• Igba-Boi: Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System (Hardcover)

    Igba-boi: Repositioning the Igbo Apprenticeship System highlights the entrepreneurial exploits of the Igbos of south-eastern Nigeria. Despite the globalisation-accentuated influence of western business culture, the Igbos have sustained their indigenous business system undergirded by an ingenious apprenticeship system, Igba-boi.

    This apprenticeship system has existed in the Igboland for decades as an important heritage, embedded in cultural norms and values passed down for generations. The authors argue that the unique framework and rules of operation of this viable socioeconomic empowerment model will, if well-positioned, make significant contributions to the advancement of the boi/Nwa-boi  (apprentice), the Oga (Master), the community (Ndi-Igbo) and the achievement of the country’s overall developmental goals.

    Case studies of prominent and successful Igbo people in business feature in the book to illuminate our understanding of the system:

    • President and Chairman, Coscharis Group – Application of Design Thinking to Igba-boi Business Model leading to extraordinary business success

    • Chairman, E. Sunny Vespa International – Disruption of Motorcycle Engine Technologykey lessons and success story

    • Chairman and Chief Executive, Chisco Group – Building an Empire on Integrity & Authenticity

    • Chairman, Legacy Motors – Apprenticeship, Ndi-Igbos and ASPAMDA Market, Lagos

    A timely, easy-to-read, valuable resource and reference text for scholars, practitioners and regulators interested in institutionalising a sustainable business model in Africa based on a tested indigenous apprenticeship system.

  • The Quest for Nuclear Power in Ghana

    The authors have detailed a comprehensive history of GAEC, its mission and its impact so far on the peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in Ghana. The book has also attempted to explain reactor engineering in layman’s language, such that the average reader could comprehend how a nuclear reactor works – the structure and functions of the various buildings comprising a reactor, the controls, the fuel assemblies, and how the reactor goes critical for power to be produced and harnessed in the form of steam that is used to turn turbines to produce electricity.

    The book also discusses issues of nuclear reactor safety, management, and the eventual safe return of spent nuclear fuel and waste generated to the supplier country. Most importantly, the authors have described a new reactor concept – the Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). SMRs have greater simplicity of design, economy of series production largely in factories, short construction times, and reduced siting costs. SMRs are proliferation resistant, affordable, mobile, may be built independently or as modules in a larger complex, with capacity added incrementally as more financing is secured. Furthermore, they can be designed to be placed below ground level, giving high resistance to terrorist threats.

    The authors are thus recommending these modern nuclear power plants for consideration by Ghana and other African countries. Hence, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s vision of utilising nuclear power in our energy mix to consolidate our industrial take-off will finally be realised.

  • A Rose Among Thorns

    Born on 17th September 1952 in Sakyikrom near Nsawam in Ghana’s Eastern Region, Dr. (Mrs.) Felicia Boateng Danquah (nee Akotua) is the third of five children born to her parents, Mr. Jonas Akotua and Mrs. Clara Akotua.

    Due to her father’s regular transfers arising out of his employment with the Ghana Health Service, she was educated in different parts of the country, including Walewale and Bolgatanga, before entering the Komenda Teacher Training College (as it was then), where she trained as a teacher. She worked for some time with the Ghana Education Service as a teacher before going into business full-time.

    A devoted Christian and Vice President of Jofel Catering Services in Kumasi, Dr. (Mrs) Danquah is married to Lt. Gen. J B Danquah, Ghana’s Chief of Defence Staff from 2005 to 2009 and President of Jofel. The couple have six children.

    The year 2022 serves as a confluence of an important trilogy in Dr (Mrs.) Danquah’s life − her 70th birthday anniversary, the 50th anniversary of her marriage and the 40th anniversary of Jofel, one of the most iconic institutional names in Kumasi and an undoubted leader in the catering and hospitality business in the city and beyond.

    In this fascinating, yet simple, easy-to-read publication to mark these important landmarks in her life, the author recalls her early childhood experiences and family, particularly her mother Clara, who she adores, and shares the story of Jofel and its evolution to what it is today.

    She also shares her perspectives on the values she treasures that she believes have helped her enormously in her Christian faith, her marriage and family, and in building an award-winning business with the support of her family, among others.

    A Rose Among Thorns speaks to the challenges of life that most of us can identify with and seek inspiration from in the knowledge that our lives can flourish like the rose even among the thorns of life with God as our helper and beacon.

  • The Path of an Eagle – Despair, Hope and Glory: Autobiography of Daniel McKorley (McDan)

    Daniel McKorley’s autobiography offers a powerful yet gripping insight into the life of the author and, for the first time, enables a window into his total life experiences, the summation of which the public knows.

    Having taken his time to detail his life story, the book offers a step-by-step account of his life and how the various experiences of his upbringing have shaped his current station and situation in life. His is a life of contrasts in which his successes in business and professional life sharply contrast with his life of poverty growing up.

    The overall structure of the book and the sequencing of the chapters makes for easy and enjoyable reading, and the everyday realities recounted in his words should both evoke empathy and identity in the reader. If the title of the book insinuates comparisons with the eagle and its ways, it is because the author mimics the bird in its tendencies and has charted his life to reflect the fortunes of an eagle – a fitting simile given that the author’s name means “an eagle” in his native Ga tribe of Ghana.

    This book is an enchanting piece worth every reader’s time.

  • The Right Stuff Comes In Black Too (Hardcover)

    The right stuff is a designation that was used originally to describe the early astronauts who pioneered space travel for the United States of America. They exhibited an extraordinary ability to perform in the challenging circumstances one finds in outer space.

    This term can be used to describe Blacks of Extraordinary achievements in Movies, Sports, Business and many fields including Technology. This is how we describe the achievements of Dr. Thomas Mensah, who has succeeded against incredible odds. Ebony Magazine calls him a genius in the October 2006 publication.

    He is the author of four books on Engineering Innovation and was awarded 7 US Patents in Fiber Optics in the short time frame of six years. He is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors USA.

    CBS Television News in America on February 25, 2017 Black History Month Program dedicated a special feature interview on him, titled Celebrating the Engineer Who Revolutionized the Internet. This segment was televised worldwide.

    His Innovations have impacted many fields of Engineering, including the Military and Defense, the Environment, Theme Parks, Nanotechnology and the Internet Platform. From Fiber Optics Development to cutting-edge research in Nanotechnology, Dr. Mensah is a Modern day thought leader, a Technology Innovator and one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st Century. He truly embodies the description of the Right Stuff Comes in Black Too.

  • The Unconventional Mother: How I Nurtured My Daughter with Disability into a Global Leader


    If you think you have seen it all, this is the book that makes you stop. No, you haven’t. The extent that a super hero of a mother goes to keep her daughter alive and functional would fire you up and revise your notes about this thing called life.

    Struck at birth by an unexpected combination of strange conditions, the life of a young girl was hanging in the balance from day one. The reader cannot help but be thrilled by how a mother – in the name of God – went to battle with and against science, eventually gifting to us a world-class professional.

    Sometimes a medical journal, sometimes a family drama, sometimes a life-and-death page-turner, the episodes in this book involve diverse experts, hospitals across several countries, unusual insights on health as well as a redeeming grace of the highest order. This roller coaster lifesaving journey fortifies your resolve in your own particular struggle. When you finish The Unconventional Mother, the phrase ‘it is possible’ will taste different in your mouth.

  • My Testimony

    The tale of Blue Rose Limited—a journey from the rural landscapes of Ghana to pioneering the construction industry and earning global recognition—an enigma forged from one person’s ambition to serve humanity by solving accommodation woes. Across the globe, people seek a place to call home, a sanctuary for their families. Through integrity, innovation, diligence, and grace, Blue Rose fulfilled that need.

    Yet, the saga of Blue Rose didn’t leap effortlessly into prominence—no true success story ever does. It navigated through phases of adversity, turmoil, and challenges, as you might expect.

    Within these pages lies a spark to ignite a flame within you—a flame that fuels dormant dreams, urging you to realize your full potential, to accomplish a unique assignment only you can fulfill. Regardless of your origins, experiences, or current challenges, there’s a “blue rose” within you waiting to bloom. Embrace the possibility that the blue rose story can resonate with your own journey, perhaps even surpassing it.

    Enjoy the read.


    My Testimony

  • 2D Experience

    Nobody can tell your story better than you.

    An Adage in Akan says “ wo tanfo sua wo kasa a, Ɔbɔ ne hwene. Na sƐ osua w’asa a, Ɔkyea ne pa”

    For this reason, our stories must be told by us.

    We must tell our stories whilst we are alive and especially during milestones as 2 decades in a profession.

    What the people must know, what has been said wrong, what is printed in the minds and on the hearts of the people; the memory in 2 decades, coming to you in this write up.

    This book talks about the relevant stories that occurred in the last 20 years.

    The good and the bad, the most difficult challenges, how I survived them, my inspiration, my mentor, the failures and the successes in retrospect.

    Just as Joseph’s story was told in the Bible, he was put behind bars for a sin he did not commit.

    However, he went from a prisoner to Prime Minister of the whole Egypt, and a global superpower.

    The story of Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Ghana’s own Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, and others who have risen above detention to lead their country and become national heroes.

    Anyone who hears of them today gets motivated by their endurance and courage.

    This book is here to offer its readers the urge to arm up on life’s battle field with its dreadful challenges.

    Read it for your encouragement and motivation.

    2D Experience

  • Guts and Grit: The Compelling and Inspirational Stories of Six Successful Ghanaian Entrepreneurs

    How can a nation address the menace of a growing number of unemployed youths? Why is the private business endeavour perceived largely as a big risk? What does it take for one to brave the storm and establish a flourishing enterprise? This book highlights the success stories of some of Ghana’s current entrepreneurs despite all the obstacles they have faced. Guts and Grit serves as a revelation to our public officials and the society at large towards a behavioural change in how private enterprises are seen, regarded and treated.

    The frank and engaging case studies provide the catalyst for dismantling the obstacles to achieving business success. The success stories so freely shared offer a source of inspiration and a springboard to the young people who would be willing to take up entrepreneurship.


    Guts and Grit is a book that chronicles the gut-wrenching stories of entrepreneurs who have braved significant odds to build viable businesses in a developing economy context.

    In choosing to write this book, Alex Banful, the author could not have made a better choice. The choice of entrepreneurship should not be surprising, given that there is at least four decades of scholarship to demonstrate that entrepreneurship, new business venturing, and the development of small and medium enterprises are crucial to Africa’s growth.

    Guts and Grit will soon become a leading cross-over entrepreneurship textbook that will be useful

    for executive training, undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes in Africa and other emerging economy contexts.” − Prof. Robert E. Hinson, Ph.D., DPhil.; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Kigali, Rwanda

  • Paying My Debt: An Autobiography

    “Every human life is a unique story. Telling my life story is not for vainglory. It is not a story of heroic deeds, but the story of a humble debtor who cannot pay his debts in a lifetime. This is an attempt to look at the trails of my life which would remind me that no matter how far I have come, I am nowhere close to paying all my debts.”

    This is the opening paragraph of the autobiography of Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, a Trade Unionist, human and environmental rights activist, Professional Paralegal, poet, human resource development/industrial relations practitioner and an ADR Practitioner.

  • The River in the Sea: The Autobiography of Akenten Appiah-Menka

    The River in the Sea is a story of courage, determination, a clear sense of mission and vision on the part of a rural Ghanaian who, from humble beginnings, has risen to the highest echelon in society as a lawyer, an industrialist, a politician and statesman.It is a welcome addition to the limited literature available on the Ghanaian elite; a must read for all lawyers, politicians, academics and the populace at large.

  • Millionaire Writer

    Takes us on a journey many have silently wished to gain guidance on.
    Kobby Kyei
    Blogger & Philanthropist


    A notch into the world of rediscovery where creativity meets monetary value.
    Ameyaw Debrah
    Ghanaian Entertainment & Lifestyle Blogger


    Revelations are twined with actions.
    Caleb Kudah
    Broadcast Journalist


    Provides valuable insights toward growth.
    Cwesi Oteng
    International Gospel Musician & Songwriter


    Treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration for those who are passionate about writing.
    Prince Akpah
    Founder- Avance Media


    Argues that all writers can benefit from the business side of their craft.
    Esther Wepia Kopiah
    Writer & Content Creator

  • Reflections: 50 Lessons at 50

    Available on 25th April, 2024

    This is the story of a woman who after weathering life’s storms, not only found her true self but also a treasure at the end of her personal rainbow. The story is skillfully crafted as a compilation of lessons gained over the five decades of existence. It spans from her earliest days on earth, through her vibrant youth, to the challenging and gloomy periods when she navigated life’s intricacies on her path to becoming the person she is destined to be. You are certain to discover numerous valuable insights you can relate to from the pages of this masterpiece.

  • Inspirational Stories of Some Distinguished Ghanaian Captains of Industry (Volume 2)

    Have you denied yourself the joy of owning your own company and having your financial freedom because of lack of capital, difficult background, and lack of support? Or do you lack the practical know-how to manifest your entrepreneurial dream? You have come to the right place of possibilities.

    Even though abilities and opportunities may differ, everybody can make it and make it big regardless of age, race, gender, socio-economic status, religious creed, political affiliation, academic background, or environment.

    This book is about the life stories of 22 Ghanaian Captains of Industry who have defied all odds and managed to succeed in this challenging business environment. The book shared their deep and rich experiences as well as principles, which have aided their business success.

  • Around Ghana: Mmo Ne Yɔ Otumfuo Osei Tutu II (Souvenir Issue, 1999)

    A collector’s item. A souvenir issue of the popular Around Ghana Magazine, to commemorate the installation of the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. Published in 1999. With some memorable pictures of Barima Kwaku Dua (before and when he became Asantehene) and key Asante relics and symbols.


    Front piece

    The Making of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

    The Life and Times of Barima Kwaku Dua

    A Bird’s Eye View of Modern Asante

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