• Murder in the Interest of the Church

    The Revd Dr Denis M’Passou was an Anglican minister in the Republic of Malawi who worked in the field of Christian Communication for a considerable number of years. He was an editor of several magazines and the author of a number of works of both fiction and non-fiction.

    In this book, Dr M’Passou draws on his vast experience to tell a vivid story which highlights the problem of unconfessed sin. The protagonist, the Revd Chuma, finds himself in circumstances which necessitate saving his reputation and that of the church by any means, fair or foul. The reader is compelled to read on to find how far Mr Chuma’s clever intrigues could take him.

    This is a thought-provoking book which must be read by anyone who cares for the reputation of the church.

  • Crossroads at Ankobea

    John Blankson has just finished his studies at the university. Towards the end of his course he had come to a turning point in his life: he had decided to live from that time on under the direction of Jesus.

    When he leaves the campus for Ankobea, he has no idea that he is to be the next chief; but his uncle, Nana Kwesi Mensah III, had died and John discovers he has been chosen to succeed him.

    How would this university graduate, a young Christian, fare as a traditional chief? How would the demands of traditional customary practices affect his Christian faith? Crossroads at Ankobea illustrates the struggles entailed in any effort to wipe out superstition from an African society.

  • Pastor Kwesi: Trials and Triumphs in Domeabra

    Domeabra, which when translated from the Ghanaian local dialect, Twi, means “if you love me you will come” is the humble ministerial station of Pastor Kwesi Saka.

    Pastor Kwesi, a graduate from Bible School, is faced with two options − further his education or proceed into ministry. He chooses the latter at the expense of increased opportunities for a more comfortable life.

    The trying circumstances associated with his village ministry − a life of deprivation and frugality, a dilapidated chapel and residence, a tight-fisted congregation − do not deter him from literally laying down his life for his congregation and community.

    Read about how this faithfulness is rewarded by divine interventions in his ministry and in the life of his family members to strengthen your own faith to brace life’s challenges.

  • Bambulu’s School Days

    Bambulu’s School Days, first serialised in The Mirror, Ghana’s most popular weekly, is the memoir of a Ghanaian School child who had a very uncongenial and difficult childhood because his parents were separated shortly after his birth. He, however, got over that initial puerile traumatic experience; which was, mostly, triggered by his father and stepmother.

    Little Paul, later known as Bambulu, really had a tough and rugged beginning but with a little twist in fortune he, eventually, reconciled with his mother.

    Thanks to his mother’s determination, complimented by an uncle’s generosity, Paul was able to gain admission to the Senior Secondary School. Nonetheless, bullying by senior students, strange teaching methods by some teachers and others do not make life in the Senior Secondary School as attractive as Bambulu would have expected.

    The novel is a rich discovery of the Ghanaian Senior Secondary School system in the 1970s as seen through the unbiased eyes of an innocent school boy.

  • Jennifer

    Due to difficult circumstances beyond her control, Jennifer Hayfron has no other choice than to share the same hotel with Dr Martin when the train on which she is travelling back to school suddenly breaks down at a late hour.

    By a fatal coincidence, Jennifer’s foster father comes around from nowhere and sees her daughter and Dr Martin coming out from the hotel and are about to get aboard a parked vehicle. Mr Hayfron’s hasty conclusion is obvious. There is verbal explosion on the spot, as well as a series of interesting drama in the ensuing days.

    The story, written for young people has been written in simple readable English.


  • My Strong Tower: The Genesis

    My Strong Tower: The Genesis is an exciting novel, based on the everyday life of the average Ghanaian Christian. Ewuresi, Akosua, Ayele and Kumi are young adults battling with the daily temptations that young Christians are bound to face.

    Ewuresi is a teenager who has completed her secondary school education together with her best friend, Akosua. Although they both portray different personalities, they manage to go through tough times together and still maintain a close relationship. Kumi, their male friend, gets entangled between the two ladies through his witty and sociable attitude. Ayele, the eldest of the lot, provides the spiritual support to get the youth on the right path with their relationship with God.

    Each character represents the different levels of faith that can be seen among the lifestyles of the youth today, as they struggle to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ. Enjoy this wonderful story as you study the scriptures to get yourself better acquainted with the Lord Almighty.

  • The Dorm Challenge

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    One bad friend and one desperate friend.

    Mercy could change their lives.

    The problem is she doesn’t know it.

    Mercy isn’t going to embarrass herself by speaking in a school competition just so her House can win the Dorm Cup.

    No way!

    There are better things she could do− like hanging out with her ultra-cool buddy Perry.

    But when she is thrust into the Dorm Challenge she discovers that the prize for speaking up is more precious than a trophy. And the prize for listening properly can mean more than anything in the world.

  • The Twelfth Heart

    When Mercy came to her new school near Accra, she knew exactly the sort of friends she wanted to make: certainly no-one who reminded her of the small town she had left behind – poor, ugly and dull. She did not realise that true friendship comes from the heart, and that the least likely of the twelve girls in her dormitory would come to mean the most to them all.

    Anyone who has been to a boarding school will identify with the characters in the story until its poignant end.

  • Rattling in the Closet


    Suitable for reading by children above age 9, teenagers and young adults

    It’s election term in St Felice and there is a tight race for prefects’ positions. Fun-loving Mercy is set to form a winning team with her best buddy Perry. That’s the plan –until the “phen-aah-menal” Salvina springs into the picture. Suddenly, no one in St Felice is certain of anything anymore.

    Who is this girl, Salvina, anyway? Can Mercy and her friends afford to watch her trample on their dreams? Torn between truth and lies, how far will Mercy go to protect her hopes, her best friend, and her own carefully kept secret?

  • Trinity High: Back to School (Trinity High Vol 2)

    Back to School, the sequel to Trinity High: Students in Crime, is full of adventure, mischief and fun. It captures the last two terms of the Form One experience for Naa Atswei and her friends. Together, the girls figure out how to beat the system and survive in the jungle. Whether they willingly chase some adventures or are drawn in unintentionally. The girls do what they alone do best: they keep readers at the edge of their seats!

  • Trinity High: Investigation Galore (Trinity High Vol 3)

    The third novel in the Trinity High Series, Investigation Galore is equally full of adventure, mischief and fun as its predecessors. Naa Atswei and her compatriots have finally escaped nino status and are seniors in their own right! The book is about life in form two at Trinity High. Join Naa, the sleuth and her associates as they stretch their investigative limits while they strive to keep seniors in check!

  • Trinity High: Students in Crime (Trinity High Vol 1)

    High is full of adventure, mischief and fun. It tells the story of Naa Atswei, a form one girl, who together with her friends, discover that boarding house life for the nino is not just filled with terror…in some cases, you just might be able to call the shots! Naa Atswei and her friends plunge into one adventure after the other, whether it is getting out of trouble with the sixth formers, or evading the “beloved” cane of Mr. Aseidu, the French teacher.

  • The Mystery of the Haunted House

    This book was awarded a Burt Award for African Literature, Ghana 2010. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa.

    “He continued reading about the different methods of grafting, about how to cut and store and protect scions and what the best time for planting was. The light from the torch began to grow dim. Koku checked the time. It was almost midnight, he had been reading for almost two hours. He had to sleep now or he would never wake up on time in the morning for his lessons. He switched off his torch and turned unto his side still excited. He was dozing off when he heard a sound and sat up. He couldn’t exactly say what it was but heard it. He got out of bed and tiptoed down to the hall. A light glowed dimly from the family room. Was it TV? His parents forbade them from watching late night movies but occasionally he and Sena disobeyed them and sneaked downstairs anyway. But if it was TV how come there was no sound? He stuck his head round the wall. Sena was behind the computer, her fingers pecking at the keyboard quickly. What was she doing? And who was she chatting with?”

  • The Lost Royal Treasure

    “As soon as the children entered the cave, several pairs of rough hands grabbed them and bound them. Yaa was too scared to talk, she fainted.”

    When Koku and Kakra eagerly agree to accompany Prof Kumah and his daughter Yaa Asantewaa on an archeological expedition, they are unaware of the dangers that lie ahead of them. Whatever will the children do when they are lured into the mountain containing the lost royal treasure of Bepowase and are trapped by Boss, the evil head of a galamsey syndicate?

  • A Woman in Her Prime (African Writers Series, AWS40)

    A young woman makes that all-important rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood. However, her early adult life is marred by childlessness in a society that places a great premium on children and motherhood as the ultimate mark of womanhood.

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