• The Theological Task of the Church in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #1)

    ‘How shall we, African evangelicals, recapture the initiative? This, to my mind, should be the most important question we ask ourselves when we plan a theological strategy. Such a strategy should be characterized with two words: Positive theology. Evangelicals need to develop a positive theology for Africa. For too long, we have been on a defensive! For too long, we have been content to criticize! For too long, our theology has been a reactionary theology!’

    In this new edition, the author has revised the first three chapters and replaced the fourth. He surveys the theological scene in Africa, highlights some of the main issues, and suggests some steps forward.

  • Guidelines for Christian Theology in Africa (Theological Perspectives in Africa #5)

    Professor Imasogie argues that the lack of total commitment of the average African Christian to Christ is due to the lack of “fit” between Christian Theological and African life. This is, in turn, due to the failure of Western orthodox theologians to take Africa world views into consideration in their theological formulations. If Christian theology is to be relevant for the African, his world view and self- understanding must be taken into serious account.

  • Enduring Our Enemies With God

    Enduring your enemies is a godly necessity. No one prays to have enemies, but it is what it is, believe it or not. Accepting that truth, as part of the ingredients of living, guarantees you a stress-free life than expecting to be loved by all.

    It is not wrong to wish everyone loves you. However, it has never and would never be possible to experience such on this earth. Therefore, it is very important to have a mental filter to filter what words and actions you need and need not to consume.

    Hence, your mind and body engine are constantly in need of filters for mental protection to avoid mental break down. Stay filtered, to stay safe. The more reason why you need to continuously pray for this endurance spirit from God is that, we do not have permanent enemies, whether you are on the good side or the bad side. Our attitudes, no matter which side we are, keeps recruiting new enemies, both known and disguised ones.

    This particular writing is pinned on the righteous having to endure his or her enemies and to fulfil the promise of God to him or her.

  • Passionate Monogamy

    Marriage is becoming a temporary relationship with people taking precautionary measures before marriage to safeguard their individuality. It is no longer a lifelong commitment of unity. To talk about passionate monogamy seems to be out of this world.

    Stephen and Georgina, however, have good news for the faithfully married: Romantic love can characterize and indeed should be part of Christian marriage for life. Their twenty five years of loving relationship have led then to the conclusion that sexual intimacy is an art to be learned by Christian couples and the result is “lifelong honeymoon”.

  • The Joy of Human Love

    When one considers the pain and inhumanity inflicted on people in society it seems out of this world to talk about love. In this small book, Mrs. Adei elaborated on the content of love and shows practical ways of making total love the cornestone of marriage. In doing so she uses simple and direct language to communicate a positive and revolutionary message: The Joy of Human Love.

    Georgina has given us a simple readable handbook on love, friendship and romance for every married couple. While focusing on Christian marriage, the principles exposed in the book are universally applicable. The strength of the book lies in the fact that these are tested principles in her 24 years of marriage.

  • What It Means to Be as Wise as a Serpent

    Jesus said: Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Are serpents really wise? Why would Jesus give such advice? Take a journey with this riveting book by Dag Heward-Mills, and discover the hidden wisdom of the serpent.

  • The Last Secret of Prayer: Learn How to Pray and Receive Instant Answers

    This book is a product of revelation knowledge from the Lord, in conjunction with personal experiences as a prophet in the work of ministry. The motivation to write this book came from the compassion for humanity and enthusiasm to help Christians who pray so much with little or no result to show for it: knowing how frustrating it can be to pray without getting one’s desired results.

    As Christians, we are expected to pray without ceasing, yet we have to do it the right way. The Last Secret of Prayer is a practical guide to getting answers when we pray, a handy approach to simple prophetic acts that can accompany the one’s prayers; it is loaded with secret knowledge about the spirit realm, the Angels of God and ordinances of dominion.

    The knowledge in this book will indeed renew your fire and deepen your personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Restless: Passion That Makes a Difference

    RESTLESS brings us close to a man called Esau, who right from birth, was destined to live a life of slavery and servitude. Do you know that his story changed and he ended up living a life of wealth, dominion and prosperity? This book explores the X-factor responsible for this transformation. Through the Life of Esau and other bible characters, this book shows us how we can arm ourselves with this all-important virtue and move from a place of nonchalance and bondage to a place of purpose and freedom. We discover how we can practically triumph over odds that have frustrated the passions of others and make a real difference in our lives and in the lives of others.

  • Siddhartha: An Indian Tale

    This is the spiritual journey of a boy who follows his heart and goes through various lives to finally understand what it means to be enlightened. He experiences life as a pious brahmin, a Samana, a rich merchant, a lover, and an ordinary ferryman, to a father. Nether a practitioner nor a devotee, Siddhartha comes to blend in with the world, resonating with the rhythms of nature, bending the reader’s ear down to hear answers from the river…

    Siddhartha: An Indian Tale

  • Everyday Doses Of Rhema 2021

    Age Range: 6 – 19 years

    The Bible enjoins us to “Train up a child in the way he[she] should go; and when he[she] is old, he[she] will never depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

    Everyday Doses of Rhema is a children and youth centred devotional. It is an annual devotional which aims to educate children on God’s word, to have a daily walk with God. It summarises various books of the Bible Chronologically and explains them in easy to understand language, for Christian children and young people, to understand how God’s word applies to their everyday lives.

  • The Secrets of Romance: Ingredients of Love – Chemistry Alert

    Well, the Secrets of Romance aims to restore life and passion for marriage and relationships which are failing or floundering. It’s a book that reminds and helps you, to see that, it’s alright to be yourself; feel comfortable and safe in the arms of your sexual partner. The Secret of Romance guides readers on how to update their sexual fantasies. This book is more than just a guidebook for standard lovers and dating partners. The Secrets of Romance will arouse your thinking into intimacy. It is also a powerful and profound treasury of Wisdom.

    The Secrets of Romance is deep, unique and ultimately beneficial for all relationships. It helps better your understanding and awareness of romance and related matters. This book will surely turn you on, to seek romance and love in the right order.

  • Shadows of a Gracious Woman

    Shadows of a Gracious Woman – she is the woman we should all aspire to be, she is spiritual, resilient, patient, prayerful and strong. This book shows you how to draw closer to God as you wait and seek the face of God in trying moments preceeding expecting the fruit of the womb.

    It provides thought provoking questions, reflective studies and personal experiences which will enrich your life as you fervently wait on your expected miracle. I have carefully described who this Gracious woman is to me and the great steps she took in reaching the desired goal in her life.

    As you grab this book and read, I want every woman and couples believing God for any  miracle or for the fruit of the womb to be well informed and position themselves for a life changing experience and victorious living.

  • The Christian Life in a Postmodernist World (Hardcover)

    In times of postmodernism and the rise of secular humanism that tend to taint and mask the Christian faith; there is an urgent need to unveil and clarify the faith of Christians. This book exposes the content of the Christian faith in today’s context from Christian traditional heritage and history in a trinitarian manner and as taught by the scriptures. It is a timely resource for Church and the Christian’s empowerment.

  • How to Overcome Temptation

    Everyone faces temptation at one time or another in their lives. A temptation is a desire or strong feeling to do something evil or sinful. God does not tempt anyone. Instead, temptations are initiated by Satan and we end up surrendering because of our evil desires.

    How To Overcome Temptation describes how temptations come and how we can overcome them in order to live victorious Christian lives.


  • How to be Born Again

    How to be Born Again is about Eternal Life and how to attain it. It is about how the Lord Jesus can free anyone from a life of sin and give them the gift of Salvation. Being born again or saved is not about doing good deeds, attending church, or engaging in frantic religious activity. It’s about a relationship with the Saviour.

    Anyone who is lost and looking for hope in life can, through the pages of this simple booklet, go through a step-by-step process that will help him or her to find Christ and enjoy the benefits of Salvation.

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