Asana: A Play in Three Acts


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A Portuguese slave ship leaves the Elmina Castle with hundreds of African slaves bound for the Americas, but one slave girl is left behind. A traumatic story of Asana and her new environment extol the attributes of the tradition and culture of the people of Edina, both of the spiritual and the mundane. The impact of the slave trade on all concerned is told with anger, love and even humour. In spite of her ordeal, Asana, like the people of Edina, remains strong like the anthill. The Elmina Castle features in a documentary film made by Bill Marshall on Nana Yaa Asantewaa, the legendary queen mother of Ejisu in Ashanti, who was captured by the British colonial masters, who exiled her to Seychelles where she died. This play comes after a four year drought in any artistic work by the author.

Suitable for JHS students and children between 12 and 15 years.

GHS10 to deliver within Accra and Tema. Delivery outside the Accra/Tema for GHS20.

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Weight 0.120 kg

Bill Marshall

BILL MARSHALL is the recipient of several awards, both at home and abroad, for his creative pursuits both as a writer and a producer.
After his studies in the UK, he joined the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation-Television as a producer. From GBC-TV he joined Lintas Ghana for four years before establishing Studio Africain, of which he was the Managing Director.
He was appointed Director of the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), a post he held for twelve years before retiring.

Bill Marshall is a fellow of the Ghana Association of Writers (GAW) and the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA). Over the decades, his writings have been wide and diverse spanning film and television, radio, the press and books.

His published works include three plays: Shadow of an Eagle. Stranger to Innocence and The Son of Umbele and Bukom, a novel.

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