• Red

    Red is a collection of love notes that will inspire ambition, provoke greatness and ignite romance.


  • The Human Weeds: Discovering Double-dealing Personalities

    Human Weeds is a magnificent effort to blend nature study, human life, and Scripture to produce a rare wisdom as a guide to life, behaviour and the cultivation of positive attitudes in society.

    Weeds do not have a single meaning, and all their various manifestations are defined and classified as they are identified by a range of dictionaries; the features they exhibit in relation to their existence among other plants are outlined. The features are not surprisingly, unwarranted and undesirable. Juxtaposed with human society, the characteristic features of weeds are apparent in certain human individuals and groups of individuals in the manner in which they inhabit society and function to cause obstruction and negativity in all aspects of life.

    However, human weeds can still be classified into four main groups distinguished by their typical spheres of operation: social weeds, economic weeds, religious weeds, and political weeds. The implication is that at all levels of society, and in every sphere of society, including the family, school, associations, workplaces, worship centres, health centres, the media, and all other places of human existence and operation, the weeds grow together with the grains and plants. The consequence is that negativity thrives everywhere in various forms.

    All of these can throw a person into despair, for if they are not themselves weeds, then they thrive among weeds that engulf them in obstruction and negativity. What hope is there for such a person then? And that is where the author brings HOPE. The knowledge of what weeds are, the conditions that make them thrive, the effects they produce, is already a massive gain for the reader who becomes enlightened and therefore aware of the dangers they face; but above all, they gain the insight that they can overcome human weeds in the same way that natural weeds are overcome. Thus, the insights of the book serve as an instrument of HOPE to counter the darkness evoked by human weeds.

    The insights produced by the approach sweeps along all aspects of life, illuminating the activities of human beings and their effects upon human activity, existence and progress through the negative influences cast by human weeds; but the HOPE that emerges through the wisdom of the Scriptures, which at each turn, shine a divine light upon how the activities of human weeds are destined to be overcome, encourage the reader that the journey of life and growth, even if they take place among human weeds can succeed by the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of the Divine.

  • Positiveness: A Fuel For Success

    I’ve written this book for you because leaders are dealers in faith, hope and love. No matter how positive your goals in life are and how passionate you are about your purpose, you will need persistent faith on the journey. Life is tough and leadership isn’t smooth. My hope is to inspire and encourage you to build up and keep up that persistent faith known as positiveness.

    I pray you will be gingered up by this work into being better and going further in the things that really matter, knowing that once you have life, there is hope—and only people alive can read this book! Love life.

  • Strength for the Journey: Inspirational Stories and Heart-warming Thoughts for Personal Reflection

    “Man shall not live by bread alone,” the Lord said, and it is true. Living by bread alone is detrimental to mankind’s quest for true satisfaction, and it’s never sufficient in providing all the strength we need for the journey of life.

    As we travel through this world, which is full of uncertainties and contradictions, we need every word of encouragement we can grasp – heart-warming words that provide hope in times of need. For a word in season nourishes the soul and warms the heart at every junction on our way to eternity.

    Strength for the Journey is full of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, inspirational stories, and a wide variety of personal experiences that will motivate and give you courage to journey on as we travel through this world.

  • Palm Tree Parables

    Palm Tree Parables is full of inspirational stories and heart-warming ideas showing how everyday events hold great lessons for our personal growth.

  • Washing Dirty Feet and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were Simon Peter, what would you do or say if your Master fetched water from a container and began to wash your feet? Remember that his feet and those of his friends were very dirty, smelling and cracked at the heels.

    In this story book, Simon Peter tells his own story: why he didn’t think the Master should wash his feet, what he learnt about the incident and why, many years later, he wrote to his children to serve in humility.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Climbing a Sycamore and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were a very short man, and if you wanted to see the Teacher who was surrounded by many people, what would you do?  Well, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree.

    In this story book, he tells why he climbed the tree, what he saw and how he felt when the Teacher looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down. I am staying in your house today!”

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • Today in Paradise and Other Stories (Biblical Fiction Series)

    If you were the man who heard the Teacher say, “Today, you will be with me in paradise,” how would you feel? Very happy, yes, but also maybe very doubtful. Will the promise of Paradise be fulfilled? Will a criminal arrive in Paradise?

    In this story book, the man truly found himself in Paradise. What he saw there, how he felt, and what he heard will marvel you. He tells his own story in a beautiful way.

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life.

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • 101 Keys to Achievement and Fulfillment – Paperback

    In 101 Keys to Achievement and Fulfilment bestselling authors, Albert and Comfort Ocran, examine 101 proven principles like dreams, skills, fun, negotiation, vision, passion, learning, networking and many others that have been used by achievers for centuries. Each key in this comprehensive bunch will not only help you achieve more and increase your value, it will also guarantee you fulfillment and enjoyment in the process.

  • Inspirational Stories of Some Distinguished Ghanaian Captains of Industry (Volume 2)

    Have you denied yourself the joy of owning your own company and having your financial freedom because of lack of capital, difficult background, and lack of support? Or do you lack the practical know-how to manifest your entrepreneurial dream? You have come to the right place of possibilities.

    Even though abilities and opportunities may differ, everybody can make it and make it big regardless of age, race, gender, socio-economic status, religious creed, political affiliation, academic background, or environment.

    This book is about the life stories of 22 Ghanaian Captains of Industry who have defied all odds and managed to succeed in this challenging business environment. The book shared their deep and rich experiences as well as principles, which have aided their business success.

  • What I Learnt Late: 52 Life Lessons

    This book is a compilation of some of the lessons life has taught the author and presents readers with a view of some of what he hoped he had learned earlier on in life. He reflected on his life for fifty-two consecutive weeks and wrote down one key lesson. The lessons learned were from areas like personal development, entrepreneurship, career planning, romance, marriage, and financial intelligence. Some lessons in this book will resonate with you and make you say, “Aha, I knew that!”. There are others that will make you reflect on your life and say, “Oh, I wish I knew that!”. May the reading pleasure be yours!

  • Unmasking Manhood

    In Unmasking Manhood, Richard Akita explores the role of fatherhood and its standards, by asking how men embrace the call of manhood without compromising the core role in society. He further points out that our masculinity is not the question but the function of being a man.


  • What Life Has Taught Me At 40: Timeless Principles That Will Forever Change Your Life

    Life begins at 40! Hurray! Kofi shares startling insights of what life has taught him at 40. A medley of epic experiences, the stimulating narration in this book shows in vivid dimensions the uncharted path to life’s journey success. Kofi’s life experiences do not only tell his story, but teach valuable principles that will enrich your life for great success. You’ll have new insights in following focal perspectives of the book:

    • Why Good People Die Too Early
    • Finding Your Financial Freedom
    • Defying the Limitations of Life
    • Becoming Globally Competitive
    • Developing a Generational Mindset
    • Developing Roots before You Bear Fruits
    • Personal Strategic Plan
  • Mafoya and the Finish Line

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Mafoya is an accomplished sprinter but she is tired of being second-best. She hatches a wicked plan and succeeds in beating Amina in the 100-metre dash. Elated by her victory, Mafoya decides to employ the same trick in the athletics championships but things take an unexpected turn.

    In the middle of the race, a strange whirlwind sweeps Mafoya away to Musanga kingdom- the land of talking animals and birds. Mafoya face both hostility and friendship as she travels an impossible journey back to the world she knows.

  • Total IMAGE, Total Makeover

    This book is about discovering and accomplishing your reason for being, your raison d’etre. Have you ever stopped for a moment to consciously think about these critical questions relating to your very existence:

    • Who you truly are
    • Where you have come from
    • Where you are going, and
    • How to get to your destination?

    In other words, have you considered the reason for your being, your life purpose beyond the routine of working so hard just to satisfy the basic needs of life? Surely, there’s more to life than just being alive. What are your life-long aspirations and what steps are you taking to achieve your aspirations and attain fulfilment and self-actualisation?

    Total IMAGE — Total Makeover is a must-have Life Skills and Personal Development Toolkit as you embark on this soul-searching pilgrimage from self-discovery to self-actualisation. This book equips you with tested biblical and scientifically-validated principles, skills and tools for self-introspection, to make the right choices and decisions and be that winner God created you to be.

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