• Essential Our World and Our People Workbook – Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Our World and Our People Kindergarten 2 Workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

    This Workbook uses a variety of approaches in order to offer as many ways of learning as possible.

    Each theme contains practices that will help learners achieve the objectives of that theme. There are varieties of activities that helps the learner integrate well into the Ghanaian and international world. Home project sections offers a more hands on activity and home learning opportunities for the learner.

    Essential Our World and Our People, your guarantee of success.

  • Essential Creative Arts Workbook – Kindergarten 2

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Essential Creative Arts Kindergarten 2 workbook meets the full requirements of the current New Standards-based curriculum by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA).

    The main objectives are to:

    1. Awaken and develop the child’s creative potentials.
    2. Help the child to use wide range of materials, suitable tools and other resources to express ideas and communicate their feelings.
    3. Help the child to appreciate visual elements, the beauty in the natural and man-made environment e.g. colour, form in space (shapes), texture, design, buildings, bridges, furniture, cars, etc.

    The workbook is integrated with the themes in the curriculum. Art educators say it’s never too early to introduce kids to art through books and projects. These workbooks are therefore the right choice to introduce kids to art.

    Essential Creative Arts, your guarantee of success.

  • Dede the Star Pupil

    Age Range: 6+ years

    Dede can not be described as an ace pupil. Life is tough for her; her home is not happy. Her mother is anxious and she is on the radar of the school bully. Worst still she has repeated class 4.

    Her life sucks!

    Life has a way of offering you an olive branch when you least expect it. What will Dede do with the opportunity fate has handed her?

  • Paradise Lost

    “Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

    Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast

    Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

    With loss of Eden…”

    Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.

    Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.

    And hence follows the Fall of Man…

    Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.

    “An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey

    Paradise Lost

  • A Potpourri of Tales

    Age Range: 6+ years

    A young person’s mission to find employment is met with hilarious obstacles in the The Interview; Why Elephants Have Big Ears answers its eponymous question in the wittiest way possible; in a surprisingly suspenseful story.

    Lion’s Got Your Tongue takes us on a journey to visit a sick uncle; and we learn all we need to know about family, love and appreciating difference in The Five Frolicking Sharks.

    In four short stories, Valerie Akpobome begins the journey every writer hopes to make: into the hearts of her readers. Join her on this quest with her first book, A Potpourri of Tales.

  • Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose

    Age Range: 6+ years

    Join one of Dr. Seuss’s most giving characters in the classic picture book Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose. Poor Thidwick’s generosity proves the adage that no good deed goes unpunished, and soon everyone, from a tiny Bingle Bug to a huge bear, is taking advantage of our antlered hero.

    With Seuss’s rhyming text and endearing illustrations, this beloved story about a kind-hearted moose and the bullies that make a home on his horns is an ideal way to introduce children to the invaluable concept of self-respect.

  • King Frog

    Sumin community grew day after day and the inhabitants realised the need for a king.

    “Who will be king?” the animals asked.

    The animals elected Frog as king for Sumin.

    Rabbit did not like the idea of Frog as king but all the inhabitants liked King Frog because he was a wise king. He helped in solving problems and also jubilated with the animals in their happy moments.

    They all praised the wise king. “All Hail King Frog! All Hail King Frog!”

    King Frog

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 6

    This book is the sixth among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 5

    This book is the fifth among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 4

    This book is the fourth among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 3

    This book is the third among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 2

    This book is the second among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • OCR Investment: Creative Arts for Primary Schools Learner’s Book 1

    This book is the first among a series of six books designed to develop learners at the Basic Schools’ creative and Innovative skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, collaborative and communicative skills.

    Creative Arts at the basic school has been structured through practical learner-engaged activities to engage learners to acquire, develop and express their feelings and emotions in different ways during the learning process for effective transfer of knowledge: vertically and horizontally.

    This book exposes learners to various aspects of Visual and Performing Arts; in drawing, painting, carving, music, dance, drama, etc.

    The activities and approach in this book, combined with its carefully selected pictures and illustrations are expected to make teaching and learning of the subject at the basic level easier and enjoyable for both teachers and learners.

  • Workbook on The Cockcrow for Junior High Schools

    This Workbook on the Cockcrow is a detailed manual on the WAEC-selected textbook for BECE English Literature, The Cockcrow. The questions have been divided into two sections: Section A covers literary questions and Section B contains contextual questions on all the short stories, drama and poems.

    Each question is an interactive exercise to help students gain knowledge about The Cockcrow. This Workbook will help students interact with the short stories, drama, and poems in the textbook and prepare them for the BECE.

    • Comprehension Questions
    • Contextual Questions
    • Objectives Questions
    • Interactive Test on Students’ knowledge

    … to better equip them for the  BECE exams.

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