Say No to Tithing and Still Be Blessed

    For a lot of Christians, tithing is a deeply ingrained tradition, reinforced each week on television and in the pulpits by people they look up to. However, those who take the time to study tithing, as practiced in the bible, will find out that Christian or storehouse tithing is both unbiblical and cannot be justified.

    Why the fixation with tithing? Why all the manipulation and deceit on a topic Christians should not be concerned about?.


    No Percent Tithe is an easy to read book that shows you what the Bible really says about paying tithes. The book, 100% backed by bible verses, clarifies and answers the questions you have about tithing. Questions like:

    – Who Paid Tithes Under the Law of Moses?
    – Did Abraham and Jacob tithe?
    – Can you tithe money?
    – Can pastors ask for a tithe?
    – Why do pastors demand the tithe?
    – Are you cursed if you don’t tithe?
    – How should you give to God?

    The author uses charts and diagrams to explain and contrast tithing under Moses’s Law with Christian storehouse tithing and also looks into how Abram (Abraham) tithed.

    Christians who read No Percent Tithe will be surprised to find out that:

    – Abraham, Jacob and early Christians did not tithe;
    – Jesus, Peter and Paul could not receive tithes;
    – It is unbiblical to tithe money or your income;
    – The priests received ONE% not 10% of the harvest;
    – Pastors are not the modern day Levites;
    – There was money in those days, but God did not want money as a tithe.

    Here are the chapter titles:

    – Tithing under Moses
    – Why tithing to your church is not biblical
    – Abraham and Jacob did not tithe
    – 5 reasons pastors teach untruths about tithing
    – Why Moses’s law does not apply to Christians
    – God’s Portion Was ONE%
    – NO % Tithe … Just Give
    – Why you should say no to tithing

    After reading NO % Tithe you will understand God’s plan for Christian giving and realise that storehouse tithing is unbiblical. The Bible says that we must rightly divide the word of truth to prevent confusion in our thinking (2 Timothy 2:15), and that is why you must read the No % Tithe book.

    If your goal is to be free to give as led by God and not be ‘forced’ to give to a church or ministry, purchase a copy of this book.

  • A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

    Age Range: 10 – 13 years

    Fiifi and his two friends, Kakra and Panyin are neighbours. In an Art and Craft class, Fiifi cannot mold his clay pot. He asks Panyin to help him complete his art work over the weekend, but Panyin gives a thousand and one reasons why he cannot help.

    With Kakra’s guide, Fiifi is able to mold a beautiful pot. This pot turns out to be the best among the lot. Fiifi is pleased with himself and thankful to Kakra who helped him. Mr. Kumah awards him the highest marks.

    Where is Panyin? He cannot share in Fiifi’s joy because he did not help when he was needed most. He sits under the tree all by himself, and away from the fun and cheers.

    Fiifi now knows who can indeed be called a friend.

    The stories in this series Idioms in Expression aim at giving children a better understanding of idiomatic expressions. Since these idioms form the main theme for the story, it becomes easy for the reader to understand the contexts within which such expressions should be used.

    Coupled with this learning experience are the exciting story lines which do not only portray the familiar African culture, but also provide a wide vocabulary for readers’ use.

  • The Deliverer

    The Deliverer received a Burt Award for African Literature 2010

    “Drop the stone, young man!” he screamed.

    Osei dropped the stone gently on the ground when he realised that the man had no arms and his garments were torn to shreds. He was a frightful sight to behold. With his chest still heaving up and down with rage he turned to find his friends standing around looking ashamed. “When you are born to kill an elephant, you don’t go bruising your knees chasing rats!” the strange man said.

    The style used in The Deliverer is an interesting way of capturing history in fiction. Set in the Ashanti Kingdom, read about how a handicapped boy grows up to become a hero and the deliverer of his people. High in suspense and a page turner.

    The Deliverer

  • A Song for Jamela

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    The summer holidays are here and all Jamela can think about is the Afro-Idols TV final. So, when she lands a job at Divine Braids hair salon, she can’t believe her eyes to see Afro-Idols celebrity, Miss Bambi Chaka Chaka, in the salon. But while Jamela’s idol dozes and Aunt Beauty designs her starry hairdo, a buzzy fly threatens to ruin everything. Can creative Jamela save the day?
  • God is Able

    God is Able track list:

    1. Lala Hee [New Song]  ft. Isaac Boadu(Abi Small)
    2. Ma Jie Oyi [I’ll Praise you]
    3. God Is Able  ft. Curtis Quarcoo, Luigi Maclean
    4. Franco Jam  ft. Musell Mensah
    5. Glorious in Majesty ft. Esther Godwyll
    6. No Rock like Our God
    7. Ma Jie Oyi (Live)
    8. None Like You
    9. Lala Hee Instrumental


    God is Able

  • The Mystery of the Haunted House

    This book was awarded a Burt Award for African Literature, Ghana 2010. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa.

    “He continued reading about the different methods of grafting, about how to cut and store and protect scions and what the best time for planting was. The light from the torch began to grow dim. Koku checked the time. It was almost midnight, he had been reading for almost two hours. He had to sleep now or he would never wake up on time in the morning for his lessons. He switched off his torch and turned unto his side still excited. He was dozing off when he heard a sound and sat up. He couldn’t exactly say what it was but heard it. He got out of bed and tiptoed down to the hall. A light glowed dimly from the family room. Was it TV? His parents forbade them from watching late night movies but occasionally he and Sena disobeyed them and sneaked downstairs anyway. But if it was TV how come there was no sound? He stuck his head round the wall. Sena was behind the computer, her fingers pecking at the keyboard quickly. What was she doing? And who was she chatting with?”

  • An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure

    An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure can best be described as the continuation of the book of The Acts of the Apostles in the Bible. It is a collection of over 60 powerful testimonies which demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The reader is sure to relate to more than one testimony shared in the book.

    It is an undeniable fact that this book was birthed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Kuukua Maurice Ankrah tells us stories from her childhood, her career and her intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. With each flip of the pages of this book, she makes you fall in love more and more with the third person of the God Head, the Holy Spirit. One is left in no doubt when reading the testimonies in An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure that the Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers just as He was in the days of Paul the Apostle.

    Delve in and have an awesome encounter.

  • The Right Stuff Comes In Black Too (Hardcover)

    The right stuff is a designation that was used originally to describe the early astronauts who pioneered space travel for the United States of America. They exhibited an extraordinary ability to perform in the challenging circumstances one finds in outer space.

    This term can be used to describe Blacks of Extraordinary achievements in Movies, Sports, Business and many fields including Technology. This is how we describe the achievements of Dr. Thomas Mensah, who has succeeded against incredible odds. Ebony Magazine calls him a genius in the October 2006 publication.

    He is the author of four books on Engineering Innovation and was awarded 7 US Patents in Fiber Optics in the short time frame of six years. He is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors USA.

    CBS Television News in America on February 25, 2017 Black History Month Program dedicated a special feature interview on him, titled Celebrating the Engineer Who Revolutionized the Internet. This segment was televised worldwide.

    His Innovations have impacted many fields of Engineering, including the Military and Defense, the Environment, Theme Parks, Nanotechnology and the Internet Platform. From Fiber Optics Development to cutting-edge research in Nanotechnology, Dr. Mensah is a Modern day thought leader, a Technology Innovator and one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st Century. He truly embodies the description of the Right Stuff Comes in Black Too.

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