• How to be Born Again

    How to be Born Again is about Eternal Life and how to attain it. It is about how the Lord Jesus can free anyone from a life of sin and give them the gift of Salvation. Being born again or saved is not about doing good deeds, attending church, or engaging in frantic religious activity. It’s about a relationship with the Saviour.

    Anyone who is lost and looking for hope in life can, through the pages of this simple booklet, go through a step-by-step process that will help him or her to find Christ and enjoy the benefits of Salvation.

  • Anointed to Start and to Finish

    Anointed to Start and to Finish shares four characteristics you need to lay a strong foundation, and more importantly four proven principles for finishing what you begin.

  • The Ministry of The Wife: Understanding Your Calling

    What does it mean to be a wife?

    Why is a wife much more than a homemaker?

    How can a wife align with God’s intent and transform her home and community!?

    Dear woman, being a wife is a calling! Your role as a wife is for a divine purpose. You are a specially designed change agent – a vessel God uses to transform the world – starting first with the home! Being a wife goes beyond just being a homemaker. And whether you are aware of it or not, you are the fulfilment of God’s prophecy to your husband and family.

    This book will ignite your spirit, and open your eyes to many deep and encouraging truths that will transform your role as a wife. It will guide you to discover God’s divine plan for your life, and inspire and motivate you to live beyond the ordinary vision of marriage.

    Be prepared to have a renewed and profound understanding of your purpose as a wife and be equipped with wisdom to embrace your calling!

    This book is an important read for all, especially current and prospective wives.

  • Finding Meaning in Life: A Modern Fable Which Reveals the True Meaning of Life

    Joseph Kyei Ankrah has long been a surefooted guide to those desiring to better themselves. Finding Meaning In Life will provide you with the ultimate tool to discover the true meaning of life. We find ourselves fighting battles we never declared and carrying burdens for reasons we do not understand. It is not the normal demands of life that break us: it is the painful surprises. When life hands us these painful surprises we begin to ask questions.

    This book seeks to provide answers to these nagging questions. Finding Meaning In Life provides a rare key to help you discover your destiny and leave a lasting legacy behind.

  • Career Advantage: A Guide for Employees and Employers

    Career Advantage compiles relevant experiences from industry players to help job seekers, workers and business owners optimize the working relationship and maximize productivity.

  • Confidence: The Surprising Truth about How Much You Need – And How to Get It

    We’re told that the key to success in life and business is confidence: believe in yourself, and the world is your oyster. But building confidence can be a challenging task. And, as leading psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic argues confidence can actually get in the way of achievement – self-esteem is nothing without the competence, the core skills, to back it up. Confidence is feeling capable. Competence is being capable. None of the figures whose success is put down to supreme self-belief – Barack Obama, Madonna, Muhammad Ali – could have achieved their goals without the hard-won skills (and years of training) behind the confidence mask. Successful people are confident because of their success, and not the other way around. Whether you want to improve your social skills, get a promotion or that all-important first job, this game-changing exploration of how to build success, in the mould of Robert Cialdini’s Influence, Susan Cain’s Quiet and Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, will change the way you think about achievement

  • Let My People Grow


    Let My People Grow was born out of the author’s engagements with hundreds of new converts and his experiences discipling and counseling Christians at different stages of their faith journey. The book is a call to growth to maturity in Christ. It presents the essential tools, principles, road map and motivation for the journey of spiritual growth. The book draws parallels with natural growth and points out biblical concepts that can be likened to certain important natural, biological and social processes in the human being that facilitate healthy development. At least twelve spiritual things necessary for a Christian’s growth are discussed by the author.

    The book is steeped in Scripture and contains several real-life stories. The reader will learn how to appropriate the rich resources in Christ to nourish the soul and spirit for growth into the image of Christ. The book is for every Christian, both young and old. It is also for the enquirer, seeking to understand the Christian faith and everyone who wants to know Jesus and walk with Him.

  • Total IMAGE, Total Makeover

    This book is about discovering and accomplishing your reason for being, your raison d’etre. Have you ever stopped for a moment to consciously think about these critical questions relating to your very existence:

    • Who you truly are
    • Where you have come from
    • Where you are going, and
    • How to get to your destination?

    In other words, have you considered the reason for your being, your life purpose beyond the routine of working so hard just to satisfy the basic needs of life? Surely, there’s more to life than just being alive. What are your life-long aspirations and what steps are you taking to achieve your aspirations and attain fulfilment and self-actualisation?

    Total IMAGE — Total Makeover is a must-have Life Skills and Personal Development Toolkit as you embark on this soul-searching pilgrimage from self-discovery to self-actualisation. This book equips you with tested biblical and scientifically-validated principles, skills and tools for self-introspection, to make the right choices and decisions and be that winner God created you to be.

  • The Reminder

    The Reminder is a compilation of common inspirational themes written in very different perspectives. It focuses on the practicality of these themes by drawing them from daily occurrences that we are likely to ignore. A book written in three parts: first part includes inspirations drawn out of the book of Esther, second part sheds light on the inspirations we’re likely to miss out on in our daily walk and finally, the third part is a collection of real success stories and testimonies of various people. Each chapter begins with a poem most of which were written by the author.

    A charity driven book. This means proceeds go to support charitable works of some charitable foundations.

    The Reminder

  • Daily Fix Workbook

    Just what you need to run your day like a legend, maximising opportunities and eliminating distractions. Exude productivity par excellence.

  • Power of One

    How do you navigate the terrain of goal setting and execution? In Power of One, you will be challenged to be decisive about the ONE thing you want the world to know, to remember you for and its ripple effect.

    Power of One

  • Red

    Red is a collection of love notes that will inspire ambition, provoke greatness and ignite romance.


  • MIST: Disrupting the Norm

    MIST provides an expansive overview and broader spectrum into today’s world of business while provoking the mind of the reader to produce beyond the chart results. In MIST the author argues that “Businesses should focus on internal engagement to reap external rewards”

  • Equilibriumics: Discover The Genius And Optimize The Difference In You

    You cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stay there. The first responsibility of every human must be the quest to identify the SELF. Have you built a foundation that can stand the load of life, or you have built a life that can wave at the load? Do you know yourself and your purpose? What defines you? Are you living for something bigger than yourself?

    Achievement is a sublime feeling that deludes our yearning for more into a state of satisfaction. It is never enough to be content with where you are. That is mediocrity. However, the struggles of life swing us up and down, back and forth, daily. We fall and we rise. A mixed bag that never gets full. In all these, what is your focus? Do you chase credentials or holistic capacity?

    Change is the most common thing in nature. In every single day, something changes. The change could be instant as in the case of an earthquake, or gradual as in the case of the growth of a seed, or in the development of a foetus. But how do you deal with the ever-increasing challenges brought about by this monstrous friend called change?

    For answers to these and more…

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