• Breaking the Seals of Poverty

    The aim of the book is to enlighten believers on the God-life designed by God for us, His children, which is one without poverty (Life in Eden). As such, it is an error for a Christian to walk in poverty. This book will provide you with seven seals of poverty that must be broken from our lives to secure our walk-in prosperity. Most of the time, when “poverty” is heard, many have their attention drawn to poor finances, but it is just an aspect of it. Lack of finances is not the only symptom of poverty, but also bad health, poor academics, unsuccessful marriage, deficient ministry, fruitlessness, and poor relationship with God are all manifestations of poverty.

     It is my prayer that as you flip through the pages and chapters of this book, the Holy Spirit will edify you by granting you a sense of understanding in order to equip you with the right knowledge and skills espoused in this book to deliver you from poverty.

  • In Pursuit Of Purpose

    The scripture is very articulate and clear about who God is not. He is not the Author of confusion. That means chaos, confusing and disorderliness do not emanate from God. You can conclude by saying that they come from the devil and you may be right. However, there is some truth beyond the fact that the devil is rather the author of confusion.

    Life without a sense of purpose will definitely lead to confusion and chaos without the involvement of the devil. So one way of eliminating confusion from our midst is to be purposeful. God is able to deal with confusion by being purposeful. One key thing about God is that, He is the God of decency, order and purpose. His sense of purpose is what enables Him to completely eliminate confusion from His dealings.

  • Fulfilling Your Purpose

    Your purpose is your unique identification in life. You are defined by your purpose and not your career or social status. The essence of your life is embedded in your purpose. Your career is not your purpose and it does not define your purpose either. Your purpose is rather supposed to define your career. Your career is  supposed to be the means through which you will be able to fulfill your purpose. Your career must reflect your purpose and you ought to use it to fulfill your purpose in life.

    Your career path must be influenced by your purpose in life and so therefore, the discovery of your purpose is essential. Being a doctor, or a pastor, or a teacher, or any other profession is not one’s purpose but a vocation. Whatever field of work you find yourself, you must identify and understand how that will help you to fulfill your purpose. The fulfillment of your purpose is principal and you cannot overlook it. Failure to discover in order to fulfill your purpose means you have failed in life regardless of how prosperous you may be.

  • The Well of Life: Finding the Extraordinary in an Ordinary Person

    Let’s walk with Photini, as she defies her stigma and painful past to embark on a journey of  self-discovery, hope and healing. In The Well of Life, Photini becomes a symbol through whom the author speaks to the issue of society’s labels on single middle-aged women who are simply trying to make the most of her life in spite of their personal challenges and disappointments. It portrays the story of the Biblical Samaritan woman by bringing her character and her daily reality to life in our hearts and in our minds. The author tries to send the message to women with a history of broken relationships that there is hope and healing available in the midst of their personal crises.

  • The Methodist Children’s Hymnal (Hardcover)

    The printing of the Children’s Hymnal became necessary when the Church saw that our children and the young people were more in tune with the singing of the choruses than the Methodist Hymns. As a result, the Christian Education Division was mandated by the Board of Ministries to select some of the hymns which could be conveniently sung by the children. The publication was to be handy and attractive for the children.

    Moreover, it was meant for the children to appreciate and know the worship setting and culture of the Methodist Church, so that they could grow with it. The Church also realised that unlike the olden days where hymns were taught in schools, there was the need to print the hymns in smaller booklets to assist worship in our Methodist Schools.

    It is the hope that the children would be inspired by this hymnal, and their faith will increase and be strengthened in God as they sing and memorise the lines of the stanzas. The hymns, we believe, will enable them to draw close to God and to relate well with other people.

  • Christian Asɔr Ndwom Fofor: Ghana Methodist Asafo (Hardcover)

    Contains all the hymns as found in the Christian Asɔr Ndwom as used by the Methodist Church of Ghana.

  • Methodist Hymn Book – Normal Edition (Wine or White Covers, Hardcover)

    Methodist Hymn Book – Normal Edition (Wine or White Covers)

  • Methodist Hymn Book – Pocket (Black or White Covers, Hardcover)

    Methodist Hymn Book – Pocket (Black or White)

  • Methodist Hymn Book with Tunes – Stave Notation (Hardcover)

    First published in 1933, this contains the hymns in the Methodist Hymn books accompanied by their staff notations. It also includes tunes for the Canticles, Psalms and other Bible passages included the Beatitudes. It is a useful resource for church choirs and all music lovers.

  • Creating Wealth and Enjoying it

    Having worked in the financial sector for quite a while, I have seen and noticed the lifestyle changes in different categories of people.
    I have observed with great admiration some groups of people who in their old age and during their retirement maintain a dignified standard of living, all things being equal.
    I have also come across another category of people who have struggled financially after retirement with a deteriorated standard of living, under normal circumstances.
     I have been particularly perturbed about the affluent lifestyles of some people who have had negative financial changes during the latter part of their lives and have thought that if perhaps,  they had  information and understanding of some truths about  Financial  Planning and Wealth Creation, it would have made some difference in their lives.
    This book “How to Create Wealth and Enjoy it” is aimed at creating awareness and providing information on how one can plan and do simple things which will make a difference in their finances later on in life. I believe the information in this book will be beneficial to anyone who reads it especially those who earn salary.
  • Cooking Jollof with Jesus: Interacting with God (2nd Edition)

    Cooking Jollof with Jesus is targeted at every Christian who wants to stir up his or her relationship with God and anyone who is ready to begin a walk with God. It is a reminder of how close God is to us, and how He wants us to talk to Him and hear from Him concerning everything.

    This edition consists of five chapters:

    • Cooking Jollof with Jesus
    • Voices
    • Drowning the Noise
    • Obeying God’s voice
    • Begin your experience with God

    The first chapter explains the jollof-cooking experience its relation to how God guides us in all we do. The chapter on Voices talks about the different voices that we hear; the chapter on Drowning the Noise talks about how we can sift the voices we hear and listen to God’s voice; the chapter on Obeying God’s voice is on how we can obey God and, finally, chapter five shows how one can begin his or her personal experience with God.

  • The Diary of a Missionary Wife

    In a time where Sacrifice is no longer a much talked about subject preached in Christian circles, the average believer is tempted to forget those who have left their comfort zones to go fulfill the Great Commission in foreign lands.

    This book was written to remind us that there are some workers in the body who have been forgotten and need to be strengthened. However, as a compilation of testimonies and personal experiences, the author seeks to exalt God and His miraculous involvement in the life of anyone who dedicates to serve Him and fulfill this mission calling.

    It will empower missionaries to continue believing and trusting a God who is ever present and it will remind believers of the forgotten ones.

  • Reaching The Unreached: The CMRF Model

    Ever wondered how you can use your talents and skills as tools for outreach and make an impact as a Christian professional wherever you find yourself? This book, Reaching the Unreached: The CMRF Model may be an answer to your cry.

    This book is a reflection on the work of a community of people who were sold out for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. They were ordinary men and women who received a commission to undertake an extraordinary task using the basic tools they had acquired. Primarily, they used the medical tool and evangelism as means of reaching out to the poor and marginalized in some communities in Ghana and other parts of the world.

    The Model presented in this book is time tested and born out of years of practical Christian medical evangelistic work. We believe you will be blessed and energized to evangelize and win souls for Christ as you read.

  • Emotional Integrity: A Pastoral Approach

    In an age of emotional plurality, how does a Christian approach the subject of emotions? How do we develop, exhibit and maintain emotional integrity in an emotionally diverse and charged environment? Have we neglected this all-important area of our humanity while focusing time and resources enhancing our mental capacities, at the expense of our emotions?

    Emotions play vital part in the service we render on earth. Emotions have far reaching implications on us than we can ever imagine. Many have suffered variously in the home, church, community and nations because of emotional immaturity.

    This book focuses on how one may develop emotional wholeness. It presents the biblical understanding of the nature of humanity, focusing on the emotional aspect. It postulates that through Christ Jesus constructive and destructive emotions unite to fulfil the purpose of God.

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