• Special Book Launch Set: Autographed Hardcover of From Achinakrom to Pro-Vice Chancellor (plus paperback and Emancipation book)

    This is a special launch set – limited – that includes an autographed copy of the hardcover of Prof Florence Dolphyne’s new autobiography, a paperback version of the autobiography and a copy of her best-selling book The Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective.

    Blurb for the Autobiography

    An autobiography serves the purpose of relating experiences of the writer. These are usually personal experiences and readers can draw inspiration from such experiences.

    This is a book written by a renowned academician, but unlike many books written by academics, it reads like a story written by an accomplished novelist. It tells the story of a girl of very humble parentage who was able, by dint of hard work and divine providence, to make it to the very apex of academia. It is a book that tells the story of ‘Mmofraturo’, synonymous with the training of girls to influence their world before the advent of militant feminism. It is a story that gives another peep at the practice of racism in Europe.

    But then, it is also the book that confirms the subtle discrimination that women are often subjected to in our education system, even at the highest level.

    Moreover, it is a story that tells the history of the practice of education in Ghana over a number of decades. Then, the writer draws us into the age-old issue of family life, foster children, biological children, and the Ghanaian family set up.

    From Achinakrom to Pro-Vice Chancellor is a book about friendship and love that tells the story of women, individually and in groups trying to help make others enjoy the life of work and leisure. Furthermore, this book gives a hint that speaking one’s first language can be the source of the survival of an individual in certain critical situations.

    This inspiring story is also a personal history of Ghana from pre-independence by someone who has helped to shape Ghana’s education system, women’s rights during the UN Decade for Women, and human rights through Ghana’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It is a story of a phenomenal woman who has made Ghana and Achinakrom proud.

  • Money Brain: Career and Money Management in Your 20s and 30s

    In a voice that is at once friendly, engaging, and insightful, the author uses personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate how he navigated tough decision moments in his career and money journey. The book is also furnished with practical worksheets to guide readers on their own journeys of self determination and financial planning. And finally, the book includes clear graphs, data, and research on income and spending patterns for people in their 20s and 30s.

    Whether you realize it or not, your success or failure in several of life’s endeavors can ultimately boil down to your mindset. Money Brain: Career & Money Management in Your 20s and 30s is a book about nurturing a mindset that teaches your brain to master and navigate issues of career and money. These are issues that every young person must face in those critical years of early adulthood.

    If you have been searching for a simple guide to help you navigate career and money, you have come to the right place.

  • What Life Has Taught Me At 40: Timeless Principles That Will Forever Change Your Life

    Life begins at 40! Hurray! Kofi shares startling insights of what life has taught him at 40. A medley of epic experiences, the stimulating narration in this book shows in vivid dimensions the uncharted path to life’s journey success. Kofi’s life experiences do not only tell his story, but teach valuable principles that will enrich your life for great success. You’ll have new insights in following focal perspectives of the book:

    • Why Good People Die Too Early
    • Finding Your Financial Freedom
    • Defying the Limitations of Life
    • Becoming Globally Competitive
    • Developing a Generational Mindset
    • Developing Roots before You Bear Fruits
    • Personal Strategic Plan
  • In Attendance: On and Off Campus – A Personal Diary

    In Attendance is the third in a series of autobiographical reflections by Ebow Daniel, who spent a 34-year career at the University of Ghana, the last ten of which saw him as Registrar – a role which, its prominence notwithstanding, he self-deprecatingly describes as bureaucrat, rather than academic; in academia, but not of it; also present at the Academic Board, but does not count for quorum; to be seen, but not heard, neither Present’ nor ‘Absent,’ in the minutes, only ‘In Attendance.’ Forewords generously contributed to In Attendance by H. E. Mrs Agnes Y. Aggrey-Orleans (Retired Diplomat), Kojo Yankah, founder, African University College of Communications (AUCC) and Ivan Addae-Mensah, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana, provide compelling reason to read this book.

    Following Mr. Registrar, published in 1999 and A Tale of Cape Coast published in 2004, In Attendance is a book of many parts. Beyond the autobiographical insights it provides in its vignettes, it recounts, within well-researched contextual accounts of colonial and post-colonial educational policy, the foundational stories of Adisadel College and the University of Ghana, both alma maters of the author. In Attendance also presents, with liberal doses of the author’s characteristic humour, the author’s educational and professional journey – and people encountered, some in wistful detail – from early days in Sekondi through to his professional life in Legon and to his post retirement life in Kigali, Rwanda; in the Office of President J. A. Kuffuor at the Osu Castle and Jubilee House; and, to final retirement at Another Den, his home in Tema. The author’s reflections on higher education in Ghana, on the political experiment that Ghana is, on religion, on Freemasonry, and on the role of the latter in his life, all presented in a unique style of writing, make for fascinating reading. Foreshadowing his demise in 2019, the titles of final parts of In Attendance – At the Confessional, Homestretch, In Memoriam, Nothing now Remains, Curtain, End of Story and – Final Call belie his humorous depiction of life’s lessons.

  • The Lady in Boots: Memoirs of Ghana’s First Female Major General

    Available from 11th September, 2023
    The book is Major General Constance Edjeani-Afenu’s remarkable memoir. It chronicles her 43-year extraordinary journey in the Ghana Armed Forces.
    She was the first female Commanding Officer, and the first female Major General. Her story is a testimony to dedication, leadership, and resilience.

  • The Boy from Boadua: One African’s Journey of Hunger and Sacrifice in Pursuit of a Dream

    *Available from 7 February 2023

    Patrick Asare was born and raised by illiterate parents in the remote Ghanaian village of Boadua. His family was so large and impoverished that not even the earnings from crushing hard work could buy enough food to fill their bellies. No one in the village aspired to be educated beyond middle school.

    Until Patrick.

    Numerous obstacles stood in the way of Patrick’s yearning for higher knowledge, including gnawing hunger, lack of sleep, and backbreaking daily chores. During school vacations, he toiled in a jungle farm teeming with poisonous snakes and insects.

    Dedicating every stolen moment to study, Patrick passed the common entrance exam with flying colors. Despite major setbacks, he kept his eye on the prize. He graduated from an elite secondary school and earned his engineering degree in the Soviet Union during the perestroika era. Finding his way to the United States, he taught Russian and math and eventually obtained a superb education from top American universities.

    Patrick’s travels and adventures taught him that, regardless of his hardscrabble childhood, he was a lucky man. He was raised by loving and supportive parents and lived in a society where race was not an issue. Teaching in inner-city high schools alerted him to the particular challenges faced by America’s urban Black youth.

    Patrick’s amazing story offers insights, hope, and inspiration to others who face astronomical odds.

  • Red Oak Heroes Series: The Big Six

    Age Range: 10 – 14 years
    When Mintaa and Oforiwaa approach Grandpa Kwame under the mango tree and ask him to tell them about the Big Six, the old man turns off his radio and takes them through events following World War II till the night when Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said “At long last, the battle has ended! And, thus, Ghana, our beloved country is free forever.”
    Grandpa Kwame answers all their questions about the identity of the men who are famously known as The Big Six. He also tells them about the contribution each member of The Big Six made towards the fight for independence. Do you know that some of the men died in prison? Mintaa and Oforiwaa now understand why the pictures of these men are on most of Ghana’s currency notes.

  • Crossing the Bar: The Story of Daniel Opong Amoafo (DO)

    This book chronicles the life of Daniel Opong Amoafo or DO, as he is referred to by friends and shares in some intriguing details from his early life to adulthood. There are lessons to be gleaned from what he has seen and experienced. He counsels young people to strive to work hard. He cautions against procrastination and advises that everyone should put their God-given talents to good use while it is day. Whatever happens, never give up.

    “Writing with the skill of an accomplished author of eight previous books, Kofi Otutu Adu Labi’s ninth book delightfully chronicles the life history of 90 year old D.O. Amoafo in this easy to read book. The author’s description of the ups and downs of DO’s life showing his rise from a potential illiterate farmer which his father wanted him to be, to a famous academic, emphasises the importance of perseverance, determination and above all trusting in God in all we do. I highly recommend this book to all.” – Brig. General Dan Frimpong (Rtd), Former CEO, African Peace Support Trainers Association (APSTA) Nairobi, Kenya; Council Chairman, Family Health University College, Teshie, Accra, Ghana

  • 5 Ghanaian Presidents and China: Patterns, Pitfalls, and Possibilities

    In Five Ghanaian Presidents and China, Lloyd Amoah tackles China’s meteoric rise to global prominence and what this means for African countries including Ghana. Focusing on Ghana’s relations with China over the last sixty years, the work discusses and interrogates how generations of Ghana’s leaders, from Kwame Nkrumah to Akufo-Addo, have approached the China question since the 1950s.Combining archival data, policy information, interviews and conversations with former Ghanaian presidents, scholars and high state officials, with the sounds and sights from his long years of travel through China and intimate observation of Ghanaian policy formation processes, Amoah, finds that ultimately Ghana’s engagement with China is a matter of strategy. In this work the case is made that descriptions of China’s engagement with Africa as “neo-colonial” are both alarmist and simplistic. Five Ghanaian Presidents offers a far more nuanced account and shines some light on how African and other countries in the Global South can exploit China’s tectonic reshaping of global trade, technology, diplomacy, finance, politics, business and economics.

  • A Practical Handbook on Personal Development

    “…one must first look into oneself before looking out for achievements. Thus self-knowledge as a foundation to personal development is crucial to any type of personal attainment. This is what this book is about!

    It leads you step by step to discover your own potential and how you can skilfully release this potential to achieve a life that wins.” – The Late Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo (Former Head of Department for the Study of Religions – University of Ghana, Legon) – Foreword

  • Who Owns the Land and Who Rules the Land?

    Ghana is undergoing her fourth experiment in Constitutional Rule − the 4th Republic. She was the first Black African country south of the Sahara to gain her political independence in 1957 but economic independence has eluded her till now. Her development is at a snail-pace at best.

    According to the author, there are certain fundamental bottlenecks in the country’s governance system which make it difficult for her to realize her economic potential. The author compares Ghana’s governance system to Singapore which gained political independence around the same time as Ghana but has successfully transformed from Third World to First World economic status in 30 years and asks why the difference. The author calls for a national debate on the country’s governance system that will lead to a total review of the 1992 Constitution. The following are some of the key issues he calls the nation’s attention to:


    • A Feudal Land Tenure System whereby more than 90% of the land mass of Ghana is vested in the Chieftaincy institution as Stool Lands and the remaining 10% vested in the President on behalf of the people of Ghana as Public Lands. A system which greatly impedes development and benefits only a privileged few and yet there are no Land Reforms
    • The Legacy of the Colonial Indirect Rule leading to a “bifurcated state” in which traditional authority runs parallel to civilian political authority
    • An Ineffective Decentralization System which excludes the traditional leaders and refuses to allow the people to elect their own District Chief Executives whom they can hold accountable
    • An Adversarial Political System in which the two main political parties have indulged in violence since independence and thus refuse to reach consensus for national development
    • The Short Tenure of the Executive and Legislature which does not promote long term planning and execution for meaningful development
    • An expensive electoral system which engenders corruption and prevents well-meaning and qualified candidates from offering themselves for governance
    • The Lack of a National Agenda for development and dependence on party manifestoes thus ignoring the Directive Principles of State Policy. Development is thus not progressive but disjointed and depends on which party is in power
    • A Council of State which is merely advisory and has no power to serve as a check on the Executive
    • A National Mindset of Dependency Syndrome and Entitlement Mentality which has resulted in lack of effective mobilization of the populace by the political and traditional leadership. A national psyche that does not promote self-reliance and the can-do spirit
    • A Governance System which tries to copy Westminster and American systems instead of a home-grown system which suits our situation and promotes development
    • An Educational System that fails to build problem-solving abilities and patriotism into the youth and fails to make them proud of being Africans
    • A Very Strong Religious Atmosphere which feeds on superstition and does not enable the teeming members to transform their mindset and focus on teachings which promote hard work, wealth creation and prosperity
  • Introduction to the Law of Torts in Ghana (Hardcover)

    This book attempts to state the Law of Torts as it should apply in the Ghana legal stem. Article I I of the 1992 Constitution recognises the common law principles as they were received from the Anglo-American common law tradition as part of the Laws of Ghana. Section 54 of the Courts Act, 1993 (Act 459) provides that our courts may in the determination of any issue arising from the common law, adopt, develop and apply remedies from any other legal system based on the Anglo-American legal tradition.

    In many contemporary common law countries, for example the UK and the USA, however, there has been an explosion of statutory interventions in the common law. This is reflected in the discussions of the common law principles in the recent editions of textbooks written in those countries. Unfortunately, these statutes are not “statutes of general application,” as this phrase is used and understood in the Ghana legal system. The admixture of these statutes and the common law in these countries makes the isolation of the parts of those books,  which are helpful to our causes in Ghana, a major challenge.

    This book attempts to isolate what is usable from what is not. The hope of the author and the publishers is that the reader, whether a practitioner or student, will find the principles of torts law, as stated in the book, devoid of the statutory contaminations.

  • Commercial Law in Ghana: Sourcebook (Hardcover)

    Commercial Law in Ghana: Sourcebook is written as a primary text for the study and practice of commercial law in Ghana. The book prioritises Ghanaian judicial decisions in the discussion of the various topics and legal concepts in commercial law. The book covers topics such as Law of Agency, Sale of Goods, Hire Purchase, Negotiable Instruments, Banking, as well as commercial litigation and arbitration. The book contains a lucid reader-friendly analysis of topics in commercial law in the light of relevant Ghanaian case law and legislation. The book will serve the needs of students of the law by providing them with legal analysis backed by Ghanaian sources. It would also serve as a practical guide to practitioners of commercial law.

  • Mastering Digital

    “Exact source of knowledge: it points out the power we have sitting in our pockets and our hands to turn around our fortunes and increase visibility.” – Samuel Twum, Software Engineer, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa

    “Digitization, automation, optimization, disintermediation and robotization is now happening in all industries. Mastering Digital highlights some important facts.” – Kwame A. Opoku, CEO, Reset Global People, Ghana

    “A great recommendation for all seeking to grow in this era of rapidly advancing technology.” – Isaac Ashong, Pastor and Businessman, USA

    “A rejoinder for us all!” – Amaka Okoye, Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist, Nigeria

    “The blueprint every individual and or business needs as a fundamental in growing their personal and professional brands on the digital space.” – Lucas Escalada, Fashion Designer, Equatorial Guinea

    “Outlines in simple terms the power of understanding and leveraging insights from various social media platforms to deliver bespoke products and services to clients.” – Derrydean Dadzie, Ghana Chamber of Communications, Ghana

    “A good primer on how to start and grow your digital footprints.” – Tito Magero, Data Engineer, Kenya

    “A light onto our path in the digital journey.” – TRIGMATIC, Renowned Musician, Ghana

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