• Treasure Hunt

    Age Range: 10 – 15 years 

    Confidence and Delali have no idea of the danger ahead when they decide to investigate the pit that has appeared in the Woli forest. Following clues, tracking down suspects, and cracking open an ancient riddle, the boys soon find themselves in the middle of a plot that threatens the life of their village. The two friends must now overcome their own fears and face the greatest challenge to befall their village—an evil treasure hunt that puts the very lives of the boys in danger.

    Treasure Hunt

  • How Big is the Sun

    Age range: 6-10 years

    Little Kukua’s curiosity takes her on an adventure into space, where she lands on the moon and learns about the various elements in the sky.

  • Chasing Waterfalls

    He loves her, but doesn’t know it yet. She loves him, but is too afraid to speak up… Especially with another woman in the picture and another man’s heart on the line. So they go Chasing Waterfalls, and hope they get to catch it.

    The love triangle between two best friends and their mutual friend becomes a tangled web none of them can free themselves from. Who gets the guy in the end?

  • Asantewaa

    Age Range: 12-16 years

    Asantewaa was once the most brilliant girl in school. She won all the prices as well as the administration of all. But everything changed when she joined the boarding school.

    With no one to tell her what to do at what time, she took her own path, which led her elsewhere.

    Follow Asantewaa as she discovers that all that glitters is not gold and success is only a few disciplines practiced everyday.

    This dramatic story will keep you on your toes and give you a lot to laugh about.


  • Sam’s Wish

    Age Range: 6-10 years

    If I could, I would

    fly high and fly low…

    Sam’s wish is to see the world; so, he goes on an adventure into the wild.

    What would make him want to come back home?

    Sam’s Wish

  • Adiza’s Dazzle

    Age Range: 9-16 years

    Adiza, the charcoal seller’s daughter, was constantly called ugly just because of her skin colour.

    Since there was nothing she could do to change her appearance, she channelled her energy into changing their opinion about her.

    How did she do it?

    Follow Adiza’s journey as she dazzles you on her way to the top.


  • The Daughters of Nandi

    As she took her dying breath, Nandi Mhlongo, mother of Shaka kaSenzangakhona, cursed the house of Zulu and her family, the Mhlongos, for the disrespect she endured at their hands. In the ancestral realm, Nandi worries that her malediction may have been rash and too dangerous for the descendants of the two houses. The curse can be undone but it will need a human medium to convey the message to the progeny.

    Through three historical periods, three women who are extraordinary in their different ways will seek to get restitution for Nani. Gentle Keeya, a Motswana woman of the House of Moagi who marries one of Nandi’s descendants as the English, the Boers and the Zulu go to the war in the 19th century; Uju, a spirited married woman who carves a space for herself in history during the forced removals of Sophiatown in the 20th century; and in the 21st century Amangwe, who reluctantly joins her fellow students as they speak up against a meaningless freedom during the #FeesMustFall protests.

    Will any of these three women manage to ensure Nandi Mhlongo is appeased and if not, what shall be the consequences to the Houses of Mhlongo and Zulu and to the three Daughters of Nandi themselves?

    An engaging debut which seamlessly weaves fact, fiction and spiritualities while subverting the way the reader perceives history.

  • Adze Fi Hamu (Mfantse)

    Egya Tsinyinarannsɛ advised his two children, Onuaye and Fakyɛm to take to farming after completing their elementary education. The former obeyed their father’s advice but the latter refused to do farming and decided to go to Accra to look for a white-collar job.

    Through hard work and dedication, Onuaye became a wealthy person and was able to rescue his brother, Fakyɛm from imminent imprisonment. Fakyɛm went back to the village and started farming, and, later, he Fakyɛm also became a wealthy person through farming.

  • Naa Luro Mini O Bihi (Dagbani)

    This book tells about the life history of Naa Luro, a renowned Chief of Dagbong and his four sons who also became chiefs in succession after his death.

  • Sensole Kukui (Dagbani)

    This little book contains short stories about the behaviour of some animals and birds.

  • Yaa Mansa: Victim of Beauty (Great Minds Series)

    Age Range: 8 – 12 years

    Beauty, they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder, but Yaa Mansa’s beauty was so glaring that even the meanest person could not help but steal a second glance at her.

    The most captivating of it all was her mesmerizing smile that stupefied men.

    Due to the unceasing ogling from lustful men here and there, Yaa Mansa realized that she was really sought for by men and that some men were even prepared to kill in order to have her. She, as a result, thought she could use her beauty to exploit them to get all that she wanted. At what cost does Yaa Mansa achieve her aim?

  • Nii Noi the Sanitation Officer

    Age Range: 6 – 15 years

    This book is a thought-provoking piece of a fairly peaceful community that wakes up to the incessant complaints of 13-year-old Nii Noi. Like the dawn of teenage, he becomes, somewhat, shocked by the deplorable sanitary conditions in his neighbourhood.

    Fuming at the apathy of everyone around him towards better sanitation practice, Nii Noi becomes a crusader for hygienic living. But as a prophet without honour in his community, it takes the tragedy of a flood to get the community to appreciate the crusade by Nii, and what he desires to achieve: a hygienic, clean and joyful community. The writer, through the voice and eyes of a boy, reveals the innocent naivety and obvious apathy of society, and the power of camaraderie and community to cause change.

  • How Ato Killed the Dragon

    Age Range: 3 – 6 years

    There once lived a man called Papa Ebo and his wife Maame Adae. They were very rich. They had only one daughter called Ama. They loved Ama so much that they did not even allow her to go out to mingle with other children, locking her up whenever they went out.

    What happened to Ama when her parents forgot to lock her door when they went out? Who took Ama away? And can she be saved?

  • A Painful Decision (Drama on Female Circumcision)

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Africans have many customary practices. Sometime ago, these customs certainly had some advantages. With the passage of time, however, some of these practices have outlived their usefulness, not to mention the aim they are often associated with. Hence, there is the need for us to either modify these customary practices or abandon them altogether.

    It will be discovered, in this play, the great pain and suffering that female circumcision brings to our women.

    We do not dispute the fact that it is one of the legacies bequeathed to us by our forebears. Nonetheless, what prevents us from abandoning it since there is nothing to gain from it now or in future? The time has come for us to become selective in the practice of our customs so that only what brings progress to us is maintained.

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