• Nice Things To Remember

    What nice things do you want to remember? At home, at school, on the street, in the farm, when you travel, wherever you are, there are nice things to remember.

    This book is for all children—to remind you about some of these nice things which you will like to remember

  • Just Between Us: Highly Sensitive Matrimonial Love Letters

    If you had the opportunity to write a critical letter to your spouse, what would the content of that letter be, especially if no one else but just the two of you would ever know what you wrote?

    In Just Between Us, twenty-four love-constrained people, having travelled several years into their matrimony, write letters to their spouses, revealing top secrets, scandalous confessions, bizarre observations, childish suspicions, irreversible regrets, real fear, unbelievable actions, and even laughable inhibitions – all of them quite shocking and a bit disturbing.

    “This is a work of fiction,” admits the author, “the figment of a fertile imagination.” Yet, this product of the author’s thought is so real that it will challenge your own wildest ideas about matrimonial relationships.

    You will find the stories in these letters to be highly sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable, but they are unforgettable and deeply touching.

  • 7 Keys to Abundant Living with No Regrets

    This book contains lessons that the writer’s half-century of life has taught him to be the keys to abundant living. It is the writer’s testament to life.

  • Wrapped Gifts From Heaven

    Children are needy and dependent, and they know almost nothing about life. They function mostly on emotion rather than reason. They are simple, love without restriction and see the world as presented to them. Young children begin very early to internalize information which either encourages or discourages disclosure. This book attempts to highlight how actions and inactions of parents, teachers and significant others can make children optimise their potential and give their best to society or be a danger to themselves and to society in general.

  • The Stars Are Ageless

    A young woman who chooses love. A daughter who must repay her mother’s sacrifices. A filmmaker accused of stealing her own creation. A woman held up by faith, family and true friendship when her world is rocked to its very foundation. Omoni Oboli has played as many roles in life as she has on the big screen. But a movie ends and life goes on.

    The Stars are Ageless presents the true story of the woman hailed as “The Box Office Queen” of Nigerian cinema.

    These life experiences shaped Omoni into who she is, and promise that we will see much more from her.

  • There is an Elephant in my Wardrobe

    Age Range: 5 – 8 years

    Have you ever wished for someone who will listen to your worries? Adun does. When an elephant arrives at her home, Adun is happy to have a new friend with big ears. Adun’s happy feelings go away when Erin the elephant begins to eat her clothes. Friends should be kind to one another. How will Adun make the elephant leave her wardrobe when it is stronger than her?


  • Menɔ Ji Mamii (Dangme)

    Menɔ Ji Mamii is a book of short stories drawn from experiences to teach morals.

  • The Genesis of Marriage

    This manual captures the studies and experiences accumulated by the authors from more than 60 years of counselling large groups in churches as well as hundreds of copies around the world. It is our strong belief that our fellow marriage counsellors will find the contents of this manual particularly helpful.

    In preparing this manual, we have been guided by the following principles that married couples or those intending to marry need to have:

    • the right understanding about marriage as God intended it
    • basic biblical and additional knowledge
    • commitment to each other
    • the willingness to work for a happy marriage in order to realise its full blessings

    The material here is also designed to be used individually by singles, privately by couples, in small groups or as outlines to prepare teaching to large groups.

    You are invited to turn the pages, learn and practise what we trust will enrich your relationships and marriage. It is in practising what we learn that we benefit the most.


  • Sexual Predators & Child Grooming

    Sexual grooming of children refer to actions or behaviours used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child’s family, to lower the child’s inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. It can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication.

    This book attempts to shed some light on where to  draw the line between genuine concern and grooming, what grooming is  why you must know about it, how the predator gains access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse and reduce the risk of being caught and signs to look out for.

  • And The Eagle Flew to Heaven (When a Mother Loses Her Child)

    This book is about the experience of a mother who lost her child and her path to finding healing. It also provides guidelines as to how grieving parents can start the journey of recovering from the pain of losing a child.

  • Through Thick and Thin: Janet Neequaye – An Autobiography

    Through Thick and Thin is the story of Professor Janet Neequaye. Janet was born and educated in England and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), among other qualifications. She started working and teaching as a doctor in Ghana in 1971 and was one time Head of the Department of Child Health at the University of Ghana Medical School. She has published over 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals on malaria, chloroquine resistance, Burkitt lymphoma, HIV epidemiology in Ghana, neonatal jaundice, neonatal tetanus and sickle cell disease.

    The 199-page book with a photo gallery and an index talks about Prof. Mrs Neequaye’s life and career as a doctor, teacher and mother in England, Saudi Arabia and Ghana, where she lived on and off over the past 50 years. Through Thick and Thin illustrates the trials and triumphs of her life, stretching from 1946 to the present, starting at her birthplace in the provincial town of Benfleet, Southern Essex in England, and still ongoing in Accra.

    Some chapters in the book have titles such as: Life Today, My Family, Medical School, Marriage and Early Working Life, and Going to Ghana, among others.

    Though now retired, Professor Janet Neequaye has continued to be actively involved in matters relating to infant health in particular. This is evidenced by her decision to donate proceeds from sales of her autobiography to the Children’s Block at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital to help improve on conditions there.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume II)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume I)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Contemporary Parenting

    In this current era, women have had to take up jobs to support the home, especially in roles formerly dominated by men. In order to juggle the responsibilities of work and motherhood, the need to assign some responsibilities to caregivers or nannies is gradually gaining grounds. This book explores the contemporary phenomenon of engaging nannies and domestic assistants as a component of contemporary parenting and in addition, shares some best practices on how to prepare to do so more effectively.

    The book has extensive discussions on behavioral needs and developmental stages in children. It also captures the influence of technology and social media on children, effects of strained parental relationships on children and parenting children with special needs. It further touches on parenting in a world of changing sexual orientations.

    This book is well researched and beneficial to parents, guardians and those planning to have children. It is a page turner and highly recommended to everyone.

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