• The Valley of Memories (Hardcover)

    October 10th 1963, a Dutch teenage girl is sent away to Ghana by her resentful mother to marry a man she has met only once and who is more than twice her age. Arriving at the airport in Accra, a whole new world unfolds for this young girl. At first, she is shocked and disappointed by the things she sees in this new country she is to call her home. To her Ghana is hot, humid and dirty but then she meets the warm and welcoming people of Ghana and starts to open up to the country, culture and its people.

    Her new husbands job takes her to some of the most remote areas in Ghana from Accra to the Northern, Upper East and Volta Regions where she repeatedly has to build a home with the meagre resources her husband and herself have available. Whilst building her homes and family, she encounters the most fascinating, emotional, funny, unbelievable and sometimes scary experiences.

    This is a story about a young girl coming of age and finding love and happiness under the most unusual circumstances. The story will take the reader on a very vivid and colourful tour of life in post-colonial Ghana and gives the reader a history lesson about one of the most interesting periods Ghana has gone through after gaining independence from Britain and trying to build a strong and independent nation.

  • The Bittersweet Pill of Politics: My Memoirs

    The Bittersweet Pill of Politics chronicles the author’s experiences in Ghana’s political landscape and reveals intriguing themes.

    “The passion, clarity, detail and narrative power with which Amma writes her memoirs, which are inextricably interwoven with the political odyssey of her inimitable brother, late Prime Minister Kofi Busia, through the 1950s and 60s make her story classic”. – H.E. J.A. Kufour, President of the Republic of Ghana (January 2001 – January 2009)

    The Bitter Sweet Pill of Politics shows unparalleled courage exhibited by a woman whose passion for democracy, unquenchably desire and thirst for political power for her political tradition. The book also discusses how she actively and passionately played substantial roles in the governance structure of her country. She agrees with Maimonides, a Jewish Philosopher, that ‘The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision’. Her resilience is extraordinary and legendary”. – Yaw Osei-Amoako, Manager, Election 2016 situation Room, NPP; Former Chairman, NPP, Toronto, Canada

    “By the time she is narrating the memoirs of her life in The Bitter Sweet Pill of Politics, Amma Bame Busia has become the matriarch of the legendary Busia family. Her focus is on her brother, Kofi Busia, Prime Minister of the Second Republic, whose life as she captures in the vivid narrative would seem to have more of the bitter than the sweet bit of the political pill. But she paints a more rounded picture of him than can be found anywhere else. Her narrative encompasses far more than her own interesting life story. She fills many holes in the story of Ghana’s political history. – Elizabeth A. Ohene, Writer, Columnist

  • In the Eye of the Storm: Autobiography of Justice Emile Francis Short (Hardcover)

    This book recounts my upbringing, narrating the role my father played in inculcating in me the values of honesty, integrity and hard work. The book describes my life from secondary school through University and the twist and turns of my career. The main object in writing the book is to inspire public officials to discharge their functions “without fear or favour, ill will or affection.” It also seeks to encourage the youth to pursue hard work and do the right thing at all times. It hopes to discourage the youth from engaging in unethical practices like 419, sakawa, satanic or occultic practices to get rich quickly. Honesty does pay in the long run. The idea of sitting down to write about myself especially at age 70 was not an attractive proposition. However, I received encouragement from a number of persons who impressed upon me the need to describe how I navigated the journey as Ghana’s first Commissioner for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice and the challenges I encountered. My faith in Christ and how it has shaped my career are well articulated in the book.
    Justice Emile Francis Short

    Justice Emile Short’s memoir contains a powerful account of the life of a man whose local and international standing has generally beclouded a rich and fulfilling life history immersed in family, friends, community, and faith. Adopting a fluent narrative tinged with humor and transitional pauses and asides, this memoir presents a profound excursion into his life marked by detailed narrative of his experiences growing up in Ghana and abroad, education, love life, and professional development, and these will afford any reader a rare insight into the life of one of Africa’s, and certainly Ghana’s greatest sons. While many will find the chronology of his life’s story easy to identify with, his meticulous narration is truly a testament to the memoire’s overall richness and the depth of the author’s encounters and world views. Few memoirs open a window into an author’s life like this piece and the brazen frankness of his accounts illuminates the author and his lived experiences in the many episodes and phases of his years. The reader will find the book a lively and highly engaging read–one which piqued my own interest till the very end. I have hardly read any autobiography this revealing!
    Prof. E. Kofi Abotsi
    Dean, UPSA Law School

    A very well told life story. Lovely in its brevity, but that seems to come at the expense of some of the important episodes narrated in the book, particularly the “Damascan” transformation from being a successful conventional elite professional Cape Coast lawyer and hustling in the UK (on the one hand); to becoming a “born again”/charismatic Christian, occupying high level state positions/public office, “speaking truth” to powerful politicians/slaying political tigers, and liberating the enslaved.
    Prof. Gyimah Boadi

  • Seven Stories and More: Family, Ethnicity and Politics in the Life of an African Lawyer – A Memoir

    Seven Stories is a memoir by Azanne Kofi Akainyah broken into interwoven stories that constitute a life defined by a combination of grit, determination, hope and adversity all ground together into a most memorable tale. It is a book full of dramatic turns and twists. As with all good biographies, Seven Stories enlightens the reader about the context and milieu of the time and times in which the actions take place and their ramifications. Some of the passages in the book have a dramatic and cinematic quality. The reader is transported into the story. Many of the characters mentioned are drawn with such skill that the reader is left with the feeling that he also knows them. This is writing of the highest quality and distinction.

    Nana Kwasi Gyan-Appenteng
    Former Chairman of National Media Commission, Ghana

    The ability of the author to keep the reader immersed in the narration is impressive. Lawyers should find his insights relating to the interplay between law and politics especially beneficial.

    Bobby Banson Esq., FCIArb. Lecturer,
    Ghana School of Law

    A fascinating set of stories, providing unique insights into life during the transition from the Gold Coast, one of the British Empire’s West African gems, to the modern Republic of Ghana, and the extensive interactions with the UK and the rest of the world. They are based on a wealth of well referenced contemporaneous material. These memoirs chronicle the forces at play in the complex and multi-layered process of self-determination and emerging nationhood, which wrought a dreadful toll on the lives of individuals as cultures and ideologies, egos and aspirations collided. Refreshingly candid, humorous and witty in parts, Azanne Akainyah shares recollections of his life, warts and all, laced with provocative and challenging reflections on universal issues. A must read!

    Christiana Hyde MA (Cantab), Retired Employment Judge, England and Wales

    A must-read book for those interested in “the African story”. It brings to life important aspects of this story from a unique and personal angle that grips the reader from beginning to end. It covers significant events in Ghana before and after the overthrow of Nkrumah and also the unfortunate happenings in Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Gambia. It portrays how familial, ethnic and parochial interests have played major roles in these events. Akainyah sets the pace in revealing another side of the African story.

    Ivan Addae-Mensah PhD (Cantab.) FGA
    (Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Former Vice Chancellor
    of the University of Ghana and former General Secretary of the
    Peoples National Party under President Dr Hilla Limann)

  • The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography

    The Military, My Life: 43 Years – 5 Months – 25 Days: Autobiography is General Frimpong’s fifth book.

    Starting from his primary school days across Ghana, his secondary education and enlistment into the Ghana Armed Forces in 1970, he discusses his long career in the military, community service, diplomatic life, incursions into academia, retirement in 2014 after over forty-three years’ service, and life after retirement.

    He also discusses his sojourns in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Canada and the USA.

    Maj Don-Chebe states in the Foreword:

    “For the officers who have schooled peacefully and smoothly in the Ghana Armed Forces, spare a thought for officers like Brig Gen Dan Frimpong, who blazed the trail and suffered all kinds of indignities to his person and unholy twists in his career path. His numerous runs-in with the Military High Command is a subject that should inform commanders at various levels that, a knowledge-based and future-focused Armed Forces needs a certain kind of officer hungry for knowledge and determined to compete with the best inside and outside.

    “The autobiography of Brig Gen Dan Frimpong should give hope and confidence to young persons, inside and outside the Military to continue to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Any setback can only be temporary; persistence, perseverance, determination and grit should drive you forward.”

  • Woven

    In Woven, Dr. Suzy highlights the fact that every life story is unique and even the no-so-pleasant experiences serve a purpose in shaping us. She maintains a rich balance between sharing her life experiences and observations in tandem with the thoughts and experiences of others.
    Every chapter is laced with present-day ins and outs of our daily activities and social issues. Certain parts are instructional, you would catch yourself asking questions of yourself and doing loads of self-assessment. If you care deeply about personal development, Woven should be on your reading list.


  • The Twin Labadi Hotels

    One is always intrigued by the relative similarity in the names of the two coastal hotels which are situated close to each other in one of Accra’s coastal towns of Labadi: The La-Palm Royal Beach Hotel and the Labadi Beach Hotel.

    When driving on the beach road from Accra to Tema one cannot miss the presence of these two hotels with palm trees.

    It is no surprising that these two hotels are owned by the same majority shareholders: Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

    Come with the author to explore together these twin Labadi hotels.

  • Accra by Day and by Night

    The book is a pictorial rendition of the beauty, elegance, and glamour which bring to bear in the mind and thoughts of any genuine lover of nature: the energy and dynamism which invigorate life in the cosmopolitan hub commonly known as the City of Accra.

    It depicts the beauty of having a planned city using the Airport Area as a fulcrum for advocating more of such planned agglomeration of buildings. The book then captures a few iconic structures from the Accra Central Business District. Photos of these two sections of the City of Accra are then shown at daytime as well as nighttime.

    Accra by Day and By Night is a beautiful picture book for both adults and children, regular residents of the City as well as domestic and foreign tourists. The book gives residents of the City of Accra something to live for first time visitors who look forward to their first warm embrace of the capital of the second most peaceful country in Africa, the book gives them something to look forward to.

  • Luxury Hotels in Ghana

    This book showcases the huge progress made by Ghana in the development of its hospitality infrastructure especially during the past fifteen to twenty years.

    Movenpick Hotel was one of the new five-star hotels to be established during this period. Not long after the completion of the Movenpick Hotel came Kempinski Hotel. These two hotels have taken the hospitality business in Ghana to a higher notch.

    Other hotels featured in this book provide a good level of competition to the above two prime hotels in the City of Accra.

    Best Western Plus Atlantic Hotel located in the Western Regional Capital of Takoradi also known as the Oil City of Ghana is a very impressive hotel to lodge in. The Author experienced a five-day stay in this hotel during a corporate assignment to Takoradi. The hotel provides excellent services and great culinary menus. The Author would always recommend their delicious fufu and light soup to anyone visiting the hotel.

  • Ghana Lovely Resorts

    As the old English adage goes: The sweetness of the pudding is in the eating. The Resorts shown in this book represent what the Author had personally experienced during a corporate organised programme or through his personal Tourism tours.

    His account of Royal Senchi Resort was the result of a weekend stay at this lovely resort when his former employers Total Petroleum Ghana PLC (now TotalEnergies Marketing Ghana PLC) organised a weekend Team Building Programme for its Management Team. The lush green environment gave the participants a very peaceful stay.

    The two other resorts featured in this book, Bojo Beach Resort and Premier Beach Resort, are located on the coastal part of the Bortianor-Weija enclave in the western part of Accra.

    The Weija River Area is a lovely place to visit because of its therapeutic water effect.


  • Key Banks in Ghana + Telcos + Accounting Firms

    The book is a treasure trove of photographs of the most iconic buildings which embellish the skyline of Accra. In this book, Mr. Wilfred Kojo Ephraim, the author and photographer, takes us on a pictorial tour of the capital. With brief touch downs in Abelemkpe and on Ring Road Central, he leads us from Airport City through Cantonment City down the length and breadth of Independence Avenue, to the Central Business District of Accra.


    The book is a one stop shop, the first of its kind to assemble information on the Headquarters Buildings, Visions, Missions, Values, and provide a cursory look at Financial Performances about the major banks, telcos, and accounting firms operating in Ghana. One can browse through and favourably compare the Ghana Commercial Bank Head Office building which was completed in the sixties/seventies, to the more contemporary Standard Chartered Bank building at 87 Independence Avenue or the Ultramodern EY and PWC buildings in Cantonment City.


    This book is for all who appreciate Accra, or who plan to visit the city.  It is for children learning about the capital of Ghana, as well as for adults who know it well.  It is a memento of the city and belongs on everyone’s bookshelf!

  • Alke-Bulan Duo and Heritage Tales from Santse

    “Alke-Bulan Duo” is an uncommon, classical novel – a historical fictional narrative of the saga of Two Ancient Africans, whose identities and personae were inspired by the intriguing Biblical account of Barabbas and Simeon of Cyrene. The saga of the Two is positioned in the historical settings of the 1st century AD and is recounted by Ataa Forkoyi, the legendary protagonist, to his audience of seven children of the Kerit Kids Klub at a campsite in the Accra Plains of Ghana.
    The novel’s foremost backdrop – an enveloping ambience of settings anchored in the epoch of ancient times and in varying geographical spaces, including Judea, stretching from North-East and North-West Africa (Pelusium, Alexandria, Apollonia and Cyrene), the Sahara Desert, Menroe, Sudan and Ethiopia, is juxtaposed to complementing contexts of explored realities of 19th and 20th centuries’ remarkable natural and cultural heritages of Ghana.
    The plot of the novel is lucid, but subtly woven and couched in varying intricate and intriguing circumstances and contexts that essentially frame the novel, characterized by exquisite historical allusions, sharp satirical inferences, fabulous natural history expositions and architectural analytical references, aligned with profoundly scholarly and philosophical reflections.
    The novel is a literary masterpiece, crafted in a non-pedigreed genre, full of fascinating nuances and spectacles, besides spiking the narration with conscious allusions to the significance of the role of the Black African race in human history, aspersions to the trans-Sahara and trans-Atlantic Slave Trades, employment of the poetic power of dualism, highlighting usage of Latin and Ga words in the text to accentuate the classical and cultural orientation of the novel.
    It is a novel that proclaims a robust and a compelling message of hope for Black African youth and children.

  • Mighty That He Is: Rising above Life’s Challenges

    Mighty That He Is, is a compelling account of a young woman’s journey through severe health challenges starting from a very young age. Keziah Enyan struggled to understand her condition and cope with its effects. The medications she took to manage symptoms had significant physical and emotional effects on her, but her condition did not improve, for 11 long, excruciating years. Throughout this memoir, she shares how she relied on faith and resilience to keep moving forward without giving up. Undeterred by medical advice against it, she persevered through school, enduring the physical pain that wracked her body, driven by a will of steel to pursue her education. Each chapter explores how her health issues influenced her family dynamics and shaped her personal growth. It highlights the support she received from her parents, family, and spiritual mentors, who remained steadfast through every hardship. This memoir captures her painful emotional and spiritual development, molded by the fire of her tribulation. This poignant story weaves together the full spectrum of her day-to-day moments; moments of doubt,moments when faith wavered, moments of glorious communion with God, moments of blessed encouragement and hope, stories of rugged perseverance and hope. Mighty That He Is is far more than a narrative of struggles, it is a living testament to faith, endurance and God’s grace in the midst of adversity. This book in your hands aims to inspire you when you f ace life’s challenges, demonstrating that with faith and perseverance,you too can overcome life’s obstacles!

  • Richard Akita Bookset (8 books)

    Full compliment of Richard Akita books.

    Books in this set are:


    Cycles of Life


    Cheat on Fear

    Unmasking Manhood

    Everyday in Love

    Power of One

    Daily Fix Workbook

  • Bookset: The Adventures of Naughty Kofi (7 books)

    Age Range: 6 – 11 years

    Kofi Opoku lives in Botikrom. He is a clever boy who likes to play tricks and is always getting into trouble.
    The church harvest is approaching and Kofi has been on his best behaviour much to everyone’s surprise. Kofi Opoku is up to his old tricks again but this time it seems his latest trick has angered a ghost and the ghost is out to get him! Kofi’s neighbour, Mama Caro, hurts her ankle and cannot take care of her chicken coop so Kofi’s mother enlists him to help out. Kofi’s mother has been asked to sew a wedding dress, for the daughter of one of the richest women in Botikrom. All seems well, until…
    Kofi and his father play a visit to the Upper East region. It’s Kofi’s first time in the northern part of Ghana and he will never forget meeting a crocodile and encountering an angry guinea fowl!
    Join Naughty Kofi on his many adventures!
    The titles in this set are:
    – Kofi and the Sack of Sticky Feathers
    – Kofi and the Bucket of Powder
    – Kofi and the Ghost
    – Kofi and The Wedding Dress
    – Kofi and the Poisoned River
    – Kofi and the Book Thief
    – Kofi at the Accra Marriot Hotel


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