• Talent & Purpose Maximization

    Each individual possesses unique talents and a distinct purpose. Success doesn’t demand genius; it requires the discovery and pursuit of your inherent abilities and life purpose. This book presents a systematic approach to identifying your talents and purpose, guiding you on how to maximize them. Drawing inspiration from numerous historical figures who successfully maximized their talents and fulfilled their purpose, the book provides compelling examples. Moreover, it outlines a clear pathway for making career choices that lead to life satisfaction.

  • I Love You Adjoa: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.

  • I Love You Afua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Akua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kwesi: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kweku: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 4 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume II)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume I)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • The Heart of God’s Music

    The Heart of God’s Music is a well-researched and inspirational book on music that touches God’s heart. The author summarizes this exciting and engaging work in the following words: “As I continue towards my destination and expected end my desire is that God will be pleased and blessed by the sound of continuous music being offered in His name and for His glory on earth. God’s music ministry is a high calling which is founded on and ought to be saturated with Biblical truth, a sound blend of doxology and theology.”

    It is our prayer that God will bless those who read this book and draw them to Himself in intimacy.

  • I Love You: Understanding the Concept of Love

    Love is the most potent force in the world. It has the capacity to overcome darkness and evil. It even has the power to diffuse tension, to dispel hatred and to quench the fiery darts of anger. Love can bring to your doorstep what faith cannot bring even though it is driven or fueled by faith. It is fueled by faith because you cannot walk in love without faith. Faith gives you a reason to love even when the circumstances do not make it favourable to love. Love is a weapon that can win any battle if it is properly wielded. Regardless of the power love has to stabilize our lives and our world, many people have turned away from the ways of love.

    Love is hardly and rarely practiced even in the Christian community in recent times. The unfortunate truth is that we do not love anymore. We have become self-centered and most of the things we do are aimed at benefitting us rather than the people around us. We think about what we would gain before we do anything for anyone. If the outcome will not be beneficial to us, we refuse to do for others what they request of us. Although there are instances where people support each other sacrificially, most of our good deeds are motivated by selfish interest.

  • Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Your purpose is your unique identification in life. You are defined by your purpose and not your career or social status. The essence of your life is embedded in your purpose. Your career is not your purpose and it does not define your purpose either. Your purpose is rather supposed to define your career. Your career is  supposed to be the means through which you will be able to fulfill your purpose. Your career must reflect your purpose and you ought to use it to fulfill your purpose in life.

    Your career path must be influenced by your purpose in life and so therefore, the discovery of your purpose is essential. Being a doctor, or a pastor, or a teacher, or any other profession is not one’s purpose but a vocation. Whatever field of work you find yourself, you must identify and understand how that will help you to fulfill your purpose. The fulfillment of your purpose is principal and you cannot overlook it. Failure to discover in order to fulfill your purpose means you have failed in life regardless of how prosperous you may be.

  • It’s Time To See Again

    This is a book for people who desire to walk in discernment according to the word of God. It’s for people who are tired of living in a fool’s paradise and being deceived by the people they love and trust. This book tries to draw attention to the importance of seeking and discovering God’s truth for yourself in order to overcome self-deception and other forms of deception in various areas of your life.

  • Chosen For A Purpose

    This is a book specially written for people who are at a crossroads in life yet still struggling to identify or understand their purpose in life. It is written for those who have suffered so many setbacks and tough times that they may silently be questioning how God could possibly have a good plan for them in the midst of their challenges. This book is for those who know or sense that they have been destined to carry out a unique assignment for their families, societies, or even the world.

  • Simple Reasons To Say Thank You

    If we knew what a grateful heart does for us and the people around us, we will be more inclined to adopt a lifestyle of gratitude. Unfortunately, the expression of gratitude as a courtesy is often taken for granted even without meaning to do so. This book is intended to awaken in the reader’s mind the importance of demonstrating and expressing gratitude in a relevant manner. It provides practical examples of why and where gratitude needs to be expressed, and the opportunities we miss out on when we fail to appreciate what is given to us or done for us.

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