• Corporate Governance: The Boardroom, The Bottom Line & Beyond (Hardcover)

    Foreword by Sam Esson Jonah KBE, OSG

    “This book…provides key explanations …to enlighten practising directors and corporate lawyers on modern and international trends in their…work. I personally admire how the author skillfully and seamlessly combines three broad subject areas: law, finance and history to make a strong case for modern corporate lawyers to be specialists in finance; for boards of directors to be knowledgeable in finance and law; and for students to be futuristic in their career planning…[T]his publication has all the necessary ingredients to support the central bank’s agenda to strengthen corporate governance structures and practices across all segments of the banking industry in Ghana.” — Dr. Ernest Addison, Governor of the Bank of Ghana; in-coming 2020 Chair of the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods Institutions

    “A superb, masterful and much-needed contribution to a critically important subject. Robert Nii Arday Clegg’s meticulously researched and expertly delivered work is groundbreaking in the Ghanaian context. It is a must-read for any professional who is serious about truly understanding the nuances inherent in the concept of corporate governance and the principal elements of a director’s fiduciary duties. Corporate Governance: The Boardroom, The Bottom Line & Beyond could not have been written at a more propitious time. It inspires an enlightened perspective that will produce corporate governance cognoscenti in the classrooms and boardrooms of Ghana for a very long time.” — Kwabena Osei-Boateng, Chairman, IC Asset Managers (Ghana) Limited; Member, Oxford University Alumni Board

    “An absolute masterpiece…well-researched and provides deep insights into an area where many who believe they understand barely scratch the surface. Corporate governance is particularly relevant in many facets of developing economies like ours and I daresay this book will educate many beyond the borders of this country. I have read many books on the subject and this ranks right up there with the best of them. Much as I expected a great job, I must say that Clegg managed to exceed that expectation. Well done for providing living water to our thirsty land.” — Antoinette Kwofie, Executive Director, Finance, Barclays Bank Ghana (Part of the Absa Family)

    “This book will give its readers a strong intellectual basis to appreciate the concepts currently shaping corporate governance practices. It is a brilliant toolkit on how to become an effective supervisor. A required reading for a person making rules on corporate policy, currently operating in a boardroom or aspiring to operate from one soon.” —  Winston Nelson Jr., Member, Governing Council, Ghana Fixed Income Market; Former Director, Ghana Stock Exchange

    “A very powerful and thought-provoking read on one of the biggest topics of our time. Corporate governance shapes our society to a greater extent than many of us might think and Clegg does an excellent job of introducing the topic with its attendant objectives and underpinning philosophies.” — Fridrik Arsælsson, Partner, Rettur-Adalsteinsson & Partners; Alternate Board Member, Financial Supervisory Authority of Iceland; Adjunct Professor, The Faculty of Law, University of Iceland

  • The Mumfordians: Memories of a Sea Boy

    In one beautiful swoop, this book takes you to the nostalgic past and the aspirational future of an African nation still in the throes of defining self-determination. With the brilliance of powerful recalls, it dissects the socio-cultural as well as the political. It is one man’s journey from an idyllic African fishing village, through his self-improvement to become the executive secretary of a Pan-African body travelling several capitals of the world in the service of his employer.

    It is also a book about people − their history, their dreams and the ills they seem unable to decidedly confront. But what makes The Mumfordians a keepsake is its richness in national promise and communal nostalgia.

  • Environmental Safety: Techniques For Identifying Soil-Human Health Risks In Mine-Site Reclamation

    In order to attain sustainability in the extractive sectors, such as in the metal mining, it is imperative for these industries to address both environmental and social impacts of their projects. Thus, it is crucial to employ many methodologies and procedures to accurately identify these aspects of concern and track their accessibility to humans. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the many scientific methodologies used to identify environmental risks related to potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in mining sites.

  • Key Banks in Ghana + Telcos + Accounting Firms

    The book is a treasure trove of photographs of the most iconic buildings which embellish the skyline of Accra. In this book, Mr. Wilfred Kojo Ephraim, the author and photographer, takes us on a pictorial tour of the capital. With brief touch downs in Abelemkpe and on Ring Road Central, he leads us from Airport City through Cantonment City down the length and breadth of Independence Avenue, to the Central Business District of Accra.


    The book is a one stop shop, the first of its kind to assemble information on the Headquarters Buildings, Visions, Missions, Values, and provide a cursory look at Financial Performances about the major banks, telcos, and accounting firms operating in Ghana. One can browse through and favourably compare the Ghana Commercial Bank Head Office building which was completed in the sixties/seventies, to the more contemporary Standard Chartered Bank building at 87 Independence Avenue or the Ultramodern EY and PWC buildings in Cantonment City.


    This book is for all who appreciate Accra, or who plan to visit the city.  It is for children learning about the capital of Ghana, as well as for adults who know it well.  It is a memento of the city and belongs on everyone’s bookshelf!

  • The ‘Kaya’ Diplomat: Diary Notes of a Ghanaian Diplomat (Hardcover)

    The ‘Kaya’ Diplomat: Diary Notes of a Ghanaian Diplomat is an account of event and episodes that I encountered in my forty-one years of service as a Foreign Service Officer.

    Inevitably, such a story coincides with the life and service of other high-ranking personalities who played a role or directed Foreign Policy of the Republic of Ghana, as our lives crossed. These interactions played a major role in developments in my career and fashioned the Diplomat that I became.

    This is my story.

  • Joy: A Biography of Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu

    “At just 18 months of age, in 1959, Henrietta overcame the first of a lifetime of recurring challenges. One day she was rushed to a private hospital in Kumasi by her mother, feverish and weak. Her pulse was faint and everyone was scared. The doctor scolded Elizabeth for waiting for so long before bringing Henrietta to the hospital.

    “This is a hopeless case,” the doctor said to the distraught mother and asked back home with her child. Even after being dismissed from the hospital, Mama Elizabeth still remained on the premises, imploring; her arms firmly around her sick baby. Evidently out of pity, the doctor said, ‘Okay, I’m going to cut you a deal. Go home with the child. If tomorrow morning comes and she is still alive, bring her for treatment.’”

    This biography vividly captures how that 18-month-old baby survived, persevered and rose to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana.

    Joy is a captivating account of three generations committed to the pursuit of excellence community and public service. It is the testimony of the nurturing powers of education. It is the testimony of a woman whose life epitomises fairness, family and faith.

    “This book offers a lot more than a record of scholarly excellence and legal brilliance. In elegant prose, the author succeeds in combining these illuminating historical essays with a perceptive sociological case study of the ‘middle class’ in Ghana. On all counts. Prof. Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu’s biography is a literary treasure.” − Nana Prof. SKB Asante, Omanhene of Asante Asokore and Past President of Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • Contemporary Issues in Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and International Affairs

    This is a collection of essays derived from a series of symposia and online webinars hosted by the Council of Foreign Relations- Ghana.

    From the inaugural symposium chaired by Ambassador James Victor Gbeho, with addresses by The President of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and Ghana’s Foreign Minister, Madam Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the CFR-Ghana elicits interesting views and opinions from people best placed to be aware of the big picture of contemporary issues in international affairs, particularly from the perspective of how they impact our African Continent.

    Totally informative and engaging, sometimes entertaining and mentally provocative, which challenges us all to seriously reflect upon contemporary issues in foreign policy, diplomacy and international affairs.

    “The setting up of CFR-Ghana is long overdue and I’m glad that finally it has been done. The Executives and Founding Members are to be commended for this achievement and I wish them the very best of luck in the years to come. “

    – H.E President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (President of the Republic of  Ghana)


  • 90 & Grateful: An Autobiography (Hardcover)

    The author of this fine autobiography, Mrs Lucy Effah, a nonagenarian who has shown that it is never too late for any personal endeavour once you set your mind to it. Born a royal of Asante Bekwai, she grew up to become a top nurse-midwife professional in the pre and immediate post independent eras of Ghana. Her life has demonstrated a genetic leadership trait inherent in her character.  She exemplified such faith and commitment that may be compared to the dedication of globally acknowledged and timeless personalities like Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa and Mary Seacole.

    The book includes many glowing tributes – including a Foreword from the former President of Ghana, His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor attributing her trailblazing qualities in nursing education to her leadership qualities. The former President said she has always had an aura of care and compassion about her in both her public and private life. In this respect, she has made immense contributions to the process of transformation in Ghana.

  • The UT Story: Humble Beginnings – Vol 1 (Hardcover)

    How does an Army Captain who failed to obtain a ₵20 million (about $20,000) loan from the banks, set up a successful finance house and cause such a monumental paradigm shift to the lending culture of a country?

    Capt. Prince Kofi Amoabeng(Rtd) defied the odds to found Unique Trust Financial Services Limited, which was later rebranded to UT Financial Services Limited and metamorphosed into a Bank (UT Bank) under the UT Holdings Umbrella together with subsidiaries in Germany, South Africa and Nigeria.

    In this first instalment of a series of memoirs, PK, as he was affectionately called by his fiercely loyal and dedicated team, shares an inspiring, in-depth, no-holds-barred, behind the scenes, unabashed account of how and what made UT a household name and impacted so many lives.

    Written with George Bentum Essiaw, a tenacious, talented writer and filmmaker, The UT Story: Humble Beginnings is replete with profound lessons in entrepreneurship and leadership, employing an effective mixture of orthodox and unorthodox methods grounded firmly in time-tested military principles.

    Whatever your background or occupation, this book will fascinate and inspire you to dare.

  • General Acheampong: The Life and Times of Ghana’s Head of State (Hardcover)

    A magnificent book…brilliant in shedding light on some of the most important but little known dark passages in our national history…worth reading by anybody who truly seeks knowledge about our recent past.

  • 5 Ghanaian Presidents and China: Patterns, Pitfalls, and Possibilities

    In Five Ghanaian Presidents and China, Lloyd Amoah tackles China’s meteoric rise to global prominence and what this means for African countries including Ghana. Focusing on Ghana’s relations with China over the last sixty years, the work discusses and interrogates how generations of Ghana’s leaders, from Kwame Nkrumah to Akufo-Addo, have approached the China question since the 1950s.Combining archival data, policy information, interviews and conversations with former Ghanaian presidents, scholars and high state officials, with the sounds and sights from his long years of travel through China and intimate observation of Ghanaian policy formation processes, Amoah, finds that ultimately Ghana’s engagement with China is a matter of strategy. In this work the case is made that descriptions of China’s engagement with Africa as “neo-colonial” are both alarmist and simplistic. Five Ghanaian Presidents offers a far more nuanced account and shines some light on how African and other countries in the Global South can exploit China’s tectonic reshaping of global trade, technology, diplomacy, finance, politics, business and economics.

  • A Country to Love and to Serve: Memoirs of a Ghanaian Diplomat

    This epic memoir chronicling the author’s diplomatic journey is a superb and enticing story, richly told. The narration provides great insights into the personal life and professional travails of a quintessential diplomat who rose from humble beginnings to be one of the eminent Ambassadors of the nation. Most fascinating is how adeptly the author combines the demands of motherhood and family with her tasks in the complex world of diplomacy.

    The memoir provides great insights, important lessons and best practices in diplomatic practice that should be invaluable for the nation’s policy makers and diplomats. The story told through A COUNTRY TO LOVE AND TO SERVE should be a real inspiration for young diplomats and a must read for any student of diplomacy.

  • Africa in Search of Prosperity

    Africa is a major player in global economic engineering. It is also a great development partner, a vital player in the economies of Asian nations who are eager to explore long awaited market possibilities that it presents by forging alliances with hi-growth emerging economies in Africa.

    This new economic order is shifting the developmental narratives as Africa’s rich potential market has become more attractive with a population of nearly one billion.

    The author of this book is a long time transnational business executive. Although he indicates a level of despair at times, he is quite hopeful of Africa’s prospects. His lived experience as an economist and policy advisor to Presidents, is reflected in these essays that address developmental issues from the colonial economy with those of the new states.

    In this, the author uses the experience of Ghana as an example and a site for an analytical perspective. He examines and writes about the issues of natural resource exploration, the oil economy, human skills and also looks at the vital factors of education, religion and the attendant attitudes to development.

  • The Boy from Boadua: One African’s Journey of Hunger and Sacrifice in Pursuit of a Dream

    *Available from 7 February 2023

    Patrick Asare was born and raised by illiterate parents in the remote Ghanaian village of Boadua. His family was so large and impoverished that not even the earnings from crushing hard work could buy enough food to fill their bellies. No one in the village aspired to be educated beyond middle school.

    Until Patrick.

    Numerous obstacles stood in the way of Patrick’s yearning for higher knowledge, including gnawing hunger, lack of sleep, and backbreaking daily chores. During school vacations, he toiled in a jungle farm teeming with poisonous snakes and insects.

    Dedicating every stolen moment to study, Patrick passed the common entrance exam with flying colors. Despite major setbacks, he kept his eye on the prize. He graduated from an elite secondary school and earned his engineering degree in the Soviet Union during the perestroika era. Finding his way to the United States, he taught Russian and math and eventually obtained a superb education from top American universities.

    Patrick’s travels and adventures taught him that, regardless of his hardscrabble childhood, he was a lucky man. He was raised by loving and supportive parents and lived in a society where race was not an issue. Teaching in inner-city high schools alerted him to the particular challenges faced by America’s urban Black youth.

    Patrick’s amazing story offers insights, hope, and inspiration to others who face astronomical odds.

  • Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross

    Kwame Donkoh Fordwor’s dream was realized due to the precision planning which was utilized to develop Southern Cross Mining Limited (SCML), as the company established itself as the first active gold mining operation to be brought to Ghana Since 1937. This came to pass by way of chance associations and the joint efforts of collaborators who possessed different backgrounds and motivations.
    Even with the assistance of numerous people along the way, the inception of Southern Cross was not easy. It required aggressive action and time to fend or larger corporations and fight government officials for the rights and freedoms they felt they deserved.
    Fordwor titles this book Swimming Upstream: The Story of Southern Cross because of the comparisons he draws between himself and the struggles of salmon attempting to reach their spawning grounds. Much like a salmon battling currents, fishermen, and other predators to reach its final destination, Fordwor had to struggle to make his own path and place in history, using keen instincts and good fortune to maintain the competitiveness and success of SCML.
    Swimming Upstream vividly details the rich history of Southern Cross and other gold mining venturers who strived to achieve historical recognition. It is an illuminating work-powerfully written and inspirational to all who are still seeking to make a lifetime dream come true.

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