• Should I Ask Dad?

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • Living by Strategy

    The message of this book is as simple as it has the power to propel readers to drastically change their lives’ outcome in almost every sphere of life. It is an invitation to be more intentional about how we live and to have fun doing so (i.e. without paranoia). The Wheel of Life the book introduces gives a snapshot of its content. This book invites readers to join in the exciting and truthful venture of mission-vision-goal living, propelled by core principles to drive one’s Professional, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Family, Intellectual, Financial and Marital Life. Doing so with a balance in one’s Personal, Relational and Work Life is at the core of the book.

    The author shares a concept of Organising Principle that simplifies living and yet leads to a life of success with significance, positivity on one hand and how to avoid being “a successful failure” on the other hand.

    Living by Strategy is a seminal contribution to the life management of personal living.

  • A Complete Course in Senior High School Oral English (with Audio CD)

    This material shows teachers and students how to recognise and produce the sounds of the English Language with specific attention to sounds that are problematic for speakers of English in West Africa.  The exercises at the end of each level accompanied by some suggested answers helps students to self-evaluate their understanding.

  • The Bad Friends

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

    The Bad Friends

  • Why Mother Left Home

    Age Range: 8 – 10 years

    The Adaex Reader in Moral Series uses everyday incidents in the community, the school, the home, the market place, the playing field and other places to encourage young readers to develop good manners, courtesy, health, and good habits and to grow into good respectable civic-minded students.

  • Guide to Good Manners

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    This book teaches young readers how to be polite and have good manners.

    The real secret to good manners is being thoughtful and considerate of others. Thoughtfulness, more than anything else, will help you get along smoothly with others.

  • Realigning and Repositioning Africa: Confronting Challenges and Charting its own Courses in the 21st Century

    One of the challenges facing the continent of Africa is the continued marginalization it experiences in terms of its global political, economic and socio-culutral significance.

    This book, based on a collection of original essays from academics in Africa and across the African diaspora, seeks to address some of these concerns by positing Afri-centric expositions. The central theme of this book is the need for African perspectives and solutions to tackle African challenges, and for the realigning and repositioning of Africa.

  • Financial Whizzdom Nuggets

    Young Perbi had a rude shock in medical school: you can become a poor doctor! That set him on a journey to discover, practice and teach these 25 lessons in personal financial growth, success and significance. Financial Whizzdom Nuggets is the second a Financial Whizzdom triad and contains golden summaries of each of the 25 lessons in personal financial transformation in ‘the big book’, Financial Whizzdom. You will encounter eight financial growth nuggets, another eight financial success nuggets and a final seven nuggets for financial significance.

    It begins with getting your financial motives right and ends with getting off the fence, taking action on all the nuggets, now.

  • Eric’s Diary: A Guide to Writing Feature Articles- Using The 5ws And H + M, O/R

    In this book, I explain how the 5Ws and H in news writing, as well as my addition – M, O/ R (Who, What, When, Why, Where and How as well as Motive, Opinion/ Recommendation) are used to write educative, entertaining informative and promotional feature articles.

    The title, Eric’s Diary: A Guide to Writing Feature Articles stems from the style adopted for writing these articles. I comment on socio-politico-economic issues from my personal experiences. This enables me to infuse traditional wisdom and local language to spice the write-up for readers’ enjoyment.

    It is my hope that readers find it useful in their quest to write, especially opinion pieces, Opeds, Columns, promotional articles for organizations etc.

  • Eric’s Diary: Creatively Writing with the 5Ws and H

    In here, the reader is guided through the imaginative process deployed to produce the nine articles- five entertainment-related and four politico-socio-economic ones.

    Using the 5Ws and H, the reader is let in on how the entertainment-related pieces were imagined, conceived and birthed as well as how the politically-inclined ones were narrated creatively.

    Undoubtedly, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. It is for this reason that anyone desirous of acquiring this rare skill to churn out similar entertaining yet informative articles, needs a copy of this book– Eric’s Diary: Creative writing with the 5Ws and H. This book guarantees the reader a firm grounding to set off on this quest, leaving the bookworm with only a choice to proceed.

  • WriterPreneur: 25 Innovative Secrets to Generate Multiple Income Streams as a Writer


    Many writers have been in various forms of dilemmas when it comes to making use of their creativity to earn good money. There are many beliefs that a writer can only make money from authoring a book. Unknowingly however, there are other ways available to writers that rather generate even more than just writing and publishing a book. There is a great opportunity to earn good money by using writing as the foundation to solve people’s problems.

    It is not about accessibility which becomes the challenge to these creative secrets but rather the realization that such even exist. There are many accessible ways writers can position themselves to make good money either on fulltime or part time basis when explored and taken advantage of.

    This book is to help reveal many of these secrets, how and where to access them, and the ability to take advantage of them to realize their long-cherished dreams of becoming entrepreneurial writers. This will bring in multiple streams of income and will create that dream business for the writer.

    To the ‘newbies’ who are yet to begin the writing journey, this is more than a companion which will lead them to the ‘promise land’. Your writing journey is beginning in earnest and will propel you to greater heights with this material. You will not just write and publish but also build a conglomerate from your writing.

    The concepts outlined are easy to assimilate and will direct you to be able to get the most out of your writing. Prepare to be educated, provoked, and redirected to the right path on your writing journey.

    There are 25 innovative secrets yet to be explored by writers. Get this material and explore.



  • Living through Courtesy

    Age Range: 9 years and above

    Living Through Courtesy teaches young readers how to be courteous in their everyday lives and how effective it can be. In twenty-six lessons, readers learn the importance of making contact with others pleasant and peaceful. This books encourages you to look at yourself in relation to others and to discuss topics and problems concerning courtesy frankly and openly with your parents, friends, teachers and public officers in your country.

    Everyday you are in contact with others in one way or another, in one place or another. It is important to know how to make these contacts pleasant and peaceful.Your best of doing this is through the practice of Courtesy.

  • Richard Akita Bookset (8 books)

    Full compliment of Richard Akita books.

    Books in this set are:


    Cycles of Life


    Cheat on Fear

    Unmasking Manhood

    Everyday in Love

    Power of One

    Daily Fix Workbook

  • Africa in Search of Prosperity

    Africa is a major player in global economic engineering. It is also a great development partner, a vital player in the economies of Asian nations who are eager to explore long awaited market possibilities that it presents by forging alliances with hi-growth emerging economies in Africa.

    This new economic order is shifting the developmental narratives as Africa’s rich potential market has become more attractive with a population of nearly one billion.

    The author of this book is a long time transnational business executive. Although he indicates a level of despair at times, he is quite hopeful of Africa’s prospects. His lived experience as an economist and policy advisor to Presidents, is reflected in these essays that address developmental issues from the colonial economy with those of the new states.

    In this, the author uses the experience of Ghana as an example and a site for an analytical perspective. He examines and writes about the issues of natural resource exploration, the oil economy, human skills and also looks at the vital factors of education, religion and the attendant attitudes to development.

  • Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence – Hardcover

    Daniel Goleman’s international bestseller Emotional Intelligence changed our concept of “being smart,” proving that emotional intelligence—how we handle ourselves and our relationships—matters more than IQ or technical skill in educational success. His next bestseller, Working with Emotional Intelligence, proved that career success also depends primarily on emotional intelligence.

    Now, Goleman teams with Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee, experts on emotional intelligence research, to explore the consequences of emotional intelligence for leaders and organizations. The authors argue that a leader’s emotions are contagious, and must resonate energy and enthusiasm if an organization is to thrive.

    Through analyses and examples, the authors show that resonant leaders excel not just through industry savvy but by leveraging emotional intelligence competencies like empathy and self-awareness. They also adopt varying leadership styles—from visionary to coaching to commanding—as the situation demands.

    Identifying the ways in which resonant leadership can be learned, the authors show how leaders can groom personal and organizational emotional intelligence to ignite outstanding performance. This book transforms the art of leadership into the science of results.

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