• I am Not Yvonne Nelson

    I Am Not Yvonne Nelson is an explosive and riveting account of a young woman who sets out to discover herself, but finds out that she has been living with a false identity. The drama and the twists and turns of this moving story have all the markings of a spell-binding movie script, except that the protagonist, who is an actor, is contending with a reality that intermittently soaks her pillow with tears. Uncharacteristic of an autobiography, the author comes to her audience stark naked. The book opens the door widely into the life of the author and exposes the good, the bad and the ugly sides, not only of her life, but also of the make-believe world of celebrities.


    I am Not Yvonne Nelson

  • Odd Numbers: Building a Meaningful Career

    Career Coach and Communications Consultant, Antoinette Gyan discusses how to develop a meaningful career in her book, ‘Odd Numbers’.

    The inspirational writer has provided a reflection on career development and how to harness an individual’s best abilities to forge a worthy career and a meaningful life. From dealing with fear to improving mindset to career planning tips, the author craftly fuses her internal monologues and experiences of career development, career planning course and life and career essentials.

    With several ideas on personal and career development and an opportunity to prepare a career plan that will guide a person’s career development path, ‘Odd Numbers’ provides the space for personal reflection on a subject that all individuals grapple with yet left unaddressed.

    If you are a beginner or a mid-career professional, this simplified career development guide will improve your awareness on important steps and options available to you to build a thriving career.

  • Kofi Chokosi Speaks: From Archaeology to Zoology (1985-2015)

    This book provides all connoisseurs of Social Literature with a delightful array of bite-sized vignettes of man as a social animal. Kofi Chokosi’s extensive travels as a soldier have provided us with various perspectives of the enthralling human condition, whether in the military Cantonment of Burma Camp, Ghana, the hot steamy jungles of Cambodia or the lush green meadows of Southern England…next time you buy the Daily Graphic, look out for the musing of Kofi Chokosi – soldier, scholar, teacher and writer.

  • Retirement Musings

    This collection of articles in the author’s personality captured in writing. They show his versatility and depth. General Frimpong’s writing is a model for writing crisp, straight-to-the-opinion pieces for mass circulation newspapers. But that doesn’t mean the pieces are dry. On the contrary, they shine with his sense of humour while retaining the discipline of word economy and sweet crunchy sentences.

    It is especially telling that the General studied and taught at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Ghana, Legon. No subject is off limit and all thoughts are allowed! So, he discusses football, discipline, Kofi Annan, history and airplanes in this breathless book which reads like a single narrative, even though it is a collection of stories.

  • Banking Management and Operations

    Banking books commonly focus on the management of the bank and its financial statement. Such books are specialized reading for students of bank management or administration.

    This book, ‘Banking Management and Operations ‘, do not ‘teach’ banking; it rather elicits some of the weaknesses and challenges in banking management and practices that relate to their day-to-day transformation. It, therefore, suggests sacred considerations for added efficiency by tightening the loose screws in operations and management practices. It looks at the need for customer protection, satisfaction, and customer confidence which have become more crucial. This is critical in 21st-century business practices which sometimes assume that high fliers, profit rankers, spectacular achievers; or words, attitudes, and actions of Management and Personnel are conducted with honesty and goodness.

    Let us remember that for every credibility gap, there is a gullibility filled with miscreants hovering around them.

     The book provides simple professional tools to integrate specific functional thoughts in banking operations and management in one shell. It also forewarns practitioners, students, and consumers that banking business threats are like growing viruses in all forms, in the face of rising financial crime waves, cybercrime, money laundering and terrorist activities.

    The two critical functions, management and banking operations have been selected to run through the book. They clearly identify with each chapter and show how their interplay can make things happen in order to meet strategic objectives or reasonably protect stakeholders.

    The chapters cover a collection of banking concepts, relevant strategic management information requirements and related job functions that fit into bank specific enterprise risk management.

    Clearly, identified and appropriate ICT application platforms products and services within banking legal framework and conventions are offered. The value propositions answer the question:

    ‘How do we protect customers’ monies and provide satisfying services to them.’

  • How to Turn Your Talent into a Successful Career

    Dreams only come alive when we are able to identify who we are and what we are able to do in bettering our lot. From the knowledge stock of a great industry colossus comes yet again another compelling book titled , “How To Turn Your Talent Into A Successful Career”. In a narrative that clearly seeks to inspire young minds on how to maximize their talents, the author sets the stage for individual talents to be utilized by recounting his personal life experiences. The carefully selected words are meant to be thought provoking and serve as a guide. With only six chapters, the language is simple and genuine. Reading should come with a price and that surely would be ‘growth’.

  • Amu the African (Children’s Edition)

    This is the children’s edition of the earlier book, Amu the African, A Study in Vision and Courage, written by Fred Agyeman. From this book, we can learn about the qualities of selflessness, originality, regard for Africaness etc. which characterised the life of this renowned Ghanaian educationist and reformist, Dr Ephraim Amu.

    The book seeks to inspire the youth to emulate the good example of Dr Amu – a personality who has influenced for good, many pupils and students in his 50 years of teaching.

    In this children’s edition, Fred Agyemang and Phanuel Nyaku have retold the story of Amu in simple, easy-to-read narrative form.

    This book is highly recommended for Ghanaian children to help them absorb some of the values we cherish from our traditional heritage as eminently exemplified in the life of Dr Ephraim Amu.

    Not since Dr Kwegyir Aggrey has any other Ghanaian influenced more positively the development of Ghanaian culture and pride in the African Personality than Dr Ephraim Amu.

  • The Quest for Nuclear Power in Ghana

    The authors have detailed a comprehensive history of GAEC, its mission and its impact so far on the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in Ghana. The book has also attempted to explain reactor engineering in layman’s language, such that the average reader could comprehend how a nuclear reactor works – the structure and functions of the various buildings comprising a reactor, the controls, the fuel assemblies, and how the reactor goes critical for power to be produced and harnessed in the form of steam that is used to turn turbines to produce electricity.

    The book also discusses issues of nuclear reactor safety, management, and the eventual safe return of spent nuclear fuel and waste generated to the supplier country. Most importantly, the authors have described a new reactor concept – the Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). SMRs have greater simplicity of design, economy of series production largely in factories, short construction times, and reduced siting costs. SMRs are proliferation resistant, affordable, mobile, may be built independently or as modules in a larger complex, with capacity added incrementally as more financing is secured. Furthermore, they can be designed to be placed below ground level, giving high resistance to terrorist threats.

    The authors are thus recommending these modern nuclear power plants for consideration by Ghana and other African countries. Hence, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s vision of utilising nuclear power in our energy mix to consolidate our industrial take-off will finally be realised.

  • Realigning and Repositioning Africa: Confronting Challenges and Charting its own Courses in the 21st Century

    One of the challenges facing the continent of Africa is the continued marginalization it experiences in terms of its global political, economic and socio-culutral significance.

    This book, based on a collection of original essays from academics in Africa and across the African diaspora, seeks to address some of these concerns by positing Afri-centric expositions. The central theme of this book is the need for African perspectives and solutions to tackle African challenges, and for the realigning and repositioning of Africa.

  • Marketing with Influencers: How SMEs can Maximise Sales

    From the traditional ways of marketing to new and emerging marketing methods, you’ve got all bases covered. But have you ever thought of leveraging influencers in your marketing strategy? Get into the now!

    Marketing with Influencers is a guide that will help you understand how combining influencer marketing strategies with other approaches gives you an edge over your competitors. This book covers everything from what influencers are, why they’re important to your business, and how to effectively reach them.

    Whether you are looking for ways to grow your brand or want to make data-driven decisions about your advertising spend, this book has answers for every question you might have about using influencers in your marketing strategy.

    In this technology fast-paced driven world, questions on how to use the internet for your advantage, more especially through brand influencers have been tackled in this book.

    If you have a start-up business, an SME, or a company, a read through this book is a cause to take action on moving your business to the next level using brand influencers.

  • Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual

    “Few African investigative journalists I know are as invested in principled investigative journalism as Manasseh Azure Awuni. That trait has always come through in his exhaustive, impactful stories (some of which have featured in GIJN’s monthly and annual picks of top investigative stories from Africa). It is also abundantly evident in his new book, Investigative Journalism in Africa: A Practical Manual. In his own distinct, matter-of-fact style, Manasseh crafts a book that borrows from his own experiences to map a path for journalists who want to follow in his footsteps or learn from his unique experiences. By doing so, Manasseh has laid a crucial brick towards building African literature on investigative journalism on the continent. Most of the watchdog journalism study materials available in Africa come from the West. Manasseh’s effort is a commendable and timely step in the right direction, which I hope other investigative journalists across Africa can aspire to emulate.” − Benon Herbert Oluka, Africa Editor of Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)

    “Manasseh Azure Awuni makes investigative journalism so practical in this manual. He dissects the thorny and hidden issues that you would not get in your average classroom. This book crafts the very basis of my intellectual thinking of what investigative journalism should be about. It is a must- read for every student who wants to achieve greater heights in investigative journalism across the world.” − Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Award-winning Ghanaian investigative journalist

    “This book is rich with practical and theoretical knowledge from one of the foremost investigative journalists in Africa. An invaluable resource for both professionals and students.” − Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, former Dean of the School of Information and Communication Studies, University of Ghana

    “Students with a dream to pursue public interest and accountability journalism will find exceptional value here, but practitioners will do themselves a world of great value if they also keep a copy on the reading table.” − Dapo Olorunyomi, Publisher of Premium Times, Nigeria  

  • Leadership and the Challenges of Command: The Ghana Military Academy Experience

    Brigadier General Daniel Kwadjo Frimpong was born on 2 February 1953 in Accra. He had his Secondary School Education at Mfantsipim School and the Ghana Secondary Technical School and had his first degree from the University of Ghana, Legon, where he also served as a Teaching Assistant for a year.

    He also has an M.A. in Public Administration from Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada) and studied Strategic Planning and Management at GIMPA.

    Brigadier General Frimpong had his basic Military Training at the Ghana Military Academy and the Cadets Training School in Canada and was commissioned on 21st July, 1973. He undertook a host of Professional Military Courses including the Senior Command and Staff Course in Jaji-Kaduna (in Nigeria). Brig. Gen. Daniel Frimpong has had varied experiences including service with the United Nations in peace-keeping operations in the Sinai, Lebanon and Cambodia. He was a member of the Consultative Assembly, which drew the constitution for the Fourth Republic.

    He has been a Directing Staff in both Ghana and Nigeria at the Senior Command and Staff Colleges prior to being the Commanding Officer of the Ghana Military Academy, the singular experience out of which this book has emerged. He is currently the Military Attache at the Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations in New York.

    In this book Brigadier General Daniel Frimpong extensively discusses virtues, that is the excellences of character that is crucially important not only to military leadership and command but to all kinds of Leadership. Though his views and recommendations were derived from his experience as the Commanding Officer of the Ghana Military Academy, they apply to leadership outside the barracks.

    Among the qualities emphasised are firmness, integrity and determination to adhere to principles and the ability for quick and correct assessment of unexpected situations. His analyses are incisive and convincing.

    There is a lot to learn from this book on how to come to grips with quandaries of leadership.

  • Central Banking in Ghana and the Governors: Institutional Growth and Economic Development (Hardcover)

    A charge of chariots of fire, this is not just a book about the financial history of Ghana in spite of its formative challenges but a centenary work of West Africa – regional monetary evolution and global multilateralism. For devout bankers, intelligentsia, historians and aspirants, this is the one. Elegantly written, it establishes Agyeman-Duah as an unavoidable historian of the Bank of Ghana. — Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice-President of the Republic of Liberia

    The Bank of Ghana is technically a better institution than it was thirty years ago. Even governments are less inclined towards interventions in its work. It is different from other captured public institutions where economic decision-making is with a political lens. — Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana and Co-editor of The Economy of Ghana-Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth and Poverty

    The Bank of Ghana is leading central banks in the sub-region with regards to the use of technology in the finance service industry … countries in Africa are now learning from Ghana’s digital payment regulations. — Mohammed Sanusi Lamido, Former Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria and the 14th Emir of Kano

    Ghana has in recent years been one of Africa’s more successful economies – from its colonial journey through Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) to stable modern democracy. Agyeman-Duah has a sound appreciation of the difficulties of transforming a producer of commodities of raw materials into a prosperous mixed economy. Now an oil economy, the test ahead is, will Ghana at last be able to control its own economic destiny; free of obligations to donors and the storms from world commodity markets? — Frances Cairncross, Rector Emeritus, Exeter College, University of Oxford and Former Managing Editor, The Economist

  • The UT Story: Building A Winning Team – Volume 2 (Hardcover)

    *Available from 23rd February
    In this second instalment of Capt. Prince Kofi Amoabeng’s (Rtd) memoirs, he discusses in painstaking detail, how he led his team to consolidate the gains made in the early days. He also dwells on how he established a unique corporate culture mainly through leading by example, and how essential that corporate culture was to the sustenance and growth of the business.

    PK, as he was affectionately called by his team, lays bare UT’s ambitious expansion drive which culminated in establishing branches in nearly all the regions of Ghana as well as the founding of subsidiaries in Nigeria, South Africa, and Germany.

    If the first instalment of the UT Story was delightful and inspiring, this second instalment is insightful, touching and thought-provoking. And as always, it is an in-depth, no-holds-barred, unabashed account driven by the enigmatic figure of Capt. Prince Kofi Amoabeng (Rtd).

    Written with George Bentum Essiaw, an award-winning writer, author and filmmaker.

  • Straight Shooter: A Memoir of Second Chances and First Takes (Hardcover)


    America’s most popular sports media figure tells it like it is in this surprisingly personal book, not only dishing out his signature, uninhibited opinions but also revealing the challenges he overcame in childhood as well as at ESPN, and who he really is when the cameras are off.

    Stephen A. Smith has never been handed anything, nor was he an overnight success. Growing up poor in Queens, the son of Caribbean immigrants and the youngest of six children, he was a sports-obsessed kid who faced a number of struggles, from undiagnosed dyslexia to getting enough cereal to fill his bowl. As a basketball player at Winston-Salem State University, he got a glimmer of his true calling when he wrote a newspaper column arguing for the retirement of his own Hall of Fame coach, Clarence Gaines.

    Smith hustled and rose up from a high school reporter at Daily News (New York) to a general sports columnist at The Philadelphia Inquirer in the 1990s, before getting his own show at ESPN in 2005. After he was unceremoniously fired from the network in 2009, he became even more determined to fight for success. He got himself rehired two years later and, with his razor-sharp intelligence and fearless debate style, found his role on the show he was destined to star in: First Take, the network’s flagship morning program.

    In Straight Shooter, Smith writes about the greatest highs and deepest lows of his life and career. He gives his thoughts on Skip Bayless, Ray Rice, Colin Kaepernick, the New York Knicks, the Dallas Cowboys, and former President Donald Trump. But he also pulls back the curtain and talks about life beyond the set, sharing authentic stories about his negligent father, his loving mother, being a father himself, his battle with life-threatening COVID-19, and what he really thinks about politics and social issues. He does it all with the same intelligence, humor, and charm that has made him a household name.

    Provocative, moving, and eye-opening, this book is the perfect gift for lovers of sports, television, and anyone who likes their stories delivered straight to the heart.

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