• Enduring Our Enemies With God

    Enduring your enemies is a godly necessity. No one prays to have enemies, but it is what it is, believe it or not. Accepting that truth, as part of the ingredients of living, guarantees you a stress-free life than expecting to be loved by all.

    It is not wrong to wish everyone loves you. However, it has never and would never be possible to experience such on this earth. Therefore, it is very important to have a mental filter to filter what words and actions you need and need not to consume.

    Hence, your mind and body engine are constantly in need of filters for mental protection to avoid mental break down. Stay filtered, to stay safe. The more reason why you need to continuously pray for this endurance spirit from God is that, we do not have permanent enemies, whether you are on the good side or the bad side. Our attitudes, no matter which side we are, keeps recruiting new enemies, both known and disguised ones.

    This particular writing is pinned on the righteous having to endure his or her enemies and to fulfil the promise of God to him or her.

  • What It Means to Be as Wise as a Serpent

    Jesus said: Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Are serpents really wise? Why would Jesus give such advice? Take a journey with this riveting book by Dag Heward-Mills, and discover the hidden wisdom of the serpent.

  • The Last Secret of Prayer: Learn How to Pray and Receive Instant Answers

    This book is a product of revelation knowledge from the Lord, in conjunction with personal experiences as a prophet in the work of ministry. The motivation to write this book came from the compassion for humanity and enthusiasm to help Christians who pray so much with little or no result to show for it: knowing how frustrating it can be to pray without getting one’s desired results.

    As Christians, we are expected to pray without ceasing, yet we have to do it the right way. The Last Secret of Prayer is a practical guide to getting answers when we pray, a handy approach to simple prophetic acts that can accompany the one’s prayers; it is loaded with secret knowledge about the spirit realm, the Angels of God and ordinances of dominion.

    The knowledge in this book will indeed renew your fire and deepen your personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Everyday Doses Of Rhema 2021

    Age Range: 6 – 19 years

    The Bible enjoins us to “Train up a child in the way he[she] should go; and when he[she] is old, he[she] will never depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

    Everyday Doses of Rhema is a children and youth centred devotional. It is an annual devotional which aims to educate children on God’s word, to have a daily walk with God. It summarises various books of the Bible Chronologically and explains them in easy to understand language, for Christian children and young people, to understand how God’s word applies to their everyday lives.

  • Shadows of a Gracious Woman

    Shadows of a Gracious Woman – she is the woman we should all aspire to be, she is spiritual, resilient, patient, prayerful and strong. This book shows you how to draw closer to God as you wait and seek the face of God in trying moments preceeding expecting the fruit of the womb.

    It provides thought provoking questions, reflective studies and personal experiences which will enrich your life as you fervently wait on your expected miracle. I have carefully described who this Gracious woman is to me and the great steps she took in reaching the desired goal in her life.

    As you grab this book and read, I want every woman and couples believing God for any  miracle or for the fruit of the womb to be well informed and position themselves for a life changing experience and victorious living.

  • The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration

    Repentance and forgiveness are essential in facilitating an unconditional reconciliation. These primary ingredients hold better options to unearthing opportunities in dealing with conflicts, hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness. “I am sorry” and “I forgive you” are but two gentle phrases to express our humility, soberness, and willingness to forgive each other. Each phrase contains the same number of words: three rather simple but powerful words that can transform and sustain every relationship.
    “The Benefits of Forgiveness: Emotional Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration” asserts that humanity must crave repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation in dealing with conflicts that are plaguing our communities and relationships. The book underscores that there is “power, benefit, and joy” in forgiveness.

  • Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life

    You are unique! You are different and you were created with a specific purpose in mind. In fact, you were created to make impact on earth in your own way. Lying deep within our being is the capacity to touch the lives of others and make valuable contribution to the kingdom of God and the world.

    In this latest book, titled, Now! Moving Forward: Keys to Living an Active and Impactful Life, bestselling author Vera Metzler-Hinson provides the roadmap on how we impact our generation with our sense of uniqueness.

    Discover in this new book, three inspiring chapters: Interestingly Different and Specifically Similar’’, ‘The spotlight of our Years’, and ‘Balance is a necessity in this VUCA World’.

    Whether you are young or old, this new book will revive your sense of purpose and enable you to make the kind of impact God ordained you for.

  • The Triplets

    This book is  about the child-search efforts of a young and affluent couple who were both virgins when they married. The book details the pains, stigma and the trauma they went through and the final outcome of their quest for a child after twelve years of marriage.

    The Triplets

  • Conquer: A Journey to Freedom

    Temptation, addiction, lust, guilt, redemption; these are but some of the issues raised in this semi-autobiography and anthology— CONQUER — by Nii Lante. In this book, Nii shares with us his struggle with masturbation, how it got hold of his life and how he was finally able to overcome this addiction after encountering God. His story of redemption ultimately came after several times of defeat. God laid a burden on him to share this story, offering practical steps that helped him in finding wholeness in Christ to help others who find themselves in such situations.

    Prayerfully read, listen and CONQUER.

  • 5 Steps to Answered Prayer

    Prayer is one of the biggest privileges we have as children of God; it allows us to fellowship with Him and tap into the infinite resources and benefits of His Kingdom. However, for most of us, prayer remains a mystery. Deep down in our hearts, we ask ourselves why we have to pray if God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Does God really answer prayer?

    5 Steps to Answered Prayer takes you on a journey that is bound to enrich your prayer life and help improve your relationship with God.

  • Faith, Prayer And Fasting

    In this booklet I review an experience Jesus used to teach His disciples how to solve deep and long seated problems with three powerful tools – faith, prayer and fasting.

    Discover how to release your faith and access God’s power through prayer, while remaining sensitive spiritually.


  • How to Make Wise Decisions

    Receiving good advice is an art that can be perfected by practice. The quality of our lives is influenced by the people from whom we receive advice. For each one of us, there are people who enrich our lives and others who deplete our lives because of the quality of advice they give to us.

    How to Make Wise Decisions presents a systematic and yet simple approach that involves six key steps to receiving good advice and making quality decisions which will help you advance in life.


  • Handling Offences

    Offences are a natural part of all human relationships – be they marital, workplace, family or even at church. They creep in through diverse means and, depending on how they are handled, leave a relationship stronger or damaged. Mismanaging offences has the capacity to destroy both the offender and the offended. Offence must therefore be handled in the spirit of reconciliation.

    Handling Offences identifies the causes and consequences of offences and outlines a systematic process of restoration for relationships that have experienced offence.


  • Pursuing Your New Year Dreams

    The end of the year is a most interesting time in the lives of most people. It is a time for reflection on the year that is ending and most importantly a time for projection into the year ahead. People often have a list of New Year resolutions which encompass plans ranging from the profound to the bizarre. Useful as these dreams are, they sometimes end up being unfulfilled.

    Pursuing Your New Year Dreams outlines seven principles that will help you position yourself strategically for the New Year and ensure that your dreams are realised.


  • How to Overcome Temptation

    Everyone faces temptation at one time or another in their lives. A temptation is a desire or strong feeling to do something evil or sinful. God does not tempt anyone. Instead, temptations are initiated by Satan and we end up surrendering because of our evil desires.

    How To Overcome Temptation describes how temptations come and how we can overcome them in order to live victorious Christian lives.


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