• Kwabena and the Magic River

    Age: 10 – 18 years

    This story looks at the poverty of a family in a small closely-knit village in Ghana. The events which follow will take them to far away Toronto, Canada to make a better life for themselves. The people in the treat each other like family members, so when the entire Banquo family disappears after going to fetch water along the river, it is not surprising how badly affected they were. The fortunes of this family change when they realise that the river holds supernatural and magical powers which could change their lives for good. Faith, courage and steadfast determination personify the character of Kwabena Banquo, whose perseverance brings good fortune to his family.


  • The Forest Village

    Bibi’s life was changed forever when her mother was sacked from their village. As tradition demanded, she was forced to go and live with her father’s family. She found consolation in a forest nearby until something terrible happened.

  • The Minister’s Daughter

    A highly pampered little girl from an affluent home loses everything one dark morning. With her dear father gone forever, she must now struggle for survival. Not helping with the situation are an austere and depressing village setting and two feuding women – an aggrieved and bad-tempered nurse and a fashionable teacher with high dreams in a questionable relationship.

    In the village school, there is the head teacher who hates this minister’s daughter because of her father. Not even Akuluksi, the one-eyed boy, spares her with deeply hurting teases that breaks her heart. But the minister’s daughter must survive her childhood days.

  • Tears of a Mother and Other Stories

    If you were Mother Mary, and if your first-born son – the Teacher – was so brutally maltreated and led away to be crucified, what would you do? Cry? Weep? Wail? What would you do?
    In this storybook, Mother Mary tells her own story: the sword that pierced her own heart when she saw what the soldiers did to her son. In tears, she stood by and watched, for what could she do?

    Other stories in this book, narrated by those who met the Teacher personally, reveal great truths and lessons for everyday life. Enjoy  the stories of-

    1.The cockcrow at dawn during the denials
    2.The troubled dreams of the governor 3 wife
    3.Why the governor washed his hands before judgement
    4.The man from Libya who was forced to carry his cross
    5. The reflections of the beam used for the crucifixion
    6.The brutal execution of the 1eacher
    7.The seven last statements of the Teacher

    These are great stories for your reading adventure. The lessons and the truths the narrators learnt are yours for your everyday experience.

  • My Sword is my life

    This is the story of four captured Asante warriors who escaped captivity.

    Kwasi Bota, a brave and veteran warrior is captured and imprisoned with his colleagues by the Fantis. The thrill and excitement of the climax is in the attempt to escape from prison. The preparations that preceded this venture and the captives’ subsequent escape from the words of oppression at the hands of the Fantis, as well as the deaths of the run-away captives’ grip the reader like vice.

  • Treasure Hunt

    Age Range: 10 – 15 years 

    Confidence and Delali have no idea of the danger ahead when they decide to investigate the pit that has appeared in the Woli forest. Following clues, tracking down suspects, and cracking open an ancient riddle, the boys soon find themselves in the middle of a plot that threatens the life of their village. The two friends must now overcome their own fears and face the greatest challenge to befall their village—an evil treasure hunt that puts the very lives of the boys in danger.

    Treasure Hunt

  • A Saint in Brown Sandals

    Age Range: 8 and 11 years

    Eleven-year old Rabi thinks it would be wonderful to be like her classmate Maybelline – rich, pretty and popular with everyone in school. As her school’s big event on television draws closer, Rabi realises she has only one chance to be a star. Where she will shine best? Will it be if she follows in Maybelline’s dainty footsteps? Or will it be if she dares to run along as herself?

  • Between Sisters

    When sixteen-year-old Gloria fails thirteen out of fifteen subjects on her final exams, her future looks bleak indeed. Her family’s resources are meager so the entire family is thrilled when a distant relative, Christine, offers to move Gloria north to Kumasi to look after her toddler son, Sam. In exchange, after two years, Christine will pay for Gloria to go to dressmaking school.

    Life in Kumasi is more grand than anything Gloria has ever experienced. She joins a youth band at church — something that allows her to pursue her great love, singing — and Christine has even promised to teach her to read.

    But Kumasi is also full of temptations — the owner of a popular clothing shop encourages her to buy clothes on credit, and the smooth-talking Dr. Kusi offers Gloria rides in his red sports car. Eventually Gloria is betrayed by the people around her and is disillusioned by her new life. But in the end she decides who she can trust, and draws her own considerable inner resources to put the bad experiences behind her.

    Between Sisters

  • Kojo Writes a Story

    Age Range: 6 – 10 years

    With just days to the end of the mid-term break, all Kojo had was blank pages and no story to present to Mrs. Appiah his teacher. Their assignment was to come up with a story and present it in class. His friends were counting on him to help them write their stories. Meanwhile, Annie, his sister, made fun of him and his friends for not having a story. His father helped him with an idea. Kojo sprung a surprise in class, this was inspired by his sister’s mockery, his father’s guidance and his creative abilities.

  • 3 Siblings

    Book #1 in the 3Siblings series

    Joshua lives in a world that Xbox and PlayStation has created: He wants a newly released game and would do almost anything to get it. Is the game worth all the hassle, sleepless night and guilt?

    Matthew has a chance encounter with Tyke and this meeting is about to change his life and teach him a few lessons. Naomi was looking forward to coming home from boarding school. She’s now at home and very bored. When her ex-best throws a sweet sixteen party with inviting her it gives Naomi and idea.

    3 Siblings

  • 3 Siblings and Family

    Book #3 in the 3Siblings series

    The 3 Siblings are at it again; Joshua is preparing for his Basic Examination, he’s walking around like he has the whole world on his puny shoulders.

    Naomi acts like a jealous wife when her father’s old girlfriend comes to town.

    Matthew is having social problems of his own that he has no idea how to solve.

    Let’s catch up on our favourite 3 Siblings as they disentangle themselves from their day-to-day challenges with the help of each other and their family.

  • 3 Siblings and a Cousin

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Book #2 in the 3Siblings series

    “Shut up and listen. Did you just hear Mum, inviting Catherine dearest to spend Christmas with us?”

    “And?” Joshua asked.

    “Earth to Joshua, Catherine cannot come here!” Naomi exclaimed.

    “And how do you plan to stop her from coming, short of us moving?”

    “That is why I need your help; we have to tell Mum that Catherine cannot come.”

    “Naomi, leave me out of your schemes. I’m not interested. I don’t care if Catherine comes or not.”

    “What do you mean, Joshua? My problems should be yours too and have you forgotten so soon…”

    Who is Catherine? And why does her pending arrival have Naomi in a bellyache?

  • 3 Siblings and Josh’s Journey

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Book #4 in the 3Siblings series

    Joshua is having time of his life. He is visiting the United States for the first time (sans his family). He visits the ‘Big Apple’ and then goes on to the ‘show me state,’ where he will live for three months with the Billings family. Joshua must adjust to living in America and learn to make friends. This will the hardest thing he has ever done. Join Joshua on his trip to the United States. You might learn something.


  • Freshers’ Welcome (The Judacan Adventures 1)

    Nagela St. James has been bundled into a boarding school all the way in Africa. She has left everything and anything that makes sense to her. In this first book of a series, let us join her in her adventure into an unknown world of boarding school with her and her friends.

  • Justify Your Inclusion (The Judacan Adventures 2)

    “Miss Freshers” has been postponed for reasons yet to be known, the girls are disappointed. However they do no have long to dwell on their letdown; an impromptu exam, “Justify Your Inclusion”, has to be prepared for.

    Each of the girls has a reason to excel, what is the outcome?

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