• Essential Creative Arts Workbook – Kindergarten 1

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Creative Arts Kindergarten 2 workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

    The main objectives are to:

    1. Awaken and develop the child’s creative potentials.
    2. Help the child to use wide range of materials, suitable tools and other resources to express ideas and communicate their feelings.
    3. Help the child to appreciate visual elements, the beauty in the natural and man-made environment e.g. colour, form in space (shapes), texture, design, buildings, bridges, furniture, cars, etc.

    The workbook is integrated with the themes in the curriculum. Art educators say it’s never too early to introduce kids to art through books and projects. These workbooks are therefore the right choice to introduce kids to art.

    Essential Creative Arts, your guarantee of success.

  • Essential Our World and Our People Workbook – Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Our World and Our People Kindergarten 2 Workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

    This Workbook uses a variety of approaches in order to offer as many ways of learning as possible.

    Each theme contains practices that will help learners achieve the objectives of that theme. There are varieties of activities that helps the learner integrate well into the Ghanaian and international world. Home project sections offers a more hands on activity and home learning opportunities for the learner.

    Essential Our World and Our People, your guarantee of success.

  • Essential Creative Arts Workbook – Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Creative Arts Kindergarten 2 workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

    The main objectives are to:

    1. Awaken and develop the child’s creative potentials.
    2. Help the child to use wide range of materials, suitable tools and other resources to express ideas and communicate their feelings.
    3. Help the child to appreciate visual elements, the beauty in the natural and man-made environment e.g. colour, form in space (shapes), texture, design, buildings, bridges, furniture, cars, etc.

    The workbook is integrated with the themes in the curriculum. Art educators say it’s never too early to introduce kids to art through books and projects. These workbooks are therefore the right choice to introduce kids to art.

    Essential Creative Arts, your guarantee of success.

  • A Comprehensive Course in Twi (Asante)

    Asante Twi is the most widely spoken of the dialects of the Akan language. Akan is spoken by about 44 percent of Ghana’s population as a first language, and is also used as a second language by a large number of the remainder. This book is meant to introduce a non-Twi beginner to the spoken language.

    It may also be used by those who have some knowledge of the language, but who want to improve their competence in it, and also has a considerable English-Twi vocabulary. The main focus of this course is the spoken language, and every effort has been made to ensure that the dialogues are as natural and as close to current everyday usage as possible.

    This book is a must not only for anyone who wants to relate to people in Ghana whether he or she is on a short or an extended visit, but also for other Ghanaians who are interested in the Twi language or require a working knowledge in the language.

    Professor Florence Abena Dolphyne taught in the Department of Linguistics in the University of Ghana from 1965-2001. She has published several books, including The Akan (Twi-Fante) language: Its Sound Systems and Tonal Structure, A Course in Oral English and the accompanying Teachers’ Handbook, and the best-selling Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective.

  • Mɔmoane Nwɔhoa (Nzema)

    This book describes the difference between the lives of those resident on the coast and those in the interior.

    It counsels readers on how best they can live healthy lives.

    To help to revive some of the customs and cultures of the Nzemas it unfolds some of the traditional plays and the ceremonial occasions on which some of these take place. It further depicts the origin of each play.

  • Nzema Aneɛ Ne Anwo Mgbanyidwɛkɛ (Nzema)

    This book is about the origin of the Nzemas, the Nzema Language itself, how it was developed, changes that have taken place so far in the Language, how the Language was reduced to writing, the formation of the Nzema Literature and Cultural Association in 1933, and titles of books that have been written since the Language was reduced to writing. In other words, the book treats the History of the Nzema Language.

  • Paradise Lost

    “Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

    Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast

    Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

    With loss of Eden…”

    Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.

    Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.

    And hence follows the Fall of Man…

    Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.

    “An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey

    Paradise Lost

  • The Junior Companion

    The Junior Companion is an engaging and lively new book for students learning the rudiments of the English language. It gently and expertly introduces students to the basics of English grammar and sentence construction, as well as extending their vocabulary.

    The book also serves as an invaluable guide and reference book for all students learning English in primary schools. It has been carefully written to ensure the language, presentation and material are appropriate for this age range. It has also been carefully checked to ensure that grammatically correct English is used consistently throughout the book.

    The book is beautifully illustrated with a variety of pictures and diagrams to help sustain students’ interest and concentration. Although a number of exercises (and full answers) are provided, the main focus of the book is the learning of the English language and, to this end, the text contains many examples of sentence construction and applications of simple English grammar rules.

    The emphasis of the book is on active learning and not on factual testing or simple recall. Put simply, the book is a ‘learning book’ and not a ‘workbook’.

    Teachers may make use of the materials by giving the exercises as formal homework or simply as exercises for students to practise on.

  • Gbesela Yeye or English-Ewe Dictionary

    The first Gbesela was published in 1910; the second, which was a reprint of the first without any alterations, in 1922. The present edition (1930) is a completely new book and is more than double the size of its predecessors.

    The Gbesela Yeye or New Interpreter is intended to serve both Europeans and Africans, and this purpose has governed its composition and arrangement. The Ewe reader will expect to learn from it the Ewe equivalent for an English word which he may come across in his English reading. or in conversation. In consequence the Dictionary should contain not only the English rendering of Ewe words, but should also try to explain at least the more important of such English words for which the Ewe language has not yet developed a precise expression, and for which circumlocution or approximation is necessary. The enormous difference in the development of the two languages makes it necessary very often to use in Ewe the same word or phrase for a considerable number of English expressions with their numerous fine shades in meaning, although, in justice to Ewe, it must be admitted that in certain respects the valent. Ewe language abounds in expressions for which English is hardly rich enough to offer an equivalent.

    For anyone who wants to acquire the language, the marking of tones is indispensable, as every one will be aware who has ever seriously tried to approach the language. In a Dictionary, where the words stand isolated, even the Ewe Reader will in many cases not be able to find out which word is intended, if the tones are unmarked.

    In books for native speakers of the language, however, that is to say in the national literature, very few tone marks are required, because the context explains what is intended to say. Both non-Ewe and Ewe speakers will find the arrangement helpful by which short phrases or sentences have been added to many words, showing how they are used. This is particularly desirable and almost indispensable in the mutual interpretation of two languages which differ so widely as Ewe and English. The Ewe word in isolation in very many cases conveys practically no meaning to the non-Ewe speaker, unless its construction and application are shown in examples.

  • The Ga Picture Alphabet (Ga)

    A is for Akpakpa, B is for Baa…

    Ga is the beautiful, poetic language that lent the word kwashiokor to global medical vocabulary.

    Working alongside Peruvian illustrator Avril Filomeno, renowned Ghanaian novelist and poet, Nii Ayikwei Parkes has created a playful universe in which the pictures tell a story as you learn the letters of the Ga alphabet.

    Simple and fun, this one-of-a-kind book gives children the basics needed to master this musical language of West Africa.

    Bonus: This picture book includes a colourful glossary with Ewe, Dagbani and Akan as well as French and English translations for all the words!

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