• The African Writers’ Handbook

    Available from 27 June 2022

    African Books Collective and the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation organised the African-Writers Publishers Seminar in Tanzania in 1998. Major African writers and publishers hammered out a ‘New Deal’ for relations between the two.

    This practical manual includes the ‘New Deal’ statement, and carries forward the work of the seminar. Intended for the aspiring or not yet established creative writer, the answers are given on how to get published, how publishing works, relations with publishers, and how to find resources. With an introduction by Niyi Osundare, the book is in two parts. First, respected African writers and publishers contribute their experiences and perspectives on writing and publishing in Africa — Dapo Adeniyi, Walter Bgoya, Henry Chakava, Cyprian Ekwensi, Taban lo Liyong, Kole Omotoso, Onsonye Tess Onwueme, Femi Osofisan, Niyi Osundare and the late Ken Saro-Wiwa, Yvonne Vera and Paul Tiyambe Zeleza.

    A massive amount of practical information and resource materials is given on prizes, writers’ organisations, magazines, vanity and self-publishing, literary agents, censorship, book fairs, resources for writers on the Internet and more. James Currey, Mary Jay, Michael Norton and Hans Zell also contribute.

    ‘…A veritable mine of advice and practical information and also experiences and ideas, a reference work of great quality…’ — Takam Tikou, No 8, 2000

  • When the Person Who is Called COVID Came

    For two years and beyond, the 21st century world experienced a near-apocalypse through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Millions of innocent people have died at the hands of an invisible, merciless plague of a killer.

    How have those of us, who have been left behind, coped? How do we even have the space to grieve? How did we adjust to the clichéd ‘New Normal’? How did our lives change? – Our love lives, our family lives, our work lives, our social lives, our faith, our health, our philosophies… How have we changed? How have Ghanaians changed?

    By experiencing this encapsulating Poetry Chapbook, you too can relate to the phenomena of COVID and the [Ghanaian] Woman, The COVID News of Emotions that we Haven’t Reported and The Universal Human COVID Experience, all through Apiorkor’s razor-sharp Verse Journalism and poetic spirit, in over twenty pieces of poignant poetry.

  • Understanding TVET in Africa: A Collection of Selected Public Lectures and Journal Articles

    This book makes a strong case for the promotion of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Africa. It is a collection of selected journal articles on TVET and public lectures delivered by the author in several African countries, including Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.

    In a simple and clear language, the book explains the role of TVET in producing the skilled workforce that African countries need for industrialisation and transformation of their economies. It spells out strategies and policy actions that need to be implemented by key stakeholders in government and industry to derive the full socioeconomic benefits of investing in TVET, which include decent livelihoods for the youth, community wellbeing, sustainable economic growth, and protection of the environment.

    The topics treated in the book range from modernising traditional apprenticeships in the informal economy to higher level TVET education in polytechnics and technical universities in Africa. The book will therefore be useful reading and reference material for policy and decision makers in education and training systems, TVET system managers, students, TVET researchers, and parents, as well as persons interested in understanding TVET provision and its critical role in national socioeconomic development.

  • Odd Numbers: Building a Meaningful Career

    Career Coach and Communications Consultant, Antoinette Gyan discusses how to develop a meaningful career in her book, ‘Odd Numbers’.

    The inspirational writer has provided a reflection on career development and how to harness an individual’s best abilities to forge a worthy career and a meaningful life. From dealing with fear to improving mindset to career planning tips, the author craftly fuses her internal monologues and experiences of career development, career planning course and life and career essentials.

    With several ideas on personal and career development and an opportunity to prepare a career plan that will guide a person’s career development path, ‘Odd Numbers’ provides the space for personal reflection on a subject that all individuals grapple with yet left unaddressed.

    If you are a beginner or a mid-career professional, this simplified career development guide will improve your awareness on important steps and options available to you to build a thriving career.

  • Contemporary Issues in Ageing in Ghana: A Multidisciplinary Approach

    The rise in population of the aged (also known as elderly, older persons, old adults, senior citizens) across the universe has become a global concern given the associated demographic, social and economic implications for the well-being of the aged. This increase has implications for future generations as well as the social and economic development of the country.

    This book, being the first from the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana advocates for the study of ageing in many facets from health, science, and socioeconomic perspectives.

    It is our hope that the book provokes dialogue and serves as the beginning of many more avenues for academic discourse to embrace diverse views and science as the way forward. At the very least, this should motivate others to focus on ageing issues than ever before.

    Given the numerous challenges associated with ageing and the neglect of the welfare of the aged in Ghana, it is imperative that we pay attention to the plight of the elderly in our African societies. There is an argument to extend ageing issues to the larger population. It is hoped that Ghana would once again be the beacon of hope for research in ageing in sub–Saharan Africa with the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana leading the way.

  • Nmãle Kronkron le (Pulpit Size, Ga Bible)

    The Holy Bible translated in Ga has a Vinyl cover material with pictorial illustrations. •

  • Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary

    Compiled by expert teams of Spanish and English lexicographers, this new edition contains over 175,000 words and phrases, and 240,000 translations, including numerous new words that have entered both languages in recent years. Not only does it provide remarkable coverage of the general, scientific, literary, and technical vocabulary of contemporary Spanish and English, the Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary is also easy to use, with a clear layout featuring a two-color text design and printed thumb tabs for quick reference. The Concise also provides extensive help with tricky issues of grammar and word usage. In addition to providing a wealth of information on both languages, it also includes a thoroughly revised center section featuring a correspondence guide with sample letters, and emails plus a guide to making phone calls and text messaging. The book contains fun and informative culture notes on life and living in the Spanish-speaking world, plus new sections on Spanish as it is used around the world and false friends (similar words that mean very different things).

  • Education in Ghana: History and Politics

    This book answers the need for a more comprehensive and up-to-date volume addressing key topics, areas and problems of the Ghanaian education system. The book brings together different strands of some of the most imperative and complex educational questions. It is the first collection of essays on education in Ghana that brings together Ghanaian and international authors who research some of the most relevant educational questions, focusing on history, policy, and curriculum-related issues.

  • Oxford Student’s Dictionary

    This dictionary presents 65,000 words, phrases, and examples, including 2,600 curricular words to help students use English to study core curriculum.

  • Bookset: Courtesy & Manners Guidebooks for Boys and Girls (5 books)

    Age Range: 7 years and above

    Most of us were trained with Courtesy for Boys & Girls as a guidebook. Fundamental rules of courtesy for young people, rules on behaviour; much more needed today! Now, you can have four other books in this series as a bookset.

    These books are adapted from up-to-date fundamental rules of courtesy as they apply to young people of today and list for the guidance of parents and teachers rules on a gracious refinement of behaviour. They teach young readers how to be courteous in their everyday lives and how effective it can be, how to be polite and have good manners, and how to get along with others.

    A great set of books to use to engage young people on matters of manners.

  • My Name is an Address (Hardcover)

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    You are not lost! You are not alone! A GPS system navigates you to where you are going, but your name could lead to what you are looking for. What’s in a name?

    Ekuwah Mends uses the alphabet letters to answer that question. She opens a window into her family, history, culture, language, geography, and more. Look through Ekuwah’s actual family photos, Mother’s artwork, and Father’s artifact collection.

    My Name is an Address comes to life and touches your heart. Exit the story by finding your own Akan name. Also, return when you need to feel connected. Ultimately, be inspired to find your own address.

  • St. Augustine’s College: Conquering With Perseverance – Our Past, Our Present And Our Future

    The 724-page book is the first-ever reference book by any college in Ghana. It serves as both a history book on everything one needs to know about the St. Augustine’s College and serves as both an encyclopaedia as well as almanac that compiles in detail, every single one of the over 400 parishes, out-stations and individuals that contributed towards the establishment of the College. It also traces the history of the Gold Coast Catholic as the root of Catholic Education, contribution of the Catholic Church to Ghana’s Education Sector, the establishment of St. Augustine’s College initially as a Teacher Training College in Amisano and subsequent construction and transfer of the College to Cape Coast with a Secondary Department. In all the narration, the authors bring out the undercurrents that led to the clamour of the Gold Coast Catholic faithful to have their own Secondary School and the frustrations that the Catholic Church hierarchy had to endure to have the College established.

    The book gives a background to the naming of the College after the foremost Christian Theologian of African descent and how that dove-tailed into the philosophy, unique identity and character of the College’s products. Detailed highlights are given on major roles played by the Society of African Missions and the Congregation of Holy Cross in the holistic development of the College’s students. The College’s scholarship, excellence in sports and role as a citadel of the arts are well explained in the book with an impressive roll-call of outstanding alumni across various sectors as an emphasis to the role of the College within the context of national development. The very essence of campus life, management and curriculum is brought to the fore through reminiscence by APSUnians across its nine decades of existence. The various narrations are interlaced with interviews, discussions with College Management, academic staff and alumni dating as far back as the 1950s.

    The book also does a comprehensive listing of every college alumnus from 1933 when the very first graduates left college till 2017 by their programmes offered and provides 65 coloured pages of very historic privileged pictures some dating as far back as 1930s. The role of the past students’ union (APSU) as one of the most critical stakeholders in the development of the College is clearly established all through the book which closes with prospects on the establishment of an endowment fund to secure the gains made over the decades.

    Whether an APSUnian, Augusco parent, Catholic faithful, a historian or researcher, one will require a copy of this historic document to fully appreciate the work of the missionaries in the development of education in Ghana, role of the Catholic Church in the establishment of schools in Ghana among others.

    The book is printed on quality paper and stitched hard-bound with dust jacket.

  • A Silent Heritage: An Autobiography of Letitia E. Obeng

    Dr. Letitia Obeng has produced a fascinating and monumental piece of work; a tribute to scientific scholarship and the strength and ingenuity of Ghanaian womanhood.This is an autobiography of the first female science PhD in Ghana, It is an account of her unusual life experiences that must aspire the youth of today. This book is so engaging you will not be able to put this book down,

  • Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary

    Age Range: 10+ years

    The new edition of the Scholastic Rhyming Dictionary has been completely redesigned to become a kid-friendly resource for finding that perfect rhyme, whether for poetry, prose, song writing, etc.

    Organized by vowel sounds and final syllables, this illustrated rhyming dictionary uses its own easy-to-use, accurate pronunciation system. The student writer looks up the ending sound of a word, which is listed alphabetically, and finds a list of matching rhymes ranging from the everyday to the extraordinary to modern slang. The list includes appropriate words with the same ending sound, regardless of the spelling. An introduction includes the basics of listening for rhyme, with emphasis on sounds, stressed syllables, and different spellings of same sounds.

  • Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    Cat got your tongue? Penny for your thoughts? Come again? Every day, idioms bring color to our speech. Since they don’t really mean what they say, idioms can stump even the native English-speaker. Marvin Terban makes understanding idioms “as easy as pie” with the revised SCHOLASTIC DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS. Explanations for, and origins of, more than 700 everyday American idioms, complete with kid-friendly sample sentences. The entries are amusing as well as educational. Alphabetical listing and cross-referencing index makes finding idioms a “piece of cake.

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