• The Daughters of Nandi

    As she took her dying breath, Nandi Mhlongo, mother of Shaka kaSenzangakhona, cursed the house of Zulu and her family, the Mhlongos, for the disrespect she endured at their hands. In the ancestral realm, Nandi worries that her malediction may have been rash and too dangerous for the descendants of the two houses. The curse can be undone but it will need a human medium to convey the message to the progeny.

    Through three historical periods, three women who are extraordinary in their different ways will seek to get restitution for Nani. Gentle Keeya, a Motswana woman of the House of Moagi who marries one of Nandi’s descendants as the English, the Boers and the Zulu go to the war in the 19th century; Uju, a spirited married woman who carves a space for herself in history during the forced removals of Sophiatown in the 20th century; and in the 21st century Amangwe, who reluctantly joins her fellow students as they speak up against a meaningless freedom during the #FeesMustFall protests.

    Will any of these three women manage to ensure Nandi Mhlongo is appeased and if not, what shall be the consequences to the Houses of Mhlongo and Zulu and to the three Daughters of Nandi themselves?

    An engaging debut which seamlessly weaves fact, fiction and spiritualities while subverting the way the reader perceives history.

  • We Won’t Budge

    Part autobiographical, part social commentary, this is a powerful and insightful look at the situation of border intellectuals at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

    In this searing memoir, Manthia Diawara revisits his early years as an emigrant in love with Swedish girls and Western rock and roll music, taking us from the nightclubs of his hometown Bamako to the cafes of Boulevard Montparnasse and the black neighbourhoods of 1970s Washington DC, USA.

    This book is about the developed world – that is the former colonisers of the African continent now busy slamming shut its doors to African and Arab immigrants.

    It is also about human rights violations and racism against people of colour. Diawara writes that he wanted to give a human face to African immigration in today’s global world. He describes the reasons why many Africans leave the continent – such as poverty, persecution and lack of opportunities – and writes sometimes angrily and sometimes very movingly, about their predicament in Europe and the US, where they are caught between their traditions and the West’s vacuous modernity.

    “With humour and the intimacy of a conversatonal tone, Diawara writes of the ‘global’ African as a nomad at the mercy of whirlwinds of economic and political dislocation at home and racism and intolerance abroad. He is not at home in his country; he is not at home abroad. But the nomad refuses to bow down to those whirlwinds, to let evil turn him around, and against all the odds becomes an active contributor to the multiculture of the globe. This is the story of a diasporic soul that finds home in its own resilience and in so may ways it is all our story.” – Ngugi wa Thiong’o (Author of A Grain of Wheat et al)

    “We Won’t Budge is destined to become a classic – it is one of the most insightful, layered and moving accounts of the modern African Diaspora.” – Patricia Williams (Author of The Alchemy of Race & Rights et al)

  • Victims of Circumstance

    Victims of Circumstance is based on the Igbo cultural practice of Osu Caste system. In the course of the narrative, the descendants of Ezeako automatically become Osu-outcasts-following the sacrifice of their father, Ezeako, to an oracle of Ogwugwu.

    Having assumed this status, the Ezeako children who have now become a village (Umuezeako) are no longer treated as free citizens but rather as social outcasts.

    This discrimination culminates in the collapse of the relationship between Ego and Nduka.

  • A Bird on the Rose

    “A child must attempt to break a snail, not a tortoise,” the elders have advised. But when Kofi Abbam and Rose Mana meet in inter-schools athletics’ competition, they are eager to defy tradition.

    At a very tender age, and still in school with no means of subsistence, they decide to break a tortoise instead of a snail by engaging in an illicit affair. They drop out of school and get married, and as their children start arriving, their woes keep piling. Lack of subsistence causes these star-crossed lovers to engage in constant fights.

    When Mana can endure it no more, she leaves the marriage with her children and refuses to come back home. Abbam who can’t endure the separation for a long time decides that both of them deserve to live no more.

  • A Tale of Two Boys

    Ajesiwor and his half-brother Padi, their rivalry mothers, and a troubled father live in the village of Ayimesu. A woman kills her own son instead of her rival’s son. What happened? This is a story of a household with lots of problems which teaches the need for peaceful association with our family members.

  • The Scarlet Letter (FingerPrint! Classics)

    “Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!”

    In the seventeenth-century Puritan community of Boston, Hester Prynne is trapped, first into a loveless marriage and then into adultery.

    With the scarlet letter ‘A’—signifying an adulteress—fixed on her bosom, she is brought out of the prison and made to stand on the scaffold with her infant.

    What happens when Hester, in spite of being
    publicly shamed by the crowd and repeatedly
    urged by a young priest, refuses to reveal
    the identity of her daughter’s father?

    A tale of sin, punishment and atonement, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter exposes the moral rigidity and double standards of the society. One of the first mass-produced books in America, it became an instant bestseller on its first publication in 1850. it continues to remain Hawthorne’s masterwork.

  • The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays (Macmillan Popular Classics)

    Around the World in Eighty Days, one of his most popular books, was first serialized in late 1872 in a French newspaper. An instant success, the novel details the round-the-world adventures of the affluent Englishman Phileas Fogg who, accompanied by his French valet Passepartout, sets out on an impossible journey for a wager of £20,000. This groundbreaking novel has since been adapted numerous times for the theatre, television, radio and cinema.

  • Vacancy for a Lover

    Vacancy for a Lover is the lead story in a collection that explores diverse themes—love, lust, mind-matter dichotomy, political intrigue and the tragedy of mortal despair.

    A young man finds love in the most unusual of places; a poet pines over unrequited love, an intrepid author rethinks his philosophies and a bunch of political players makes plans. …

    Vacancy for a Lover is a collection of 10 stories that highlight the author’s attempt at exploring the human condition.

  • In His Journey to Fame

    “In His Journey to Fame” is a captivating story set somewhere in Africa, where polygamy is a rule, making male children kings is a law and patrilineal inheritance is a norm. It is the first of the trilogy that include ‘Pastors on the Move” and “When women go crazy”.

    A young prince is born into a family of nine adult princesses, who also have ambitions to ascend the ultimate crown when their father dies. Ably supported by their mothers, these princesses hatch snares for the young prince in order to eliminate him.

    The struggles, trauma, hardships, treachery, deceit and death are beautifully mace and put in a matrix where both the King and the heir apparent died in the process, leaving the nine princesses to battle it out with the young daughter of the prince in their quest to occupy the powerful stool.

    In the end it is an all women affair to break the rules, laws, norms and finally tradition.

  • Disguise: Masking What’s Beneath


    A hit man’s identity shrouded in secrecy. There are a number of killings in town; One man wants it all for himself, so he tried betraying his best friends he set-up a company with, in order to claim it.

    Mr. Kuipers’ nephew is murdered and the police believe it’s strongly linked to him, because he’s the powerful median titan in the country.

    But with the help of the police and Ken Kraken, they try to find out who badly wants their demise and later discover the shock of their lives.

    A thrilling novel to spark up your thoughts, a book intrigued and spun with unimaginable suspense that all readers are swept breathless from the beginning of the story to the end. Pure reading entertainment as good you’ll ever find.

  • Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles

    Koby’s Diaries: First Chronicles is a compilation of four short stories─ all with one main character, Koby Ansah, recounting various episodes of his life. The intriguing and suspenseful diary of this young man evokes some chilling memories that swing the reader from a world of excitement in one breath to a world of fear in another breath!

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