• Signature: A Blueprint of Integrity at the Marketplace

    Integrity should be a hallmark of every Christian. As Daniel kept his promise to never worship any other god than the Almighty, irrespective of the consequences, we must stand up to what is right and not just conform to the status quo. The marketplace – corporate environment, church, school, vicinity, etc present the greatest of life`s challenges especially when one decides to stand up to the right things of life. The author uses various characters and details how they lived lives of integrity in the face of extremely difficult circumstances and how those actions conform to our modern times.

  • Breaking the Seals of Poverty

    The aim of the book is to enlighten believers on the God-life designed by God for us, His children, which is one without poverty (Life in Eden). As such, it is an error for a Christian to walk in poverty. This book will provide you with seven seals of poverty that must be broken from our lives to secure our walk-in prosperity. Most of the time, when “poverty” is heard, many have their attention drawn to poor finances, but it is just an aspect of it. Lack of finances is not the only symptom of poverty, but also bad health, poor academics, unsuccessful marriage, deficient ministry, fruitlessness, and poor relationship with God are all manifestations of poverty.

     It is my prayer that as you flip through the pages and chapters of this book, the Holy Spirit will edify you by granting you a sense of understanding in order to equip you with the right knowledge and skills espoused in this book to deliver you from poverty.

  • In Pursuit Of Purpose

    The scripture is very articulate and clear about who God is not. He is not the Author of confusion. That means chaos, confusing and disorderliness do not emanate from God. You can conclude by saying that they come from the devil and you may be right. However, there is some truth beyond the fact that the devil is rather the author of confusion.

    Life without a sense of purpose will definitely lead to confusion and chaos without the involvement of the devil. So one way of eliminating confusion from our midst is to be purposeful. God is able to deal with confusion by being purposeful. One key thing about God is that, He is the God of decency, order and purpose. His sense of purpose is what enables Him to completely eliminate confusion from His dealings.

  • The Well of Life: Finding the Extraordinary in an Ordinary Person

    Let’s walk with Photini, as she defies her stigma and painful past to embark on a journey of  self-discovery, hope and healing. In The Well of Life, Photini becomes a symbol through whom the author speaks to the issue of society’s labels on single middle-aged women who are simply trying to make the most of her life in spite of their personal challenges and disappointments. It portrays the story of the Biblical Samaritan woman by bringing her character and her daily reality to life in our hearts and in our minds. The author tries to send the message to women with a history of broken relationships that there is hope and healing available in the midst of their personal crises.

  • Reaching The Unreached: The CMRF Model

    Ever wondered how you can use your talents and skills as tools for outreach and make an impact as a Christian professional wherever you find yourself? This book, Reaching the Unreached: The CMRF Model may be an answer to your cry.

    This book is a reflection on the work of a community of people who were sold out for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. They were ordinary men and women who received a commission to undertake an extraordinary task using the basic tools they had acquired. Primarily, they used the medical tool and evangelism as means of reaching out to the poor and marginalized in some communities in Ghana and other parts of the world.

    The Model presented in this book is time tested and born out of years of practical Christian medical evangelistic work. We believe you will be blessed and energized to evangelize and win souls for Christ as you read.

  • Emotional Integrity: A Pastoral Approach

    In an age of emotional plurality, how does a Christian approach the subject of emotions? How do we develop, exhibit and maintain emotional integrity in an emotionally diverse and charged environment? Have we neglected this all-important area of our humanity while focusing time and resources enhancing our mental capacities, at the expense of our emotions?

    Emotions play vital part in the service we render on earth. Emotions have far reaching implications on us than we can ever imagine. Many have suffered variously in the home, church, community and nations because of emotional immaturity.

    This book focuses on how one may develop emotional wholeness. It presents the biblical understanding of the nature of humanity, focusing on the emotional aspect. It postulates that through Christ Jesus constructive and destructive emotions unite to fulfil the purpose of God.

  • The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration

    Repentance and forgiveness are essential in facilitating an unconditional reconciliation. These primary ingredients hold better options to unearthing opportunities in dealing with conflicts, hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness. “I am sorry” and “I forgive you” are but two gentle phrases to express our humility, soberness, and willingness to forgive each other. Each phrase contains the same number of words: three rather simple but powerful words that can transform and sustain every relationship.
    “The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration” asserts that humanity must crave repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation in dealing with conflicts that are plaguing our communities and relationships. The book underscores that there is “power, benefit, and joy” in forgiveness.

  • LIVING BEYOND TODAY – Living Principles For Success Tomorrow

    Living Beyond Today is the result of a decade of research and personal experiences. In this book, Ato Sarpong charts a compelling path to your desired destination and freedom. He shares insights that help readers understand that respect for the future is demonstrated by a healthy insensitivity to the past.

    Readers will learn that life is the result of choices: to pursue your dream and achieve success, you need to be courageous, you must overcome fear, and you must face the future with enthusiasm. Through this book, Ato teaches that decisions shape destiny. To be an achiever, you have to be short in words, deep in thought, and heavy in action. This book is not about theories. Apart from writing about his personal successes, Ato has written about his mistakes and failures, and how he overcame them.

    Inspired by his audiences, and writing in simple language for all readers, Ato offers insight into a well-researched and well crafted solution to success.

    Living Beyond Today is packaged in three parts:

    • The six empowerment principles that impact behaviour and action
    • The five enablers of life that influence thought, focus and direction
    • The seven enrichment laws that drive results and shape destiny.

    This is an inspirational book full of stories and practical steps that should challenge readers to reconsider their current state and make a start on the journey to wealth, happiness and joy.

  • What every Christian should know about the Rapture

    The most spectacular event of all time is yet to hit the world. On that day, Jesus Christ shall appear in the sky, tombs and graves shall split open in response to His voice. On that day, those who have believed in Jesus Christ, shall be changed and be snatched from the earth. All these shall happen in the event called the Rapture. Get deeper understanding of the biblical teaching on the rapture and get yourself ready for the appearing of Jesus Christ

  • The Resurrection: The Myths, the Mystery and the Truth

    The evidence is compelling and indisputable. It is indeed the most fantastic fact of history. Its effects are far reaching for Christians, non-Christians and the whole of creation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ sets Christianity apart from all the other religions of the world. It is the seal and headstone of the great work of redemption, which Jesus came to accomplish.

    In this book, you will find answers to the many questions surrounding the reality of a life beyond the grave, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of believers in the last day. This book will also challenge you to look forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Reaching Your Expected End

    There is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off.

    Proverb 23:18 (indicate which Bible version)

    This is a well explained piece of content that looks at the causes of the downfall of man, how the evil one destroys mankind from getting to their desired destination and how man can be made whole again.

    In this book, Chris Quinston-Addo states how God has always had mankind on His heart even after the fall

     Reaching Your Expected End is good for everyone regardless of their background or religion




  • Passionate Monogamy

    Marriage is becoming a temporary relationship with people taking precautionary measures before marriage to safeguard their individuality. It is no longer a lifelong commitment of unity. To talk about passionate monogamy seems to be out of this world.

    Stephen and Georgina, however, have good news for the faithfully married: Romantic love can characterize and indeed should be part of Christian marriage for life. Their twenty five years of loving relationship have led then to the conclusion that sexual intimacy is an art to be learned by Christian couples and the result is “lifelong honeymoon”.

  • The Joy of Human Love

    When one considers the pain and inhumanity inflicted on people in society it seems out of this world to talk about love. In this small book, Mrs. Adei elaborated on the content of love and shows practical ways of making total love the cornestone of marriage. In doing so she uses simple and direct language to communicate a positive and revolutionary message: The Joy of Human Love.

    Georgina has given us a simple readable handbook on love, friendship and romance for every married couple. While focusing on Christian marriage, the principles exposed in the book are universally applicable. The strength of the book lies in the fact that these are tested principles in her 24 years of marriage.

  • What It Means to Be as Wise as a Serpent

    Jesus said: Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Are serpents really wise? Why would Jesus give such advice? Take a journey with this riveting book by Dag Heward-Mills, and discover the hidden wisdom of the serpent.

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