• Addition (1-20) Activity Book

    Age Range: 3+ years

    Addition can be easy and fun. Using every day things to add can be fun,

    Let’s add using things we see around .

    Enjoy your first Mathematics lesson.


  • Subtraction (1-20) Activity Book

    Age Range: 3+ years

    Subtraction can be easy and fun. In subtraction you are taking something away from what you have. What you have left is the answer.

    Using things to learn how to subtract can be fun, Let’s subtract using things we see around us. Enjoy your first Mathematics lesson in subtraction.


  • Under the Dome

    Just down Route 119 in Chester’s Mill, Maine, all hell is about to break loose…

    On an entirely normal, beautiful fall day, a small town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. Planes crash into it and rain down flaming wreckage. A gardener’s hand is severed as the dome descends. Cars explode on impact. Families are separated and panic mounts. No one can fathom what the barrier is, where it came from, and when—or if— it will go away. Now a few intrepid citizens, led by an Iraq vet turned short-order cook, face down a ruthless politician dead set on seizing the reins of power under the dome. but their main adversary is the dome itself. Because time isn’t just running short, it’s running out.

    Under the Dome

  • The Phoenix of Love


    “The book The Phœnix of Love has been written… to answer the coyly defiant questions as to what love means and entails: Nature and activity of love, love of fellow creature, of God, of country, of social causes, self-love, dynamics of love…? Great and capable minds such as Thomas Aquinas, Erich Fromm, Jesuit Fr. Pedro Arrupe, C. S. Lewis and Irving Singer have, over the years, sought to unravel the meaning of the idea or concept of love, yet understanding love appears to be a discursive journey that is set to continue for a while longer…. The Phœnix of Love is, to my mind, one of the unimaginably giant steps in the unfolding discourse on the nature and activity of love and what it entails….

    The young, brilliant and gifted author Anthony Gyening-Yeboah ingeniously employs philosophical, theological, scientific, psychological and sociological ideas to present his understanding of the concept of love in an intellectual and conversational manner that illuminates as much as it enriches the concept of love and the activity of loving.”


    –Justice Yeboah, author of ‘The Alchemy of Social Justice’ & ‘Rights in Action’ 

  • Fati and the Honey Tree

    Age Range: 5 – 7 years

    Every day is a new beginning for Fati, a little girl who tries very hard to do as she is told. In this story, Fati finds that climbing trees can lead to trouble.

    Fati and the Honey Tree and is based on the real life adventures of a young girl growing up in northern Ghana. It has been adapted for print by the Osu Library Fund, an organisation which promotes literacy in Ghana.

  • A Guide to the Sacrament of Consecration and Ordination

    Philip Schaff notes “No one can be a pastor who is not called, examined, ordained or installed’’. While this may seem obvious, the explosive growth in churches in Ghana and many West Africa states has meant that many men of God do not know, understand or have not been properly initiated in how to conduct the sacraments. This is where this book comes in. The Westminster Assembly, one of the most doctrinally sound assemblies to convene in the history of the church, had this to say as whole body or consensus of ministers and theologians: ‘’on the 9th of January, the whole question of ordination was fairly stated by Dr. Temple, chairman of one of the committees, in the following series of interrogatory propositions:

    1. What ordination is?
    2. Whether necessarily to be continued?
    3. Who to ordain?
    4. What persons to be ordained, and how qualified?
    5. The manner how?

    A Guide to the Sacrament of Ordination & Consecration provides answers to these questions and many more. Its helpful tips and practical advice will enable;

    • Reverend Ministers to understand their calling.
    • The body of Christ (the church) to understand The Priesthood and give it due recognition as God expects.
    • All Christians to correct hermeneutic errors and negative practices by God’s Priests in our time.

    Ministers of the Gospel will particularly find this book helpful as it provides helpful tips and practical advice on conducting ordinations and consecrations. Enjoy the book!

  • Tears Fears Sweat & Blood

    The violent death of former Libya’s leader Gaddafi triggered collective brutalities against black African migrants who were often accused of supporting the late ruler. This is the unbelievable story of two innocent migrants who were wrongly accused of being mercenaries and barely lived to tell their stories.

  • When Darkness Falls Across The Desert

    Driven by the rigours of economic instabilities in a West African country during the early nineties, the author of this book sets out to pursue better living standards in an oil-rich country in North Africa. Armed with high hopes but little money, he travels to one of Africa’s poorest regions where he is persuaded to believe that the desert was the only route to his destination. He sets out on a tedious journey with other travellers including a discontented man with a very different mission, only to realize that the treacherous desert was not only dangerous but a haven for sex-starved armed bandits who were ready to rape, kill and steal the meagre belongings they have.

  • Olivia

    Age Range: 8 years and above

    Having his dream of becoming an athlete shattered, Mr. Essel is determined to have Olivia pursue a career that wouldn’t taint his family’s name.

    Olivia –young, adventurous and headstrong, is convinced that life is worth nothing without fulfilling her passion.

    Unfortunately, her desire to prove a point by following her dream hits a feverish pitch. Still hopeful, how will she come out of the sinking-sand she finds herself in?


  • A Tough Call

    Age Range: 8 years and above
    Just like other girls in her village, Aba is sent to the big city to work as a maid, equipped with just basic literacy skills. Though overworked and sometimes maltreated, she goes about her duties without complaint. Can any good come out from her ordeal?

    A Tough Call

  • Chicken Wings at the Altar

    Chicken Wings at the Altar, seasoned with French translation, is a potpourri of well-seasoned verses recreating events in the now moment with vivid images. It underscores the festiveness in the eerie air of excitement of the Christmas season and beyond, viz New Year. You’ll find before you replay every single happenstances of Christmas including those beautiful sceneries you never thought could be attended to, all well captured in the pristine haiku and senryū forms. — Taofeek Ayeyemi, Editor, Idanre Haiku Review, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

    At times playful, at times painfully poignant, Chicken Wings at the Altar takes familiar images and themes of Christmas and subverts and represents them in ways that both startle and satisfy. The collection captures the contrasting moods and melancholia of the festive period, in sensitively observed, acutely expressed scenes. — Paul Chambers, Editor, Wales Haiku Journal, Newport, Wales

  • 60 Aces of Haiku

    In 60 Aces of Haiku, Gabriel Awuah Mainoo does the job of an ace sport photographer. However, Mainoo does not need a camera to create the beautiful images offered in the anthology, he conjures his images from the tip of his pen onto paper using words and makes them come alive in our mind eyes! Each poem in the anthology captures specific moments in court tennis game using a merger of tennis lexicon and images called up from nature.

    The sweet thing about these poems is that one may not need to rack one’s brain working out the mathematical equation of meaning in the poems, as the tennis lexicon that may pose a barrier to meaning are explained off in footnotes; these make the conceits become easily discernible, and they allow the reader enjoy the anthology as he is able to run through the poems with ease. The conceits conjured up in the poems are amazing and amusing at the same time; even when they capture moments of loss in the tennis game.

    Ubaji Isiaka Abubakar Eazy, Memorilla Review, Somaliland

  • Nmãle Kronkron le (Pulpit Size, Ga Bible)

    The Holy Bible translated in Ga has a Vinyl cover material with pictorial illustrations. •

  • Sɛ Ɛbɛwie (Asante Twi)

    Sɛ Ɛbɛwie is a tragi-comic novel which describes how a boy called Ntensere set off to trace his father called Bɛyɛɛdɛn. Bɛyɛɛdɛn had long traveled to an unknown destination in his youthful days. The journeys which Ntensere made to trace his father were full of adventures. At last he found him. They both took to farming. In the course of farming, they luckily dug out a big fortune. After this, they happily returned to their own Pɛwohoyɛsu. There, they did not only live a fulfilled life, but they also gave part of their wealth to help the underprivileged and also to develop their village. Consequently, their village became one of the well established towns in that area.

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