• Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life

    You are unique! You are different and you were created with a specific purpose in mind. In fact, you were created to make impact on earth in your own way. Lying deep within our being is the capacity to touch the lives of others and make valuable contribution to the kingdom of God and the world.

    In this latest book, titled, Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life, bestselling author Vera Metzler-Hinson provides the roadmap on how we impact our generation with our sense of uniqueness.

    Discover in this new book, three inspiring chapters: Interestingly Different and Specifically Similar’’, ‘The spotlight of our Years’, and ‘Balance is a necessity in this VUCA World’.

    Whether you are young or old, this new book will revive your sense of purpose and enable you to make the kind of impact God ordained you for.

  • Called Out of My Country

    Based on biblical principles and on the author’s own professional experiences, Called Out Of My Country is a thoughtfully curated work that challenges the human spirit. Analyzing the lack of achievement at various levels, this must-read provides both the inspiration and guidance to the successful life. The book links the family, the workplace as well as the nation to scriptural scenarios in seamless analogies that can only come from a pragmatist. The amazing feat is that very few are able to deliberate the development question from the perspectives of Kofi Agyarko-Kwarteng. This certainly is for God and for country.

    The Biblical truths interspersed with stories of life experiences around the world are engaging. You will not regret reading it. Actually, you will be thankful you did. – Baafuor Ohene Abankwa

    The depth and practical wisdom, laced with personal experiences and Biblical truths, historic and contemporary examples combine to make this work both informative and transformational. – Augustine Owusu-Asare

    Ingenious and original, this remarkable debut is so well written it will stay with you forever. – Ivy Deh

    This is a blueprint for the man and woman who want a full and rewarding relationship with the Lord. – Mrs. Akweley Laryea

  • Spiritual Corruption

    In this book Bishop Albert Luguterah takes us through the subtle world of spiritual corruption, its effects, consequences on the individual and the body of Christ as well as how to escape it.

    Bishop Charles Agyin- Asare, founder and Presiding Bishop of the Perez Chapel International worldwide, captures the very core of the book so well describing it as one “written with the acumen of a skilled spiritual diagnostician” , and one which ” exposes symptoms of varying degrees of spiritual corruption”.

    The scriptures admonish “Let everyman examine himself whether ye be in the faith”. For the saint that seeks such an honest self-examination to keep on track with the Master’s will and purpose, this book is definitely going to be “a scriptural thermometer to measure, and give a clear reading of the spiritual temperature of your Christian faith and love for God, in the midst of a corrupt and perverted generation”.

    Reading through this book, you will be able to come to a clear diagnosis of the state of your walk with God and also find the biblical solutions to stay on track with God.

  • Reaching Your Expected End

    There is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off.

    Proverb 23:18 (indicate which Bible version)

    This is a well explained piece of content that looks at the causes of the downfall of man, how the evil one destroys mankind from getting to their desired destination and how man can be made whole again.

    In this book, Chris Quinston-Addo states how God has always had mankind on His heart even after the fall

     Reaching Your Expected End is good for everyone regardless of their background or religion




  • The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration

    Repentance and forgiveness are essential in facilitating an unconditional reconciliation. These primary ingredients hold better options to unearthing opportunities in dealing with conflicts, hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness. “I am sorry” and “I forgive you” are but two gentle phrases to express our humility, soberness, and willingness to forgive each other. Each phrase contains the same number of words: three rather simple but powerful words that can transform and sustain every relationship.
    “The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration” asserts that humanity must crave repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation in dealing with conflicts that are plaguing our communities and relationships. The book underscores that there is “power, benefit, and joy” in forgiveness.

  • Dating and Satisfied

    Written from the deepest parts of their hearts, Dating and Satisfied (the second of the Waiting and Gaining series) captures the story of how Alex and Gloria’s great friendship metamorphosed into a beautiful love story in the midst of long distance. Each chapter captures a part of their story while extrapolating great principles in the process. This book will expose the reader to truthful, realistic, relevant and practical ideas. It is primarily intended for the single- closed up, ready to mingle, dating or engaged- Christian. Nonetheless, it has a lot to offer any other person too.

  • Becoming All Things to All Men – Living as God’s Ambassador at All Times

    In this book, the author uses various episodes in his life as a basis of pointing young people to useful lessons of life interlaced to offer the reader an exciting prose. He uses sixty-eight (68) episodes carefully interwoven in fifteen (15) chapters to draw critical lessons for the reader.

    As they read this book, readers will be encouraged and challenged to take the necessary steps to enable them discover their purpose in this life. He uses vivid examples to strongly drive home various lessons he seeks to draw the attention of readers to enable them to rise above the storms of life. It is these that will help them pursue life in a manner that will enable them to leave an indelible mark in the sands of time. It is this that will give God the glory.

    In the end, the author alludes to the fact that even though giving the world the best one has, may never be enough, it is still important to give the world the best one has anyway. The book concludes giving the reader thought-provoking issues to ponder about the real essence of life!

  • Asempa Hymns: Children’s Edition (Hardcover)

    Asempa is the Twi word meaning “Good News”. Here is an English language hymn book with a difference. It not only includes 200 of the most popular British, German and American hymns, but it also brings together a similar number of compositions from Africa, Asia, and the rest of the world.

    Produced in Ghana, Asempa Hymns contains some 90 items from that country including 28 “Ghana spirituals” traditionally sung by the Pentecostals but now gaining popularity in all churches. In many of these, there is a distinctive Ghanaian flavour, which this book and the companion music collection Ghana Praise make available for the first time to Christians in other lands.

    The Western tradition of hymnody has served Africa well for many years, but the rich traditions of other countries have failed to spread, held up by barriers of language, denomination and communication. The appearance of Asempa Hymns, with its wide choice of hymns, from nearly all the continents, will help brothers and sisters in Christ in many lands to realise a new fellowship in song and will shorten the distances that divide us.

  • The Altar

    Understanding that altars have the power to speak in our lives gives believers the will to fight and remain firm in our walk with God. It is interesting to know that aside from altars that destroy destinies, the Bible highlights some good altars that were raised by men to activate and maintain covenants between themselves and God. This book highlights the power of altars and the need to build holy altars as Christians.

    The Altar

  • What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

    This book is a real eye-opener for both Christians and non-Christians. It has lots of examples and instances from both the Bible and daily life matters. Throughout the book, Mrs. Doris Aidoo calls on all to serve God with their whole heart. It’s also a clarion call for all Christians to take life seriously. As you read through each chapter, you will be enlightened and encouraged to always reach out and help someone.
    Today, it is very common to hear all sorts of sarcastic criticisms or jokes made about the Church and by extension, Christians.
    I believe a walk through some of the topics outlined in this anointed book will prove helpful for all who read it. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
    Whatever God determines to do, either in heaven or on this planet earth, must come to pass. He is in perfect control of everything going on in the earth and in heaven (Matthew 19:26 – 27).
    Everything was spoken into existence, giving credence to the magnificence of the power of God who holds the whole world in His hands.
    I believe the impossibilities of men are possibilities with God. In the earthly realm, God uses human beings to execute projects that are beneficial to men. Ordinarily, men cannot execute any work requiring the unction of the Spirit to fulfill, but when empowered by God, they can do exploits. Elijah was an ordinary man like us, but because of God’s anointing on him, he performed many humanly impossible things.
    The reason why “what God can not do doesn’t exist” is that there is no situation, no matter how hopeless or irredeemable it seems, that God can’t change for the better. The only things God can’t do…is to lie or break His promise, because He is a covenant-keeping God…He can’t deny Himself.
    This is the basis upon which this book is written.

  • Dare to Be Different

    Fornication typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between individuals who are not legally married. In 2 Timothy 2:22, the Bible advises, “Flee also youthful lust, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

    This book offers valuable tips and insights on how to maintain purity and avoid fornication. It provides practical guidance for those already involved in such behavior, offering a pathway to overcome it. Tailored to real-life situations, this book is highly recommended for young individuals in Junior High School, Senior High School, and universities, as well as for those who are unmarried. The content is equally relevant and beneficial for married individuals seeking to uphold purity and values in their relationships.


  • Talent & Purpose Maximization

    Each individual possesses unique talents and a distinct purpose. Success doesn’t demand genius; it requires the discovery and pursuit of your inherent abilities and life purpose. This book presents a systematic approach to identifying your talents and purpose, guiding you on how to maximize them. Drawing inspiration from numerous historical figures who successfully maximized their talents and fulfilled their purpose, the book provides compelling examples. Moreover, it outlines a clear pathway for making career choices that lead to life satisfaction.

  • The Coming of the Antichrist

    When Jesus talked about the end time times, it was not to scare the believers but to let  us be aware of what the future holds for both Christians and non Christians.In fact Jesus described how the End times as “ end of age”, which is a message of hope rather than what people as a time of doom. Jesus wanted Christianity to know that, a new era was going to come which of course will be far better than this current position. We shall be with him and reign with him, that is to say where he will be there  (Heaven).There will be no more pain,grief,sicknesses,hunger,death etc. You can just imagine

  • The Soon Coming King

    In the history, there has never been one quite as He. He Lived a simple life and yet impacted his world and generations unborn in a way that has never been!
    He was many things while he’s walked the earth-healer, saviour, miracle worker, even a carpenter. HE IS JESUS-THE SOON COMING KING.

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