• Boy (Roald Dahl)

    Age Range: 7 – 11  years

    “A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero” David Walliams

    Phizzwhizzing new cover look and branding for the World’s NUMBER ONE Storyteller!

    BOY, Roald Dahl’s bestselling autobiography, is full of hilarious anecdotes about his childhood and school days, illustrated by Quentin Blake.

    As a boy, all sorts of unusual things happened to Roald Dahl. There was the time he and four school friends got their revenge on beastly Mrs Prachett in her sweet shop.

    There are stories of holidays in fishing boats, African adventures and the days of tasting chocolate for Cadbury’s.

    You’ll hear tales of horrible school bullies and the motor-car accident when Roald’s nose was nearly sliced clean off . . .

    Roald Dahl vividly shares his memories; some are funny. Some are painful. Some are unpleasant. All are true.

  • The Son of Umbele: A Play in Three Acts

    “…the contents of the play revealed a brilliant mind at work in an attempt to deal with some basic ambiguities of human existence,” wrote Julius S. Scott Jnr. of Spelma College-Atlanta, when he saw an American production of The Son of Umbele.

    Indeed, this Ghana National Book Award winner has endeared itself to theatre enthusiasts as well as scholars since its premier at the Ghana Drama studio in 1972.

    Bill Marshall’s sensitivity to realities of the human existence and the conflicts of the mind is eloquently manifest in his writing, be it a novel, a TV Drama or a Stage play.

    The author appeared on the Ghanaian Arts scene in 1966 when he joined GBC-TV and helped to establish the Drama Department of the Television Station. He worked with the Corporation for several years, writing, production and directing plays for Television, He subsequently left for the private sector, working for Lintas Ghana Limited and in his own company, Studio Africain. In 1984, he was appointed the Director of the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI) in Ghana.

    Other published works by the author are Novels: Bukom, Brother Man, The Oyster Man, Uncle Blanko’s Chair; Plays: Shadows of an Eagle, Stranger to Innocence Asana, The Crows and Other plays.

  • Journeys of an African Father

    Chamba Jato was a witty old man full of practical wisdom and a lively attitude to work and life. This biographical book is full of such valuable lessons from the old man’s journeys of experiences.

  • Idia of the Benin Kingdom (Our Ancestories)

    Age Range: 4 – 12 years

    • Children’s Africana Book Awards (CABA) – 2021 Winner – Best Books for Young Children
    • Wishing Shelf Book Award – 2020 Finalist
    • Kidsshelf Book Cover Award -2020 Winner
    • Eric Hoffer Award – Honourable Mention (Children’s Category) First Horizon Finalist Grand Prize Short List

    “She became a queen, a warrior, the first woman to fight for the kingdom, and the first Iyoba (Queen Mother) of Benin.”

    What do you know about African History?

    African history spans thousands of years, has been moulded by many intelligent artists, scientists, and thinkers, and is bound to fascinate you.

    Explore the history of Africa in a way that will be more memorable and enjoyable than what you get from traditional textbooks.

    Idia of the Benin Kingdomis an empowering children’s picture book (loved by kids ages 4-12) that takes readers on a beautifully illustrated journey to the 1500s in ancient Africa. Readers are captivated as they watch Idia transform herself from the young and curious daughter of a village warrior to becoming the Queen of the Kingdom of Benin.

    Idia was an actual queen who helped rule the ancient kingdom of Benin with her wisdom, charisma, and prowess. Much has been written about her bravery, and artefacts in her image are treasured in museums all over the world.

    This book imagines what her childhood may have been like, and shares the story of this well-loved and successful African queen in a way that is relatable to young readers.

  • Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba (Our Ancestories)

    Age Range: 4 – 12 years

    Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba is the true story of a girl who had a difficult birth but went on to become the Queen of two ancient African kingdoms.

    Revered for her wisdom, courage, and strength, Njinga became a dominant political figure in Angola in the 1600s. This richly illustrated children’s book tells her story and the challenges she faced from the day she was born. Njinga must overcome the jealousy of her brother, the loss of her father, and the encroachment of the Portuguese at the dawn of a time of great trial for the African continent.

    This is the story of hope and courage that shows every young girl is capable of greatness..

    ★ The Story of an Actual Legendary Queen

    Queen Njinga is remembered for defying the odds and standing up for herself and her people.

    ★ A Narrative That Empowers and Motivates

    Njinga’s story is inspiring because she is an outstanding example of female governance in the history of Africa.

    ★ An Author with Passion for African History

    Born and raised in Nigeria, Ekiuwa Aire hopes that her books on African history will instill pride and acceptance in young minds about diverse cultures.

    ★ Beautiful, Vibrant Illustrations

    Natalia Popova studied at Moscow State University where her interest in visual arts and illustration was born.

    ★ Exciting Historical Facts

    Based on true events in Angola in the 1600s, the story of Queen Njinga is beautifully illustrated and presented in a way every child will enjoy and learn from. The book also includes a brief history of the Kingdoms of Ndongo and Matamba, where they were located on a map, as well as information on Queen Njinga’s legacy.

  • Notes on Amma Darko’s Faceless

    This book, Notes on Faceless, is intended as a study guide for students of Amma Darko’s novel, Faceless. Readers of Faceless go back again and again to this novel because it makes them feel and think about many issues in the book that relate to what happens around them. A good work of fiction allows us to imaginatively participate in what it means to be part of human society. Fiction “holds up a mirror” to us about life. It is therefore important to be able to understand and explain, as well as becomes more alert to how literature works. This book aims to help you do so, focusing on Faceless.

    Notes on Faceless discusses what Darko does in Faceless and how she does it: the plot of the story, its setting, characterization, theme and style. Like every other field of study, literature has a special vocabulary that is used by all good students of the subject. Therefore, while discussing the essential elements in Faceless (i.e. plot, setting, etc.), this book also introduces you to some of the important literary terms or technical vocabulary used in reading literature. The goal is to make you familiar with the right language for talking and writing about a work of literature and to teach you how to use this language in your own reading and writing.

    This book takes you further into your study of literature by guiding you to use suitable vocabulary to actually talk and write about a work of literature. After walking you through a discussion of each element, Notes on Faceless gives you practice in writing about Faceless in particular and literature in general.

  • My Nightmare

    2018 CODE Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature Finalist
    “As the taxi drove past shacks, shops and buildings; past familiar homes and friends’ stores; past the salon where I was learning to become a hairdresser; past the spot where I sold waakye with Ima; more tears rolled down my cheeks. Zongo was a slum and was notorious for its filth, criminality, and deprivation; yet, this was where i was born. This was home for me. This was where most of my friends were. Whereas people in other parts of Accra saw filth and degeneration in Zongo, I saw love, hope, and beauty. I knew all the good people in Zongo and they were more than the ‘bad’ people I knew. I knew the honest hardworking people in Zongo, many of whom moved from the North to the South in order to build good lives for their children. People like Baba and Ima who left their birth place to come to the South so that their own children would have a good future. Where others saw Zongo as a den of thieves, I saw it as a safe haven. Nobody in this world could man handle me as long as I remained within the safety of its womb.”

    My Nightmare

  • Domestication of Munachi

    On a hot Sunday afternoon years ago……Two sisters walk in on their father’s sexual liaison with the family’s hired help which leaves them both scarred in different ways.

    Years later…

    Unable to bear the thought of marriage to a man she barely knows, the younger and more adventurous one, Munachi, runs away from home on the eve of her traditional marriage, unwittingly resurrecting a long buried feud between her religious mother and eccentric aunty. This conflict leaves a door open for the family’s destruction.

    The Domestication of Munachi is a novel about the unnecessary pressure on women to take on life partners, regardless of who these partners are and the psychological impacts seen through the stories of two sets of sisters—Munachi and Nkechi versus Chimuanya and Elizabeth.

  • Son of Man

    OUR MEN…A university graduate in desperate need of a job. A father’s vengeance for a dead son. A young pragmatic man humbled by the horrors of incarceration. An old man’s dying gift to a generation. A journalist’s courage in a notorious military government. A youth corper’s temperance of religion, love and survival


    From the quiet town of Umuahia to the creeks of Bonny Island, the sweltering plains of Jos to the bustling hub of Lagos, these Nigerian men have a story to tell. Stories of life, love, family, happiness, sorrow, pestilence and death—situations faced every day in their lives. Armed with objectivity, some find peace with their resolutions, while some face dire consequences with prices to pay; with their freedom, or worst yet, their lives.

    Son of Man

  • Viral Load

    Kayode Oguntebi’s Viral Load is a poignant narrative of various discourses, of the simple and predominant things that make up the trajectory of the African post-colonial experience.  Tunde Lewu, a young Nigerian from a rather challenging middle class reaches a breach in his expectations when he realises that he has HIV from forgotten escapades, but this story isn’t only about Tunde Lewu. It is a story that intercepts the realities of military incursion into politics, the involvement of the western powers in contributing to the paragraphs of aid and the establishment of social organisation.

    Lewu is only a character who navigates and engages other characters in the global sphere that are looking for answers to personal, social and economic preponderances. The health of the protagonist in Viral Load is subtly linked to the health of Africa. The health of a family shattered into specks of darkest brilliance props up unpalatable dissatisfaction that transcends the present and morphs into the novel’s future. This makes the author attempt a new proposition for a plot of this nature while retaining a flow from flashbacks and imaginations.

    Kayode Oguntebi’s debut novel is full of promise. His futuristic narrative of what Africa would be when Africa leaders turn their paradigms towards improving the lives of the people. What you will find in the Viral Load is the cosmopolitan Africa capable of engaging the rest of the world as it presents its own cultural solutions packaged in a more acceptable, and verifiable quality.

    Viral Load

  • The Hard Decision

    *Available from 25 March 2022
    After waiting for many years, Papa Koto and Mma Asibi finally have a child. They are determined to make him a more useful person. How they choose to do it may make them end up stepping on toes. Will they go ahead with their plans?

    “A delicious read, a read-worthy first book, The Hard Decision by Jean-Philip Lawson is yet another evidence of the rejuvenation of literature in our homeland.” Nana Awere Damoah, Author & Engineer

  • Mafoya and the Finish Line

    Age Range: 8+ years

    Mafoya is an accomplished sprinter but she is tired of being second-best. She hatches a wicked plan and succeeds in beating Amina in the 100-metre dash. Elated by her victory, Mafoya decides to employ the same trick in the athletics championships but things take an unexpected turn.

    In the middle of the race, a strange whirlwind sweeps Mafoya away to Musanga kingdom- the land of talking animals and birds. Mafoya face both hostility and friendship as she travels an impossible journey back to the world she knows.

  • Lover of Her Sole: A West African Cinderella Story

    Agyapomaa Agyemang is a woman on the cusp of success. With a thriving business in Ibadan and an adoring fiancé by her side, she’s living the fairytale she had always hoped for. Her charmed life seems certain and sure, until her fantasy is taken apart brick-by-brick by hatred and betrayal.

    Wounded, she returns to Kumasi to heal and seek solace in her family. What Pomaa finds instead is wahala: phantoms from her past, a madman chasing her through the streets, and the steadfast adulation of Akoto – a shoemaker whose affections leave her confounded. Suddenly, she’s confronted with a new set of choices she never counted on.

    Resolving her circumstances might be easier if not for her best friend, Frema, and her constant reminders about ‘Ashanti Aristocrat’ codes and expectations. Pomaa must decide if she’s bold enough to reciprocate Akoto’s affection, or remain content to settle with what is familiar and acceptable. Can Pomaa still choose her prince, knowing that he’s a pauper?

    Lover of Her Sole is a page-turning ‘Cinderella story’ that dares to question whether love alone has the power to cross the lines of class and color in our society. Fraught with electrifying action, intense romance and no small measure of heartbreak, it’s a nouveau fairytale, served with a sprinkle of West African heat!

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