• Key to True and Lasting Success: A Practical Guide to Successful Living

    Looking for a book with power to jump-start your life? Look no further. Ankrah’s key to true and lasting success will be your strategic partner to get you to your prophetic place in life. You will learn more ideas, concepts, principles and methods used by successful people in the world. You will immediately become self-confident and begin to think that success is not the preserve for the special people.

    The step-by-step approach for successful living presented in this book include proven concepts drawn from business, religion, economics, psychology and everyday life. These concepts are combined in a fast-moving, informative series of steps that will lead you to greater success than you ever imagine possible. They can improve your human relationship, health and financial situation.

  • Managing the Pressure of Success and Time

    If you are struggling with the management of your success, time and suffering from leadership challenges, read this book and then do what it says. A powerful and inspiring book that you will want to read again and again. Managing the pressure of success and time is a treasure trove on principles, methods, concepts, tips, techniques and ideas that will change your life. Whatever other self-help books you may read in your lifetime, make this one your top priority. A tremendous book packed with infinite wisdom.This book is a clear, simple road map that shows you how to focus on the vital few, rather than trivial many.

  • Maximizing Your Potential: Die Empty

    Ankrah has the rare talent of writing books that are fun to read yet truly life changing. Maximize Your Potential will move you at the deepest level and show you how to have the life you have always wished you could have.

    This book will lift your spirits and inspire you to make the changes in your life that will get you back on track, not only professionally but personally. The book provides a rare key to unlock your potential.

  • How to Secure Your Financial Freedom: Spend After Saving, Don’t Save After Spending

    What is your financial situation today? Does your income exceed your expenses regularly, and that you are looking for investment opportunities? Does your income exactly meet your expenses and that you cannot save at all to meet any emergency? Does your income fall short of your expenses and always looking for a loan to survive? Do you not earn any income at all and are therefore financially depressed and it is even affecting your relationship? Which of the above scenarios can you associate yourself with?

    Worry no more. Ankrah’s How To Secure Your Financial Freedom will guide you to achieve whatever financial targets you have set for yourself. Your financial life is in your own No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened to you for the past, you can consciously make a decision to change your financial situation. There is no such thing as hopeless financial situation. Every financial situation can change.

    You don’t change your financial situation by just increasing your income. You do so by delaying gratification. The book provides a road map to financial recovery driven by a realistic, deliverable promise for a better life. It shows you how to master essentials to get your money under control and prepare financially for the rest of your life.

  • Why You Are Not Rich As You Should Be

    Finally, the ground-breaking book on personal finance is out. The aim of the book is to elevate the financial well-being of humanity and to bring financial education to the doorstep of everyone who has the desire to be rich. With this book in your hand, you no longer have an excuse to remain in poverty. If you are born poor, it is not your fault but if you die poor it is your fault.

    The person who earns twenty times more than you is not smarter or more productive than you. The difference is that he is armed with information that you do not have. The different between the rich and the poor is information. It is your responsibility to look for that information and that unique information is what this book seeks to provide. Financial success has a formula. Once you get it, it is very easy to become rich but if you do not get the formula, poverty is inevitable.

  • Reflections of A Hopemonger

    Reflections of A Hopemonger is a carefully crafted work that will inspire in every man and woman the desire to do better with this gift called life. With a message as compelling as the inner voice, the book directs the seeker of self-improvement towards the diamond of their endeavour. Page after page, the God factor becomes non-negotiable.

    Tracing the joys, disappointments, triumphs and challenges of her own life and sharing lessons with the reader, Aba convinces us to pay attention to the ideals that matter.

    Reflections of A Hopemonger demonstrates that from the undercurrent swellings of doubt and despair springs the fountain of hope.

  • Understanding Management in Living

    An in-depth and comprehensive material which covers all aspects of the Senior High School syllabus for the Management in Living programme. This book is recommended for the teaching and learning of Management in Living in Senior High Schools (SHS), Technical/ Vocational Institutes and Colleges of Education by GES.

  • Agriculture Economics and Contemporary Issues in Ghana

    A collection of review and empirical articles on agricultural economics by the Department of Agricultural Economics. It provides a good illustration of the key themes, concepts and methodologies of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Agricultural Administration and demonstrates the basic concerns of the discipline.

  • Perspectives from the World of Nutrition and Food Science

    The University of Ghana Readers volume from the Department of Nutrition and Food Science provides standpoints that are backed with research into processing technologies of Ghanaian traditional foods and some nutrition situations across the life stages of humans. This Reader volume is an important resource for researchers, students, health workers, social work professionals and the general population to get a better understanding of Food Science and Nutrition issues that are pertinent to general well being and health.

  • International Relations: An Introduction (AsanteBrako Political Series)

    International Relations: An Introduction provides a broad and comprehensive account of issues encountered in the discipline for both under-graduate and graduate students, as well as beginners who are interested in the study of the discipline. Crafted in a lively, clear and highly accessible introduction to international relations and the key concepts in the discipline, the book is designed systematically to build a solid foundation and an effective understanding of concepts, principles, practices and theories of international relations.

  • Principles & Practice of Taxation

    This book covers all the principles and practice of taxation in Ghana. The book is current and straight to the point, devoid of any technical tax jargons. The cases and exercises at the end of each chapter capture the applications of the principles. Some of the cases are quite lengthy; particularly the style of examiners, the objective is to expose users to both principles and dynamics of the practice of taxation as well as examination.

  • 5 Ghanaian Presidents and China: Patterns, Pitfalls, and Possibilities

    In Five Ghanaian Presidents and China, Lloyd Amoah tackles China’s meteoric rise to global prominence and what this means for African countries including Ghana. Focusing on Ghana’s relations with China over the last sixty years, the work discusses and interrogates how generations of Ghana’s leaders, from Kwame Nkrumah to Akufo-Addo, have approached the China question since the 1950s.Combining archival data, policy information, interviews and conversations with former Ghanaian presidents, scholars and high state officials, with the sounds and sights from his long years of travel through China and intimate observation of Ghanaian policy formation processes, Amoah, finds that ultimately Ghana’s engagement with China is a matter of strategy. In this work the case is made that descriptions of China’s engagement with Africa as “neo-colonial” are both alarmist and simplistic. Five Ghanaian Presidents offers a far more nuanced account and shines some light on how African and other countries in the Global South can exploit China’s tectonic reshaping of global trade, technology, diplomacy, finance, politics, business and economics.

  • Networking Made Easy

    An easy-to-understand networking guide for startups and students.

    “Don’t let the ‘cuteness’ of this read fool you! Ama has wittingly loaded it with real-life anecdotes, pithy statements and practical tips about networking, that will revolutionize your life. Truly, ‘little hinges swing big doors.'” – Dr Yaw Perbi, Global CEO of The HuD Group, Montreal, Canada

    “Ama Duncan provides some golden nuggets to the art of networking. In an easy-to-read manner, with memorable examples and useful reflections, Ama manages to break down networking to its basic elements, making this important social skill accessible to even the most challenged networker. An enjoyable, short read.” – Dr Jemima Nunoo, Lecturer, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

    “A delightful guide full of important information on networking and it is good for those of us who want to leverage on networking and grow in our corporate lives and personal businesses. It is a must-read and I am confident you will learn something new.” – Chairman Stephen Essien, MD, ZEGHA Energy Ltd

  • Gateway to a Criminal Justice System

    Abron S. Touré, received a BA in Philosophy from Brandeis University in 1973, a BS Chemical Engineering Northeastern University in 1983, and MS in Administration from Boston University in 1991. He now resides in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he works as an author and real estate consultant.

    I would to thank Dr. Kenneth Kipnis retired professor of philosophy University of Hawaii for his help and support and for introducing me to the subject of Plea Bargaining as an ethical concern. Would also like to thank my two dear friends, Alexander Aikens, JD retired banker and part-time Professor at Brandeis for his continued moral support. Special thanks to Ralph Martin, JD, former District Attorney Middlesex County Massachusetts, and Executive Vice President of Northeastern University for his explanations and expertise on the subject. Their comments helped me stay focused and cannot be understated. Finally, my sincere gratitude to the creative skills that went into making the artwork for the book jacket. Such skill and genius must not go unrecognized. Unfortunately, the name of the individual is Unknown!

    Further, be mindful, when reading the text, much of the story is carried in the footnotes.

    — The Author


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