• Secrets Of The Bending Grove

    SHIKA AMENYO, a sensitive, inhibited woman from a respectable family, discovers that her cousin, SEFA GAMELI, has been keeping a terrible secret that is killing him. She embarks with him on a journey that is replete with shocking family scandals, betrayal and deep loss, but also restitution. Shika’s friends — MIYO, a fragile, unreachable soul, and SWEETIE, a shrewd spitfire on a mission — buttress her with much-needed support.

    The resilience of these three women comes from mastering the survival traits of the grove. They are bound by painful secrets from childhood that drive their relationships with the men in their lives: a pragmatist whose generosity will touch many women; a traitor hiding behind a priest’s collar; an ambitious man living a lie in order to secure his career; and a green-eyed wanderer who must allow himself to be tamed if he is to obtain the one thing he desires from this foreign land.

  • Adjovi

    Age: 12 years and above

    Despite being a Form One student poor Adjovi leads her village school to win the coveted first prize in both the Inter-School Debate Competition and in the Inter-District Drama & Culture Competition. But a night before the final competition in Accra which  will give her the Visa to visit the White House in America, Adjovi is arrested and taken to a  tro-kosi shrine to atone for the supposed crimes of her late father for the next twenty four years. Will she be able to escape from the shrine or from the hands of its uncompromising priests before her mandatory period of servitude to pursue her education and even to the highest level?


    ‘Written in very simple language, the book is interesting to read. It would serve as a guide to young adolescents and motivates them to air their views frankly without fear, instead of gleefully accepting conditions that are unfavourable for them… the story gives hope and enlightenment.’ 

    Rev. Prof. Philip Arthur Gborsong

    Head, Communication Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana


  • Travellers

    Shortlisted for the 2020 James Tait Black Memorial Prize

    Modern Europe is a melting pot of migrating souls: among them a Nigerian American couple on a prestigious arts fellowship, a transgender film student seeking the freedom of authenticity, a Libyan doctor who lost his wife and child in the waters of the Mediterranean, and a Somalian shopkeeper trying to save his young daughter from forced marriage. And, though the divide between the self-chosen exiles and those who are forced to leave home may feel solid, in reality such boundaries are endlessly shifting and frighteningly soluble.

    Moving from a Berlin nightclub to a Sicilian refugee camp to the London apartment of a Malawian poet, Helon Habila evokes a rich mosaic of migrant experiences. And through his characters’ interconnecting fates, he traces the extraordinary pilgrimages we all might make in pursuit of home.


  • Taduno’s Song

    The day a stained brown envelope arrives from Taduno’s homeland, he knows that the time has come to return from exile.

    Arriving full of trepidation, the musician discovers that his community no longer recognises him, believing that Taduno is dead. His girlfriend Lela has disappeared, taken away by government agents. As he wanders through his house in search of clues, he realises that any traces of his old life have been erased. All that was left of his life and himself are memories. But Taduno finds a new purpose: to unravel the mystery of his lost life and to find his lost love. Through this search, he comes to face a difficult decision: to sing for love or to sing for his people.

    Taduno’s Song is a moving tale of sacrifice, love and courage.

    Taduno’s Song

  • Mafoya and the Finish Line

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Mafoya is an accomplished sprinter but she is tired of being second-best. She hatches a wicked plan and succeeds in beating Amina in the 100-metre dash. Elated by her victory, Mafoya decides to employ the same trick in the athletics championships but things take an unexpected turn.

    In the middle of the race, a strange whirlwind sweeps Mafoya away to Musanga kingdom- the land of talking animals and birds. Mafoya face both hostility and friendship as she travels an impossible journey back to the world she knows.

  • Ashawo Diaries: Tales of Adwoa Attaa

    A most intriguing intercourse of tragedy and sex

    The titillating intrigues of a good bad girl…delightful reading: sometimes light, sometimes dark; always with ponderous insights! – Koku Dotse

    Ashawo Diaries makes for engaging reading, and beyond connecting with earlier literary forebears, it is important to think about how such a novel enters the Ghanaian social landscape where sex is traditionally a public taboo. Ashawo Diaries is a text that challenges sanitized perspectives of Ghana. – Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang, Lecturer, Department of English, University of Ghana, Legon

    [The author] is zealous towards unearthing the ills of society. I describe her as the “perfect role model of today’s world”. I am not surprised she took this bold step to write this story. Though bold for our traditional society, l am of the view that she held the bull by the horn. The story…will surely leave readers scratching their heads with excitement. – Dr (Mrs.) Nana Ama Pokuaa Arthur, Lecturer, KNUST

    A thrilling page-turner. Amoafowaa is fluid in narration, and succinct in description. – Rebecca Obuobisa-Darko, Personnel Officer, Ga East Municipal Education Directorate

    Cecila’s Ashawo Diaries is storytelling meddled in art, obviously, science and a game of the protagonist. Daring diary entries with erotic sprinkles, gripping and sustaining, which depicts the struggles of a native daughter in contrast to Richard Wright’s native son, the zigzag turns of life and the map of love, friendship, pleasure, identity, re-identity as compasses at each turn. Poetically written and with a feminist undertone. – Grace Ihejiamaizu, Lecturer, University of Calabar, Founder of IKapture and Opportunity Desk, Nigeria

    Ashawo Diaries raises queries on why young girls should experience sexual suppression in a cultural context like Ghana where children are valued, moral standards are held high and sexual discussions silenced. – Dr. Georgina Yaa Oduro, Director, Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), University of Cape Coast

  • Same Elephants

    Marjy Marj’s anticipated follow-up to The Shimmigrant is an enlightening, introspective, heartwarming novel about four friends from diverse backgrounds. Sasha Badu is an immigrant in search of a better life. After meeting Rakiya Muhammad, Jane Taylor and Aviva Schwartz at a political event, the four become fast friends. When Sasha and Rakiya are mistaken for trespassers, the friends embark on a quest to educate their community about the dangers of stereotyping.

    Same Elephants explores everyday relationships, the presumptuous nature of society and the ability to rise above prejudice.

    Same Elephants

  • Madam High Heel

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Every knew the mischief and cantankerous behavior of Agyekum at Sir Good Leaf Boys Academy, a school that prides itself for discipline and academic brilliance.

    However, when his deviant behavior becomes anti-social to the point where he causes bodily, harm to the much-liked Ms. Philips, things had to change.

    In comes the new substitute teacher, Ms. Helen Eel and, for once, Agyekum pranks cannot trip her

    One night, the legend of madam high heels hits Sir Goodleaf. The ‘click clacks’ footfalls of the one high heeled, red-gowned ghost appear to scare everyone but Agyekum.

    Will the much-dreaded Madam High Heels be able to reform the stiff-necked Agyekum, or would he meet a grimmer end?


    Madam High Heel

  • Sintim

    Age Range: 9+ years

    Thirst for freedom from oppression motivates four young friends to confront an old tyrant and with the assistance of Nana Domfeh, a mysterious sorcerer figure. The new order finds Sintim the assumed leader of the quartet ascending the throne .However, he immediately loses the throne in a bloody battle and is forced into exile. Will this principled and selfless character regain the throne that he had been ordained by the oracle to occupy?



  • The Waiting

    A largely allegorical exploration of the loneliness of an existence based on an alien world-view, Martin Egblewogbe’s The Waiting is a collection rooted in metropolitan Ghana, but its primary territory is the human mind. Juxtaposing his training as a physicist against his curiosity about local myth, he creates a universe that’s both entertaining and erudite. In A Photograph of K & S, Smiling, a completely self-obsessed man, returned home after his father’s death, attempts to explain away his unremarkable life based on one perceived slight from his youth; in The Gonjon Pin (title story for the 2014 Caine Prize anthology) a genius working on a program to predict lottery numbers is stumped by the appearance of an intruder’s disembodied genitals on the wall of his computer engine room; The Making, Rain and Back to the Halls explore futility in different ways, while Atta explores life after death – a theme that reoccurs in a much bleaker guise in The Crwoling Caterpillar. Often Kafkaesque in its isolation of characters and a pervading sense of powerlessness, The Waiting nevertheless maintains a constant hum of humour, nowhere more so than in The Going Down of Pastor Mintumi – in which a pastor who has discovered the pleasures of the flesh late in life overindulges with hilarious consequences. The title story, The Waiting, is judgement day in a twisted mind, filled with the kinds of questions that haunt a life on earth, which, ultimately, is the quest of all art.

    The Waiting

  • Les Cagoulés Du Campus

    Nous vivons tous dans un monde où les réalités menant à notre épanouissement nous sont défavorables. Mais une chose paraît aussi incontestablement sûre et évidente. C’est qu’en réalité, les grandes réalisations de ce monde ont vu le jour grâce à des humains audacieux et les grandes légendes qu’elles soient d’hier ou d’aujourd’hui ont une chose en commun:un début minable. Aucune icône n’est née telle, sans être passée d’abord sous le crible de l’essai, de l’échec et enfin de la persévérance.
  • The Phoenix of Love


    “The book The Phœnix of Love has been written… to answer the coyly defiant questions as to what love means and entails: Nature and activity of love, love of fellow creature, of God, of country, of social causes, self-love, dynamics of love…? Great and capable minds such as Thomas Aquinas, Erich Fromm, Jesuit Fr. Pedro Arrupe, C. S. Lewis and Irving Singer have, over the years, sought to unravel the meaning of the idea or concept of love, yet understanding love appears to be a discursive journey that is set to continue for a while longer…. The Phœnix of Love is, to my mind, one of the unimaginably giant steps in the unfolding discourse on the nature and activity of love and what it entails….

    The young, brilliant and gifted author Anthony Gyening-Yeboah ingeniously employs philosophical, theological, scientific, psychological and sociological ideas to present his understanding of the concept of love in an intellectual and conversational manner that illuminates as much as it enriches the concept of love and the activity of loving.”


    –Justice Yeboah, author of ‘The Alchemy of Social Justice’ & ‘Rights in Action’ 

  • Tears Fears Sweat & Blood

    The violent death of former Libya’s leader Gaddafi triggered collective brutalities against black African migrants who were often accused of supporting the late ruler. This is the unbelievable story of two innocent migrants who were wrongly accused of being mercenaries and barely lived to tell their stories.

  • When Darkness Falls Across The Desert

    Driven by the rigours of economic instabilities in a West African country during the early nineties, the author of this book sets out to pursue better living standards in an oil-rich country in North Africa. Armed with high hopes but little money, he travels to one of Africa’s poorest regions where he is persuaded to believe that the desert was the only route to his destination. He sets out on a tedious journey with other travellers including a discontented man with a very different mission, only to realize that the treacherous desert was not only dangerous but a haven for sex-starved armed bandits who were ready to rape, kill and steal the meagre belongings they have.

  • Sɛ Ɛbɛwie (Asante Twi)

    Sɛ Ɛbɛwie is a tragi-comic novel which describes how a boy called Ntensere set off to trace his father called Bɛyɛɛdɛn. Bɛyɛɛdɛn had long traveled to an unknown destination in his youthful days. The journeys which Ntensere made to trace his father were full of adventures. At last he found him. They both took to farming. In the course of farming, they luckily dug out a big fortune. After this, they happily returned to their own Pɛwohoyɛsu. There, they did not only live a fulfilled life, but they also gave part of their wealth to help the underprivileged and also to develop their village. Consequently, their village became one of the well established towns in that area.

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