The Wanderer’s Poems


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This is an Anthology of twenty- five Poems

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Weight 0.150 kg

Paperback, Hardback

Year Published




Author Picture

Daniel Owusu-Koranteng

Daniel Owusu-Koranteng is a Trade Unionist/Industrial Relations Practitioner, An Agriculturist, Human Resource Development Specialist, a Professional Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) Practitioner, a Professional Paralegal, Poet, Mining Activist/Environmentalist and a Writer.
He has Championed many community struggles against multinational mining companies and held them accountable to responsible mining principles through his work in Wacam which he founded with his wife Hannah to protect the environment, community livelihood and national interest. Daniel Owusu-Koranteng is a Futurist who believes that the resources of our nation should be used to build a strong foundation of prosperity for today and future generations of our nation and that "the future" should feature prominently in our planning process. He started writing at an early age of 16 years when he wrote poems and contributed articles to the Newsletter of his alma matter, Nkawkaw Secondary School.
He is an accomplished Writer with about forty(40) published articles to his credit. He co-authored two published books, "Training Manual for Advocacy in Mining Communities" and "The Right to Decide: Free Prior and Informed Consent in Ghana". He has made tremendous contributions to the empowerment of workers and vulnerable communities.

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