• Investments

    The chapters are very well written, and present even relatively difficult material in a concise and very clear way.

    Thore Johnson, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

    To some people, security markets are like casinos in which investing is based on predicting security prices and speculating that those predictions will come true. Investments is here to tell you otherwise.

    You could try to predict security prices by flipping a coin or reading a horoscope, but if you really want to become a better investor then you need a thorough understanding of securities, securities markets and investment strategies. That is exactly what this book provides.

    This topical introduction to investment in security markets discusses in detail the various ways in which you can minimise risk and maximise yields. One of the basic insights that you will obtain from reading this book is that good investments generally do not require forecasting skills. Rather, in many cases, good investments require the matching of the investments with the objectives and constraints of the investor.

    Key Features:

    • Up-to-date coverage of investment practice and academic research
    • Extensive coverage of e-commerce in investments
    • Many real-life case studies taken from recent newspaper articles, in particular the Financial Times
    • Extensive Review Questions and Answers, with additional questions and answers available online

    Investments is suitable for use by intermediate to advanced undergraduate students taking courses in investments as part of accounting, finance, economics and business studies degrees. It is also suitable for postgraduate students on MBA and other programmes covering investments.


  • The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life

    Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

    Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

    Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:

    • How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
    • A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
    • A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
    • A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
    • “Insider-only” tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world

    Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

  • How To Use Crowdfunding (How To: Academy Book 8)

    Crowdfunding is the springboard your project needs. From theatre to virtual reality headsets, small businesses to international corporations, crowdfunding has helped entrepreneurs and project leaders across the world to raise money, build their customer bases and prove that there is a market for their product.

    How to Use Crowdfunding gives you the guidance and advice you need, taking you step by step all the way from planning your crowdfunding campaign to getting the money in the bank. Entrepreneur Julian Costley shares key tips to make your campaign a roaring success, and includes the essential facts on company and regulatory law, tax and risk.

  • Jacob Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 3)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • Abraham Was Rich: Why Not You? (The Spiritual and Material Blessings of the Fathers, Volume 1)

    A good man leaves an inheritance. – Proverbs 13:22

    He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:14

    The blessings given to Abraham were not only spiritual but material as well, and they arose from Abraham’s blood covenant relationship with God.

    This book, written in 3 volumes, shows how all the patriarchs or fathers who were the bearers of the Abrahamic covenant became materially rich and passed their prosperity onto the next generation.

    Bishop Kantanka believes that Gentiles Christians, especially in Africa where poverty has become endemic, must claim their full inheritance spiritual and maternal through their covenant relationship with God in Christ as the Galatians passage says.

    “The Poverty Gap is a Technology Gap and the Technology Gap is a Dominion Mandate Gap and that is linked to a people’s exercise of the creative ability of God in man,” Bishop Kantanka declares.

    The book is the first workbook of the Rich Dad Club, a wing of the new ministry founded by the author − The Bishop Kantanka Teaching Ministry (see appendix for details). This book is a must-read for all who believe that African Christians must show the way that will lead to the blessing of our continent, both spiritually and materially.

  • If We Must THRIVE: A Survival & Growth Guide for the Young African Entrepreneur

    THRIVE is for the young African entrepreneur hoping to persevere in the face of failures, setbacks and rejection. Anyone can start a business but not everyone can make a business survive and grow. Familiar success stories may blur the entrepreneurial path making young Africans wish for overnight success without equivalent effort.

    This book will guide you to redefine your core personal and entrepreneurial goals in order to avoid duplicating unfeasible business models; to properly define your target market toward optimized sales; and to manage your cashflow without accumulating excessive short-term debts.

    Practical reference to the Author’s experiences will shape your perspective towards a thriving state beyond just survival of your business or yourself. The young African entrepreneur must dream bigger and have faith, if, we must THRIVE!

  • Dare to Be Different

    Fornication typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between individuals who are not legally married. In 2 Timothy 2:22, the Bible advises, “Flee also youthful lust, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

    This book offers valuable tips and insights on how to maintain purity and avoid fornication. It provides practical guidance for those already involved in such behavior, offering a pathway to overcome it. Tailored to real-life situations, this book is highly recommended for young individuals in Junior High School, Senior High School, and universities, as well as for those who are unmarried. The content is equally relevant and beneficial for married individuals seeking to uphold purity and values in their relationships.


  • What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist

    This book is a real eye-opener for both Christians and non-Christians. It has lots of examples and instances from both the Bible and daily life matters. Throughout the book, Mrs. Doris Aidoo calls on all to serve God with their whole heart. It’s also a clarion call for all Christians to take life seriously. As you read through each chapter, you will be enlightened and encouraged to always reach out and help someone.
    Today, it is very common to hear all sorts of sarcastic criticisms or jokes made about the Church and by extension, Christians.
    I believe a walk through some of the topics outlined in this anointed book will prove helpful for all who read it. “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
    Whatever God determines to do, either in heaven or on this planet earth, must come to pass. He is in perfect control of everything going on in the earth and in heaven (Matthew 19:26 – 27).
    Everything was spoken into existence, giving credence to the magnificence of the power of God who holds the whole world in His hands.
    I believe the impossibilities of men are possibilities with God. In the earthly realm, God uses human beings to execute projects that are beneficial to men. Ordinarily, men cannot execute any work requiring the unction of the Spirit to fulfill, but when empowered by God, they can do exploits. Elijah was an ordinary man like us, but because of God’s anointing on him, he performed many humanly impossible things.
    The reason why “what God can not do doesn’t exist” is that there is no situation, no matter how hopeless or irredeemable it seems, that God can’t change for the better. The only things God can’t do…is to lie or break His promise, because He is a covenant-keeping God…He can’t deny Himself.
    This is the basis upon which this book is written.

  • The Altar

    Understanding that altars have the power to speak in our lives gives believers the will to fight and remain firm in our walk with God. It is interesting to know that aside from altars that destroy destinies, the Bible highlights some good altars that were raised by men to activate and maintain covenants between themselves and God. This book highlights the power of altars and the need to build holy altars as Christians.

    The Altar

  • Good Money Habits in Bad Economic Times

    2019 and the ensuing years have been difficult. Covid – 19 redefined how we should survive and thrive in not just our health but most importantly our finances too.

    “Good Money Habits in Bad Economic Times is a smart, simple instructional guide on how to survive the current economic crises for all (Country, Corporates and Citizenry).

  • Money Brain: Career and Money Management in Your 20s and 30s

    In a voice that is at once friendly, engaging, and insightful, the author uses personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate how he navigated tough decision moments in his career and money journey. The book is also furnished with practical worksheets to guide readers on their own journeys of self determination and financial planning. And finally, the book includes clear graphs, data, and research on income and spending patterns for people in their 20s and 30s.

    Whether you realize it or not, your success or failure in several of life’s endeavors can ultimately boil down to your mindset. Money Brain: Career & Money Management in Your 20s and 30s is a book about nurturing a mindset that teaches your brain to master and navigate issues of career and money. These are issues that every young person must face in those critical years of early adulthood.

    If you have been searching for a simple guide to help you navigate career and money, you have come to the right place.

  • Start Right: A Guide to Financial Investments in Ghana

    This book, Start Right – A guide to financial Investments in Ghana is what I would refer to as a holistic Investment manual for any business leader, entrepreneur, investment banker and all who aspire to create and sustain their wealth.

    It covers the entire landscape of Investments, taking you through a journey of appreciating, understanding and beginning your resolve to a wealthy future. It unravels the intricacies of Investments that is shrouded in perceived complexity and mystery. Its language is basic to the very understanding of new investors, while tackling all relevant branches of the investing process, appealing as well to the professional and sophisticated minds. It adequately tackles and answers vital questions, such as:

    • How can I invest
    • Where can I invest
    • Which Investment instruments are good for me
    • What returns do I expect
    • What risks am I exposed to and how can I mitigate them
    • Who can help me make my Investment choices…

    The author takes pains to illustrate to the reader on the operations of the Capital and Money Markets and the dynamics of their operations. I recommend this book to the novice and sophisticated investor, entrepreneurs, Investment bankers, students and all who desire to create sustainable wealth for themselves and generations behind them.

  • Money: An Excellent Gift of God – An Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money

    “John Wesley has been revered but not carefully studied.” (Albert Outler)

    This book therefore makes a contribution to unearthing the holistic ministry of Father John Wesley, much of which has been put on the back bench for a long time. As a Methodist Minister, I had known that he gave the following three rules about money “Gain All You Can; Save All You Can; Give All You Can” and not much beyond that.

    Did you know that John Wesley described money as “neutral” and not “evil” as some Christians would make us believe? He wrote: “Let the world be as corrupt as it will, is gold or silver to blame? The fault does not lie in the money, but in them that use it. it may be used ill and what may not?”

    Note the positive ways in which he describes money:

    1. The Excellent Talent
    2. ii) The Wise and Gracious Providence of God
    • iii) The Valuable Talent
    1. The Precious Talent
    2. That Great Talent Money
    3. An Excellent Gift of God-(The Title of this Book)

    Did you know how he summed up his teaching on Tithing? He wrote: “You are a Christian, not a Jew” encouraging liberality instead of following rules and giving the barest minimum.

    I have founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa Through the Church (MEPAC) and this Exposition on John Wesley’s Teachings on Money is a welcome addition to my other books and teachings on the Eradication of Poverty from Africa. Get your copy and my other books in the MEPAC Series and follow my teachings on how we can solve Africa’s greatest problem − POVERTY.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume II)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

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