• Ghana: A Concise History from Pre-Colonial Times to the 20th Century

    This is a comprehensive survey of the history of Ghana from the earliest times to 1992. It discusses the evolution of the different ethnic groups and the social, economic and political institutions and systems they created. It also examines the development of state systems , their contact with the outside world and the economic , social and political consequences of that contact. It discusses the loss of political independence, the recovery of sovereignty and the emergence of the modern state of Ghana.

    The study ends with an examination of the attempt by various rulers after independence to make one nation out of the people of Ghana and promote their economic and social well-being. The book has grown out of lectures the author has delivered to University students over the years. The material has, however, been written in a language that can be understood by all Senior High School students and the general public.

  • Destiny and Politics: A Biography of Hon. Samuel Sallas-Mensah

    From a humble beginning as the son of a farmer in a relatively small town, Hon. Samuel Sallas-Mensah, four terms MP for Upper West Akim would perhaps have ended up as a farmer too. In those days, children took after their parents’ trades. Sallas got the chance to go to America and the entire course of his life changed. After a distinguished career in accountancy in the US and later in Nigeria, destiny led his way once more but this time to the country of his birth, Ghana, where eventually, a new career window opened in his life – politics.

    As a Member of the Consultative Assembly his accounting and financial acumen were in evidence as he actively contributed to the District Assembly Common Fund. And as a Member of Parliament he was instrumental in instituting the live television coverage of the sitting of the Public Accounts Committee – legacies to the nation that survive today.

    In this compelling biography the reader come face-to-face with this influential man of few words who is famed to have friends and access to both sides of the Ghanaian political divide. But what would Sallas be remembered for most, a politician, a chartered accountant or family man? More importantly, where else will destiny lead him to?

    “Crispy-delicious narratives, refreshingly-garnished insights. This fascinating biography of a patriot never finishes astonishing you with the twists and turns. But it is the authoritative revelations about a nation and its people that makes this book destined to be relevant to the politics of Ghana.” ~ Business & Financial Times

  • Local Government and Decentralisation in Ghana

    Developments since the publication of the First Edition of this book in 2010 have compelled the revision and publication of this Second Edition.

    In 2011, the Fifth Government of the Fourth Republic launched a new ‘National Decentralisation Policy Framework’ (NDPF 1) and an accompanying National Decentralisation Action Plan’ (NDAP 1). The Local Government Service was operationalised in the same year, resulting in the migration of over 30,000 civil servants from the Civil Service to the Local Government Service.

    Prior to these, the Local Government Departments of District Assemblies) (Commencement) Instrument, 2009, L.1. 1961, had been enacted, allowing for the conversion of the de concentrated Departments at the district level into devolved Departments of the District Assemblies. The Local Government (Urban, Zonal and Town Councils and Unit Committees) (Establishment) Instrument, L.1. 1967, was enacted in 2010. The long-awaited Composite Budget was introduced in 2012.

    With the expiry of the NDPF 1/NDAP I in 2014, a new NDPF 11/NDAP 11 was launched in 2015 for the period 2015-2019.

    A new Local Government (Sub-Metropolitan District Councils of Metropolitan Assemblies (SMDCs)) (Establishment, Composition and Functions) Instrument, 2015. 11. 2223, was enacted to provide for uniform composition and functions for the SMDCs in all the six Metropolitan Assemblies.

    A National Development Planning (System) Regulations, 2016, enacted to support the National Development Planning and Act, 1994, 148. A Land Use and Spatial Planning Act, 2016, Act 925, was passed to establish a Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority and to devolve the Department of Country Planning to the MMDAs.

    The disparate laws on local government were consolidated into one Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936. A new Sports Act 2016, Act 934 and a new decentralised National Youth Authority Act 939 were also enacted.

    It is these reforms that the Second Edition of the book has sought to capture, in addition to some elaborations on some of the theoretical underpinnings of local government and decentralisation in Ghana. The sections of Acton Civil Society Organisations and Non-State Actors and Women in Local Governance have been improved. Some aspects of the proposals of the Constitutional Review Commission on local government and decentralisation have been used. Some textual changes have also been made.

  • International Relations: An Introduction (AsanteBrako Political Series)

    International Relations: An Introduction provides a broad and comprehensive account of issues encountered in the discipline for both under-graduate and graduate students, as well as beginners who are interested in the study of the discipline. Crafted in a lively, clear and highly accessible introduction to international relations and the key concepts in the discipline, the book is designed systematically to build a solid foundation and an effective understanding of concepts, principles, practices and theories of international relations.

  • Modern Principles of Company Law in Ghana

    This book is a reference book that comprehensively covers the relevant top of company law in Ghana. With the passage of the new Companies Act, 2009 (Act 992), there is a need to have a book that comprehensively explains the principles of company law. This book covers many distinct parts of company law.

    The first part deals with an introduction to Company Law and companies Even though the book is on company law, the second chapter talks about other entities through which business can be undertaken or through which objects can be pursued. These entities include Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Building Societies, Cooperative Societies, Incorporated Trust, Statutory Corporation and Non-Governmental Organisation under the proposed Non-Governmental Organisation Bill, 2018 and 2022. Chapter 3 also comes under the first part, which is an introduction to a company, requirements for the formation of a company and the types of companies that can be incorporated and registered in Ghana. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the constitution of a company, which under the repealed Act 179 is the regulations of a company, and the role of the promoter respectively.

    The second part deals with company law concepts, most of which were developed under common law and are now given statutory backing. It covers principles on pre-incorporation contract, ultra vires and capacity of a company, corporate veil and the presumption of regularity.

    The third part covers governance issues, including membership, general meetings, directors, Company Secretary and auditors.

    This is followed by the fourth part, which deals with raising capital for companies, including principles relating to shares and debentures, restructuring or reorganisation, and rules relating to public companies.

    The last part deals with remedies available for corporate maladministration and liquidations. A new introduction in Ghana, the concept of administration of financial distress companies under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015) and its amendment are also dealt with. The last chapter provides an overview of the requirements for a company to keep books of accounts and prepare financial statements.

  • Realigning and Repositioning Africa: Confronting Challenges and Charting its own Courses in the 21st Century

    One of the challenges facing the continent of Africa is the continued marginalization it experiences in terms of its global political, economic and socio-culutral significance.

    This book, based on a collection of original essays from academics in Africa and across the African diaspora, seeks to address some of these concerns by positing Afri-centric expositions. The central theme of this book is the need for African perspectives and solutions to tackle African challenges, and for the realigning and repositioning of Africa.

  • Kwame Nkrumah: Contributions to the African Revolution

    Drawing on the published works, correspondence and speeches of Kwame Nkrumah, as well as on contemporary press reportage during Nkrumah’s final months in Ghana, Doreatha Mbalia offers a view of the theory and practice of the visionary proponent of a united African continent.

    This work traces the development Mbalia sees in Nkrumah’s theory and practice, from the early formation of his unique ideology that emphasises the crucial role of socialism in the progress towards a united African continent, to the coup that ended his Presidency of Ghana and his subsequent belief that the people of Africa must, when diplomatic and political means had failed, raise arms against neo-colonialism. Mbalia urges that Nkrumah’s vision still points the way to Pan-African unity.

  • I Speak of A Better Society

    In this book, I Speak of a Better Society, I argued for a better society in Africa. A better society is coined as one where individuals therein could achieve their full potential. The African with the dream to be like anyone in Europe or North America. The African with a higher loyalty to truth, integrity, values, and good leadership. The African who needs a level-playing field to compete with the rest of the world. And, the African who has passion to change their world because the status-quo is wrong. In a better society, there is a fair play. In creating such society, additional values such as pragmatism, meritocracy, honesty, equity, and putting humanity topmost priority, count and matter.

    The book advances my personal experiences, ideas, arguments, and opinions for creating a better society fair and just for all citizens in Africa. I argued that Africa is not poor and that we could create a better society for the indigenes therein, if we could have the right leadership in place and when we the citizens could change our attitudes as people.

  • Understanding Political Institutions (AsanteBrako Political Series)

    Understanding Political Institutions comprehensively addresses both the theoretical and practical aspects of institutions in governance and politics. Written in an accessible style, the text is designed to introduce readers to political institutions and how they function to ensure sustainable peace and stability in the state.

    The focus of the text is on meanings, origins, features, structures, principles, theories and functions of both formal and informal political institutions, including the legislature, executive and judiciary, as well as civil society organizations, such as political parties, interest groups and the media. Other institutional processes and principles like separation of powers, checks and balances, rule of law, electoral processes and systems and constitutions are discussed.

    Each chapter features the key issues discussed, a summary of contents and sample examination questions. Understanding Political Institutions is indeed an essential reader and a must-read for anyone who is interested in gaining adequate knowledge about how both formal and informal political institutions function in a state.

  • Falls in Ghana: Unified Guide Books & A Coffee Table Photobook (Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur)

    Waterfalls in Ghana are interesting, delightful and well worth the effort to seek out and explore. While Ghana does not have any with the sheer vast height or width of say Niagara Falls on the US-Canada border, or Victoria Falls in East Africa, falls in Ghana offer a much closer personal interaction in that you can stand under or much closer to the cascades and bathe or swim in their plunge pools.

    The Chasing Waterfalls with Steve Ababio & Gina Arthur Guide books help make your personal journey a lot easier and more rewarding as you get to pick and choose the sort of experience you prefer. The Coffee Table Book is the perfect gift for anyone you’d like to introduce to Ghana, for your own enjoyment.


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