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  • Companies, Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring in Ghana – The Law and Practice: Volume 1(Companies) -Hardcover

    Edited by a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana and an Associate Editor who is a Senior Partner in one of the leading law firms in Ghana, this book is intended as a practical guide for lawyers and other professionals who advise on corporate affairs in Ghana.

    The book can be regarded, in effect, as a sequel to the work undertaken by the Business Law Reform Committee of Experts, set up by the Attorney-General in 2008. Indeed, five contributors to the book were members of that Committee. The Committee was charged with the responsibility of making recommendations for the reform of Ghana’s business laws to ease the doing of business in the country. It decided to concentrate on company law in the first instance. The result of the Committee’s deliberations was the enactment of two important business statutes: The Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) and the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015).

    After the enactment of these statutes, some members of the Committee considered that it would be helpful to practitioners of company law and administration in Ghana and investors in Ghanaian business, if the insights gained during the Committee’s deliberations were distilled into a practical book, in concert with other Ghanaian company law specialists, with the objective of producing a standard book of reference on Ghana’s corporate law. The Editor therefore invited these members of the Committee and other selected specialists to contribute to this book in two volumes. Volume 1 of this book discusses the law and practice relating to companies in Ghana, while volume 2 will focus on corporate insolvency and restructuring. The contributors hope that the two volumes will together contribute to a better practical appreciation of the framework for doing business in Ghana.

    Volume 1 begins with a chapter on the Concept and History of the Ghanaian Company, followed by a chapter on the Sources of the Company Law of Ghana, and then by a discussion of the Incidents, Attributes and Consequences of Incorporation. The nuts and bolts of incorporation in Ghana are next discussed in the chapter titled the Mechanics of Company Formation and Registration. The Core Innovations in the Companies Act, 2019 and the Office of the Registrar of Companies and its Governance receive attention next. Volume 1 then proceeds to tackle the core issues in corporate law and practice (including: corporate governance and sanctions; raising of capital by companies; reduction of capital; debentures and transfer of debentures; corporate management; requirements relating to beneficial ownership; litigation by companies; protection against illegality, oppression and unfair prejudice etc.) and concludes with a chapter on Piercing the Corporate Veil (Looking Beyond the Legal Persona).

    It is hoped that this book will succeed in making Ghanaian company law and corporate insolvency law more accessible to the professionals who practise it and to even the general public.

  • The UT BANK Story: Fateful Decisions – Volume 3 (Hardcover)

    When a successful financial institution faces an unexpected downfall, what decisions lead to such a dramatic turn? In The UT BANK Story Vol.3 : Fateful Decisions, Capt. Prince Kofi Amoabeng(Rtd) pulls back the curtain on the meteoric rise and shocking fall of UT Bank, one of Ghana’s most celebrated homegrown financial institutions. This gripping volume takes you behind the scenes, revealing the high-stake decisions, unexpected regulatory battles, and leadership challenges that defined the fate of UT Bank.
    From moments of triumph to a rather dramatic government takeover that stunned the nation, Amoabeng shares his personal journey of resilience, reflecting on the lessons of leadership, risk-taking, and navigating crises. A story of ambition, trust, and the cost of survival. Fateful Decisions offers a rare inside look at the world of banking, corporate governance, and the intersection of business and politics in Ghana.
    This book is essential reading for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone who wants to understand the fine line between success and failure in the corporate world.

  • The Silver Stool Stabilised

    The Silver Stool, Asante Mampong, occupies an important position within the hierarchy of Asanteman. The occupant is the second-in-command after Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene. This book is a commemorative project exploring the history of Asante Mampong, a roll call of the previous occupants of the Silver Stool. The current occupant, Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, Mamponghene has experienced a stable reign for over 25 years; the distinguished profile of Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, and persons who have contributed to the stable and successful reign for the Silver Stool are also profiled. Finally, the book explores the impact of stability for the Traditional Area and Asanteman.

  • The Misleading Leaders: The Ws and H of Deceptive Authorities

    This book expounds the facets of knavishness, particularly, witting and unwitting deception, their causes, and consequences.

    It provides a brief overview of who leaders and authorities are, and some instances of their categorisations.

    Additionally, it lays bare primary misleaders, providing examples of their methods and the harmful intentions of misguiding their contemporaries, subordinates, acolytes, and followers.

    Given the characteristic traits of slyboots, the book elucidates the virtues of honesty and integrity for anyone in a leadership position, as well as for contemporaries or followers.

    Finally, it exposits practical solutions for counteracting dishonesty and avoiding the traps set by those who seek to manipulate others.


  • Revolution and Democracy in Ghana: The Politics of Jerry Rawlings

    Flight-Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings, who passed away on 12 November 2020, aged 73 years, dramatically appeared on Ghana’s political scene 40 years earlier. In May 1979, Rawlings was briefly jailed following an unsuccessful coup attempt. Rawlings and his comrades were revolted by Ghana’s corruption and economic decline at the hands of its ruling generals. A few weeks later, on 4 June 1979, Rawlings was released from prison by a group of disgruntled soldiers and took power following a successful coup d’état. Following a brief, but turbulent, few months in power, Rawlings’ Armed Forces Revolutionary Council handed over to an elected government in September 1979. Twenty-seven months later, on 31 December 1981, he was back in power, again by coup d’état. This time it was not a brief stay in the hot seat: Rawlings, leader of the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC), comprising three civilians and three armed forces personnel, remained in power for more than a decade. Seeking to justify the coup, Rawlings claimed that the PNDC was a necessary response to Ghana’s political and economic crisis. In January 1993, democracy returned to Ghana. Jerry Rawlings was popularly elected president twice, eventually standing down in January 2001, as the 1992 constitution demanded. Beginning his political career as a military figure with revolutionary aspirations, Rawlings ended it as a twice democratically-elected civilian president.

    These are the brief facts about the political career of Flight-Lieutenant, later President, Jerry Rawlings. More than three years after his passing, Rawlings remains a pivotal, absolutely central, figure in Ghana. His enduring influence in Ghana may be second only to that of Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah. On the other hand, there is no more controversial figure in Ghana’s political and economic history than Rawlings. More than two decades after he left political office, nothing divides Ghanaians more than their opinions regarding him. This book seeks to explain how and why Rawlings and the PNDC progressed from an undemocratic military-based regime to laying the foundations for Ghana’s three decades of multi-party democracy. Was Rawlings a patriot who believed passionately in Ghana and did all he could to make the country succeed? Or was he a wrecker who wanted to bring the post-colonial edifice tumbling down in a misguided attempt at revolution? The aim of this book is to enable the reader to draw their own conclusions on these questions.



  • Give Me Your Ashes

    Weaves together intimate stories- through poetry, inviting readers to explore the strength found in vulnerability.

  • Daniel: Faith Like Nobody’s Business

    It is a beautiful rehash of the book of Daniel. It evolves as an engaging walk through of Daniel’s guiding principles for winning the battle of faith.

    The reader is taken along on a privileged, intimate walk through of Daniel’s exemplary and legendary walk of faith and his diary of events – his life’s story and experiences – as documented in the book of Daniel. As the reader grants Daniel audience, he narrates the most deadly, yet beautiful faith story ever told. Daniel begins his story from his early days as a servant in King Nebuchadnezzar Palace and the numerous unpleasant encounters which ironically landed him in favorable positions instead.

    The popular Daniel in the Lions’ Den story is captivating as we hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. As the story unfolds, his strong faith in God is undeniably evident in his determination to stick with God, regardless of any danger or threat to his life – even to the point of death. Daniel continues to stand tall in the many trials, temptations and difficulties he endures as he works under the three leaders who ruled the Babylonian Kingdom in succession.

    We are enthralled as we observe Daniel beautifully waging and winning the war of faith… “like nobody’s business!”

  • When We Returned: From Chains to Crowns

    Generations scattered by the horrors of the slave trade yearn for a return. Now, a cosmic event beckons the African diaspora back to Ghana, the heart of the continent.

  • The President Ghana Never Got

    When the President asks a Supreme Court Judge to resign and prepare for a promised elevation, the Judge asks for a letter based on which to leave his job. The judge is still waiting for that letter when the media named another man for the same job the President promised him. The judge and the “usurper” lose the job because of a military-style operation, which the minority caucus in Parliament executes with precision.
    Ghanaians question why the President yanks a man from a political campaign platform to the high court and elevates him to the Supreme Court under controversial circumstances in less than two years.This book reveals that the contentious Supreme Court appointment is meant to appease the disappointed judge who was promised elevation. Also in this page-turner, Ghana’s leading investigative journalst is granted rare access to the innermost circles of the Akufo-Addo presidency, and he reveals how the man who caused many Ghanaians to hope again became the reason many lost the little faith they had in the Nation’s Politics and its future before he emerged.


    The President Ghana Never Got

  • Letter To My Grand Children

    Full of short observations about life, this book provides great parental guidance on life issues. It comes from the experiences, observations and lessons of a well-travelled man and his friends who want to leave something for the current and next generation to store in their heart.

  • A Legacy of Service to Humanity- Brig. Gen. Joseph Nunoo-Mensah

    In the book “A Legacy of Service to Humanity” author Korletey Jorbua Obuadey reveals to the reader the humanitarian activities of Brigadier General Joseph Nunoo-Mensah. The book inspires all especially the youth of Africa to service to our fellow country men and women and to our nation.

  • Afajato: Stories from Around the Volta Lake

    In response to the Aidoo Centre’s call for submissions, 144 entries poured in from writers eager to contribute to this literary exploration of the Volta Region and Togo.
    The editors and publishers, committed to fostering diverse voices and storytelling styles, welcomed a range of submissions, including humour, quality flash fiction, and stories with experimental narratives.

    This book is a collection of stories that made the cut. It follows the success of the Centre’s previous publications, including Adabraka: Stories from the Centre of the World, Larabanga: Stories from the Savannah, The Lockdown: creative nonfiction about living with COVID-19, and Untold Stories Vol. 1.

    Each publication has contributed to the Centre’s mission of promoting critical reading, creative writing, and literacy among the youth in Ghana.

  • The Battle of Words: Convergence of Akan Cultural Ethos and Scripture- Why Individuals, Families and Nations Suffer Spells and Ways to Prevent and Nullify Generational Curses (Hardcover)

    The book intriguingly establishes parallels between the Holy Bible and the indigenous knowledge of the Akan people of West Africa regarding the power of spoken words.

    The powerful declarative statements in the form of prayer of restitution and restoration in the final chapter seek to help restore the reader’s soul for spiritual fulfilment. ‘This important book blends profound truths in the holy scriptures and indigenous knowledge of the Akans to highlight the power of words. From the fact of creation when words were used to bring every creature into being to Akan traditional injunctions on mis(use) of spoken words, the author coherently emphasises the double-edged nature of words: a tool for building and for destroying. This is a must-read book for people who are determined to turn around their destinies.

    Johnny Andoh-Arthur (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Ghana–Accra

  • History of Ashanti by Otumfuo, Nana Osei Agyeman Prempeh II (Hardcover)

    History of Ashanti is unusual, perhaps unique, in that it provides a long historical account of the great West African forest kingdom of Asante by a ruler of that society. Thus, it is African history written by an African king and his assistants. This is, without a doubt, a very important document for historians of Africa. It has too a much wider resonance at the present time: here the Asante ‘voice’ is speaking directly to all those across the globe who claim ancestral links to the African continent, and who are still engaged in the struggle to define, to strengthen and to assert their identities in a world that long discounted the value, or even the existence, of their historical experience.

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