• Naa Luro Mini O Bihi (Dagbani)

    This book tells about the life history of Naa Luro, a renowned Chief of Dagbong and his four sons who also became chiefs in succession after his death.

  • Twi Kasa Mmara: A Twi Grammar

    A classic. First published in 1938

    CHRISTALLER’S Twi Grammar has long been out of print. Teachers and students of the language have always felt the need of a Grammar written in Twi, and this book is an attempt to supply that need. Much of the material in this book has been based on the works of H. N. Riis and J. G. Christaller.

    The introduction deals with the structure of the language and phonetics. The book is then divided into four parts; the first is a general introduction to the parts of speech, the second and third are more detailed study, and the fourth contains syntax. There are a number of appendices dealing with the classification of nouns, paradigms, punctuation, and specimen analyses. Some exercises have been included at the end of some topics to reinforce what has been discussed.

    The book is published with the approval of the Education Department and it is meant to be used as a teacher’s handbook in Twi-speaking Primary schools, Junior Schools and as a pupil’s book in Senior High Schools, Training Colleges and Secondary Schools.

  • Adzowo, Alobalowo Kple Gliwo (Eʋe)

    A collection of 215 Riddles, 11 Anecdotal quizzes and 5 folk tales, suitable for both adults and children in Eʋe

  • The Junior Companion

    The Junior Companion is an engaging and lively new book for students learning the rudiments of the English language. It gently and expertly introduces students to the basics of English grammar and sentence construction, as well as extending their vocabulary.

    The book also serves as an invaluable guide and reference book for all students learning English in primary schools. It has been carefully written to ensure the language, presentation and material are appropriate for this age range. It has also been carefully checked to ensure that grammatically correct English is used consistently throughout the book.

    The book is beautifully illustrated with a variety of pictures and diagrams to help sustain students’ interest and concentration. Although a number of exercises (and full answers) are provided, the main focus of the book is the learning of the English language and, to this end, the text contains many examples of sentence construction and applications of simple English grammar rules.

    The emphasis of the book is on active learning and not on factual testing or simple recall. Put simply, the book is a ‘learning book’ and not a ‘workbook’.

    Teachers may make use of the materials by giving the exercises as formal homework or simply as exercises for students to practise on.

  • WriterPreneur: 25 Innovative Secrets to Generate Multiple Income Streams as a Writer


    Many writers have been in various forms of dilemmas when it comes to making use of their creativity to earn good money. There are many beliefs that a writer can only make money from authoring a book. Unknowingly however, there are other ways available to writers that rather generate even more than just writing and publishing a book. There is a great opportunity to earn good money by using writing as the foundation to solve people’s problems.

    It is not about accessibility which becomes the challenge to these creative secrets but rather the realization that such even exist. There are many accessible ways writers can position themselves to make good money either on fulltime or part time basis when explored and taken advantage of.

    This book is to help reveal many of these secrets, how and where to access them, and the ability to take advantage of them to realize their long-cherished dreams of becoming entrepreneurial writers. This will bring in multiple streams of income and will create that dream business for the writer.

    To the ‘newbies’ who are yet to begin the writing journey, this is more than a companion which will lead them to the ‘promise land’. Your writing journey is beginning in earnest and will propel you to greater heights with this material. You will not just write and publish but also build a conglomerate from your writing.

    The concepts outlined are easy to assimilate and will direct you to be able to get the most out of your writing. Prepare to be educated, provoked, and redirected to the right path on your writing journey.

    There are 25 innovative secrets yet to be explored by writers. Get this material and explore.



  • We the People and the Politics of Inclusion (Annual Lecture in the Humanities)

    Lecture delivered by Professor Kwame Gyekye, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of Ghana and Scholar-in-Residence, Ashesi University (2010/2011). Delivered on 24 September 2013.

    “The words of the preamble of constitutions are emphatic on the centrality of the status of the people in the political order that was expected to be established by these constitutions. The self-referential phrase – We the People – mandates, without a shadow of doubt, a political system that is to be an inclusive system. For, without the politics of inclusion, that self-referential phrase becomes drained of real significance. It is the politics of inclusion, as interpreted in this lecture, that will, beyond representation, give adequate effect to and practical translation of the notion of the constitutional phrase: We the People.”

  • The Ethnic Factor in National Development – Uses and Abuses

    Inaugural lecture by Professor Dominic Kofi Agyeman, Professor of Sociology, University of Cape Coast. Delivered on 28 February, 2005.

  • Role of Veterinary Medicine in National Development

    Inaugural lecture by Professor Paa Kobina Turkson, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology and Dean of the School of Veterinary Science in the University of Ghana. Delivered on October 10, 2013.

  • Chemistry: The Neglected Element in the Industrialization Equation

    Inaugural lecture by Professor Victor Patrick Yao Gadzekpo, former President, Central University College (now Central University). Delivered on June 29, 2005.

  • Excel! A Practical Guide to Studying and Passing Examinations

    Do you want to pass your examinations with distinction? This book teaches and recommends a simple, straight-to-the-point practical approach on studying, revising and writing examinations successfully.

    Read this book and you will learn:

    • How to study and revise effectively for an examination
    • How to identify ineffective study and revision habits
    • Useful, practical study and revision techniques
    • How to form an effective and efficient study group
    • How to apply effective studying, revision and examination techniques
    • The meaning of some key instructive words used in examinations

    It is written for students of Secondary/High School level and upwards. There are innumerable examples and illustrations that interweave the art of studying, preparing and writing an examination in a very appealing way. The facts in this book have been presented in a manner that Inform, Instruct and Educate students in the art of Studying, Revising and Writing an Examination Successfully.

    Excel! is practical, easy to understand and apply.

  • Ke Mawu Gbi Mo Ɔ,… (Dangme)

    The title of this novel, ‘Ke Mawu Gbi Mo Ɔ’, means ‘You will not die if it is not destined by God’.

    The story concerns a boy who left home for work elsewhere in the company of a man he does not know. He passed through many difficulties and hazards of life but in the end he came back home safely- true to the saying that, ‘You will not die if it is not destined by God’.

  • Twer Nyame (Mfantse)

    Two maids hated a poor but well disciplined girl,Onnyibi,who was the idol of their mistress. Out of this jealousy,they stole their mistress’ very costly jewel and both bore witness against Onnybi. Onnyibi was deported.

    She later defied the order and came back home only to be exonerated by one of the same two maids whose conscience pricked her.When the Chief read their deportation order to them ,Onnyibi rather pleaded for them after all the defamation and hardships suffered including the loss of her mother as a result of the deportation,

  • Polished Manners

    Age Range: 10 years and above

    Polished Manners was born out of observing moral decadence in our society for the past 30 years.

    Polished Manners is a book on etiquette and manners for all ages. It is an A-Z guide to becoming a total person with a conduct worthy of the highest societal acceptance and respect.

    Polished Manners would help you build a better business relationship with your workers and clients. It would build better homes and better nations.


    Polished Manners

  • Ruins of A Star

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

    Ruins of A Star

  • Why Mother Left Home

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

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