A Place of Beautiful Nonsense


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The Imported Ghanaian, after much hair tearing out, bashing her head against the cultural walls that keep shifting, got with the plan and figured out the survivors guide for those who want to stay. Not for the faint hearted, as usual she does it with much humour and a dab of acid.

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 5.2 × 0.7 × 8.2 cm
Published Year


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Author Picture

Alba Kunadu Sumprim

Alba Kunadu Sumprim was born in London. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and regularly flips through, with a wry smile, the stacks of notebooks that contain what can only be described as the melodrama of her teenage years. She graduated from the Cuban film school and earns her living writing screenplays, television programmes and a weekly social commentary column in The Daily Dispatch newspaper. She lives in Accra, where she is regularly accused of being Senegalese, Malian, Ivorian, Liberian or Zimbabwean, in fact, any other nationality but Ghanaian. She is adamant that she is just as Ghanaian as any other . . . though imported.

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