• One for the Road

    Wherever we’re going on this road of life, there is a thing or two about the journey’s twists and turns to be added to our storehouse of experiences.

    This book is full of wisdom, humour, surprises, and a wide variety of inspirational gems that inspire hope and encouragement.

  • Snakes and Ladders

    In Snakes and Ladders, bestselling authors and executive coaches, Albert and Comfort Ocran, highlight some of the most notable choices and experiences that bring us down on the game board of life and those that take us up. The retrogressive experiences are the snakes while the progressive ones are the ladders. The title is inspired by the popular ancient Indian board game called Snakes and Ladders.

    The authors deploy a variety of sporting, business, scriptural and socio-political illustrations to bring home some priceless life lessons. Within these pages, you will discover life’s most common snake as well the authors’ nomination for the longest snake of all. Readers will also discover 21 simple but compelling secrets of all great people.

  • Strength for the Journey: Inspirational Stories and Heart-warming Thoughts for Personal Reflection

    “Man shall not live by bread alone,” the Lord said, and it is true. Living by bread alone is detrimental to mankind’s quest for true satisfaction, and it’s never sufficient in providing all the strength we need for the journey of life.

    As we travel through this world, which is full of uncertainties and contradictions, we need every word of encouragement we can grasp – heart-warming words that provide hope in times of need. For a word in season nourishes the soul and warms the heart at every junction on our way to eternity.

    Strength for the Journey is full of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, inspirational stories, and a wide variety of personal experiences that will motivate and give you courage to journey on as we travel through this world.

  • Palm Tree Parables

    Palm Tree Parables is full of inspirational stories and heart-warming ideas showing how everyday events hold great lessons for our personal growth.

  • Washing Dirty Feet and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were Simon Peter, what would you do or say if your Master fetched water from a container and began to wash your feet? Remember that his feet and those of his friends were very dirty, smelling and cracked at the heels.

    In this story book, Simon Peter tells his own story: why he didn’t think the Master should wash his feet, what he learnt about the incident and why, many years later, he wrote to his children to serve in humility.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Climbing a Sycamore and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were a very short man, and if you wanted to see the Teacher who was surrounded by many people, what would you do?  Well, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

    In this story book, he tells why he climbed the tree, what he saw and how he felt when the Teacher looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down. I am staying in your house today!”

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Today in Paradise and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were the man who heard the Teacher say, “Today, you will be with me in paradise,” how would you feel? Very happy, yes, but also maybe very doubtful. Will the promise of Paradise be fulfilled? Will a criminal arrive in Paradise?

    In this story book, the man truly found himself in Paradise. What he saw there, how he felt, and what he heard will marvel you. He tells his own story in a beautiful way.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume I)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume II)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Money: An Excellent Gift of God – An Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money

    “John Wesley has been revered but not carefully studied.” (Albert Outler)

    This book therefore makes a contribution to unearthing the holistic ministry of Father John Wesley, much of which has been put on the back bench for a long time. As a Methodist Minister, I had known that he gave the following three rules about money “Gain All You Can; Save All You Can; Give All You Can” and not much beyond that.

    Did you know that John Wesley described money as “neutral” and not “evil” as some Christians would make us believe? He wrote: “Let the world be as corrupt as it will, is gold or silver to blame? The fault does not lie in the money, but in them that use it. it may be used ill and what may not?”

    Note the positive ways in which he describes money:

    1. The Excellent Talent
    2. ii) The Wise and Gracious Providence of God
    • iii) The Valuable Talent
    1. The Precious Talent
    2. That Great Talent Money
    3. An Excellent Gift of God-(The Title of this Book)

    Did you know how he summed up his teaching on Tithing? He wrote: “You are a Christian, not a Jew” encouraging liberality instead of following rules and giving the barest minimum.

    I have founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa Through the Church (MEPAC) and this Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money is a welcome addition to my other books and teachings on the Eradication of Poverty from Africa. Get your copy and my other books in the MEPAC Series and follow my teachings on how we can solve Africa’s greatest problem − POVERTY.

  • Signature: A Blueprint of Integrity at the Marketplace

    Integrity should be a hallmark of every Christian. As Daniel kept his promise to never worship any other god than the Almighty, irrespective of the consequences, we must stand up to what is right and not just conform to the status quo. The marketplace – corporate environment, church, school, vicinity, etc present the greatest of life`s challenges especially when one decides to stand up to the right things of life. The author uses various characters and details how they lived lives of integrity in the face of extremely difficult circumstances and how those actions conform to our modern times.

  • When Two Standards Collide: Christian Youth vs Pop Culture

    Christianity and popular culture are two major, yet opposing lifestyles for every Christian adolescent. The need to please God and look cool is a daily struggle most of the youth face, and the fear of being shunned, mocked, or isolated entirely haunts them; hence the choice for the latter. The author addresses various areas of pop culture including music, fashion, and social media and tries to juxtapose with God`s Word in the manual for Christians – The Bible, and outlines ways to deal with the “entanglement”.

  • Confessions of an African Christian

    If you are reading this blurb because you are looking for salacious scandals or rants against God and the church, sorry to disappoint you but this book doesn’t have what you are looking for.

    But if you are interested in reading about an odd encounter with a prophet, a child led rebellion, quite a number of self deprecating revelations, some honest self-assessment and embarrassing situations experienced by a young woman in her journey to get closer to God, and understand better what it means to be a Christian, this might just be the book for you.

  • Total IMAGE, Total Makeover

    This book is about discovering and accomplishing your reason for being, your raison d’etre. Have you ever stopped for a moment to consciously think about these critical questions relating to your very existence:

    • Who you truly are
    • Where you have come from
    • Where you are going, and
    • How to get to your destination?

    In other words, have you considered the reason for your being, your life purpose beyond the routine of working so hard just to satisfy the basic needs of life? Surely, there’s more to life than just being alive. What are your life-long aspirations and what steps are you taking to achieve your aspirations and attain fulfilment and self-actualisation?

    Total IMAGE — Total Makeover is a must-have Life Skills and Personal Development Toolkit as you embark on this soul-searching pilgrimage from self-discovery to self-actualisation. This book equips you with tested biblical and scientifically-validated principles, skills and tools for self-introspection, to make the right choices and decisions and be that winner God created you to be.

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