• The Prince and the Slave – A Play

    This historic, award-winning play is set in Wakumey, a kingdom on the West African Coast in the late 18th century. The drama explores the internal tensions and disruptions that rock a community in an era when dealing in live human cargo was the order of the day“How can there be a kingdom without slaves?” is the mantra for King Dogali and his council of elders. However, when romance sneaks in through a most inappropriate quarter, the very centre of royal power comes face-to-face with the visceral effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
    The Prince and the Slave reveals not only the inner workings of the practice but also the psychology of both the slave raider and the enslaved.
    The Prince and the Slave has been performed at Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi and a few universities and secondary schools across Ghana.
  • Ahafo & Bono Regions In Historical Perspective

    In the centre of Ghana once straddled the Brong-Ahafo Region. It was noted for its beautiful geographical features as well as its rich natural and human resources. The maxim, unity in diversity, a cherished Ghanaian quintessential trait, was exemplified in the region by the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of multiple ethnic groups. On the eve of its Diamond Jubilee, the Region was split into three: Bono, Bono East and Ahafo Regions to promote the speedy development of the area.

    This book gives a historical overview of the erstwhile region with respect to culture, its achievements and legacy. It also showcases the endowments of the new regions carved out of it. The contents are rich in information, data and photographs of historic people and events which historians, politicians, scholars, tourists, and people interested in issues concerning indigenous African societies and the general reader, will find to be invaluable.

    “This book provides a succinct glimpse into the erstwhile Brong-Ahafo Region in terms of history, achievements and legacy and also showcases the resources of the three new regions created out of Brong-Ahafo. Through the pages of this book, we can always remember our past, our common history and ancestry, and thereby remain united although physically we will be in separate regions.” – From the Foreword

  • The Child and the Rainbow: Poems Celebrating Heavens Journey

    Who can express fully the rainbow of experiences that come with living in the cocoon of salvation within the hustle and bustle of this place called ‘the world’? Many books are constantly being written about the Christian experience, so that God’s people may know Him and the power of Jesus’ resurrection. This collection of poetry celebrates the heavenly journey with bite sized testimonies in the form of poetry. It scans personal experiences, evaluation of the truth of the Gospel in contemporary holds barred expression of gratitude for knowing Christ and a hollering about what salvation (SOZO) means. It is my prayer that it will refresh, rekindle and restore faith, hope and love!

  • The Wise Still Hear the Birds: Poems from an African Soul

    Africa has many stories to tell. Tales of love, pain, play and authentic fiery living. They hit you as you travel across the continent and encounter the utter beauty, often strained poverty and yet tenacious joy of perhaps the most expressive race in humanity. These poems were written while savoring the integrity and paradoxes of strength, weakness, pain, beauty, faith, hope and love experienced as an African treading through my home space and other spaces.

    They will touch you as they bring engagement with issues that a contemporary African must constantly acknowledge. Issues such as the profiling of Africa in international news, living as a migrant, politics of corruption, and quite simply, the dance and simplicity of this place. Ever the romantic, the games and excitements of the most complex emotion have always been significant in my outlook. So I say ‘love is a strange color – all colors merge into it!’

    The collection is an exploratory journey of words capturing life and loving in this joyous black skin.

    Let’s enjoy!

  • Ghana: A Tortuous Walk from Colonial Rule to Self Government and After – An Observer’s View

    In Ghana: A Tortuous Walk from Colonial Rule to Self-Government and After – An Observer’s View, the author takes the stand of an engaged citizen who watched the closing transformation of tribal states into colonial Gold Coast, and its metamorphosis into independent Republic of Ghana. Through his attachment to his nation, and from the perspective of an observer of the political process, he emotively describes the procession of events, the people and passions that brought the momentous occasion of independence, the dashing of hopes as political stability was continually disrupted through coup d’etats, and the character and contributions of the various regimes that took over the leadership of Ghana. He takes us on a walk through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and now the 4th Republic, and describes the promises that the present dispensation of democracy makes to the Ghanaian. His presentation of how present-day Ghana has evolved explains the mixed emotions of anxiety and hope that shape the national outlook and the consistent angst exuding through fractious political groupings.

    The book is a must read for every person who wishes to know and understand the various events that have shaped the Ghana of the early 21st century.

  • Pilgrims of the Night: Development Challenges and Opportunities in Africa (Hardcover)

    Africa’s development process has and continues to be like walking through a thick forest made obscure by institutional weakness, social challenges and capacity gaps. Sustainable development should be in the hands of Africans and outside support as a critical compliment. Getting the navigation right is paramount in the face of emerging challenges so well covered in this undoubtedly important and highly recommended book. The authors argue that Africa must control its own precious natural resources, reform its government institutions, modify its trade and economic relations and form new relationships with emerging economies in order to improve conditions on the continent.

  • Booknook Leadership Pack: They Call Me Archie, The Bold New Normal, Broken for Use (3 Exceptional Ghanaian Leaders)0

    Get these 3 books by three amazing Ghanaian leaders and enjoy free shipping across Ghana!

    *This Free shipping offer does not apply to destinations outside Ghana

    They Call Me Archie

    There are some life stories you just cannot beat. Each time the names of such champions drop, one might as well perform a rite of acknowledgment…any. Their lives have graced hundreds of lives, and hundreds of lives continue to be redeemed through them. They have seen it all. Done it all. They love and they are loved. These individuals have given, and still have more in store.  According to the Canon of the Classics, these persons, even the gods envy.

    Rosina Aboagye Acheampong is one such mortal.  From the precocity of her childhood, her dance with life has been one amazing ball of faith … and chance, nay, destiny. These captivating pages reel out the adventures of a pathfinder, a mould breaker and a pacesetter. Yes, her name might be synonymous with Wesley Girls, but be it at the national or community level, to list what she has achieved is to embark on the impossible.

    Beautifully, however, Archie the Matriarch does not seem to see the power of her influence. She only wants to give thanks and praise.


    Broken For Use

    Broken for Use is a moving, intimate memoir which takes you on a truly tumultuous journey with Rev’d Akua. By the time she takes you from her early days in school, through the various turns in her life that finally bring her to the priesthood, you feel you have experienced many lifetimes. She tells her story as it is, straight and unadorned.

    Reverend Akua Buabema Ofori-Boateng is an expressive clergy and philanthropist with a strong belief in excellence.


    The Bold New Normal

    Have you ever wondered what it will take to transform each African country into a prosperous nation where each citizen has a real opportunity to thrive? Africa’s narrative has been shaped by a vision of the future that remains bleak. A vision that says a little more is okay for the African. It is time to challenge and change our paradigm of what great outcomes look like for an African country.

    It is time for The Bold New Normal of an Africa where citizens of each country genuinely have the opportunity to prosper.

    The formula for sustainable prosperity has been tried and tested world over. Why then do we continue to hope that a different method, that has thus far failed the continent, will create sustainable prosperity?

    The Bold New Normal is a timely publication that coincides with the 400th anniversary of the start of slavery: the year of return. 400 years since the unraveling of African began, it is time to piece her back together and focus forward. It is surely the time for The Bold New Normal!

  • Little Sage Beginning to Read: Phonics + Key Words (Reinforced Phonics Reader #3B)

    Age Range: 2 – 5 years

    A group of 3 & 4-letter phonics sounding words. We have put together in a creative way of repeating similar sounds. We have also used lots of key words that every reader needs to know how to identity and pronounce to be a successful reader.

    Reinforced phonics reading helps children practise what they have learnt.

    Practice reading increases confidence in children.

    Keyword practice helps children identity and retain words for future use.

  • The Last Bath: A True Story

    Age Range: 8 years and above

    The Last bath is a true story of slavery and emancipation based on the sequential murals painted by the Ghanaian artist Obeh. Obeh completed a series of murals in 2016, that illustrate real-life experiences had by some Guamanians who were captured and enslaved. The Donkor Nsuo (Slave River) is in the ancestral river park located in Assin Manso, a town in the Central Region of Ghana.

    Obeh is an artist from Assin Manso, Ghana. He was chosen to paint this series of murals to tell the history of enslavement to emancipation, as it occurred in Ghana. Completed in 2016, his portrayals depict some of the unforgettable horrors of the slave trade.

  • Yennenga La Princesse de Dagomba (French Edition, Hardcover)

    Age Range: 7 – 12 years

    Yennenga, la fille du roi de Dagomba, apprit tôt à monter à cheval et à se battre comme un homme. Ainsi, son père aimait l’emmener combattre avec lui, car elle était une excellente guerrière! À cause de cela, le père de Yennenga refusa de la donner en mariage. Et elle qui désirait vivement se marier et avoir des enfants, se disputa avec son père qui la mit en prison. Mais elle réussit à fuir le Royaume…

  • Ghana: An African Portrait Revisited (Photo Book, Hardcover)

    Ghana: An African Portrait by the American photographer Paul Strand was published in 1963 at the request of Kwame Nkrumah. It became a classic but is now out of print. Over 40 years after that landmark work, and coinciding with the 50th anniversary celebrations of Ghana’s independence, the country is documented again as it enters the 21st century.

    With more than 150 photographs, this book presents Ghana at a historic moment in time remembering its past and tradition, while looking ahead to a bright future. Six photographers with six points of view of working present a unique portrait of the country, through these photographs. From Accra to Bolatanga, and Elmina to Aflao, these are images of a country that is changing yet still retains much of its traditional character.

    There are photographs of bead makers, wood carvers, kente weavers and coffin makers; and of Ghana’s unique fishing industry, its historic slave forts, outdoor markets, and the diverse religious community. And at the same time, a country poised to compete in world markets is seen through Accra’s rising skyline buildings and Tema’s modern port facilities. Abena Busia’s essay provides a capsule history of the country.

  • WriterPreneur: 25 Innovative Secrets to Generate Multiple Income Streams as a Writer


    Many writers have been in various forms of dilemmas when it comes to making use of their creativity to earn good money. There are many beliefs that a writer can only make money from authoring a book. Unknowingly however, there are other ways available to writers that rather generate even more than just writing and publishing a book. There is a great opportunity to earn good money by using writing as the foundation to solve people’s problems.

    It is not about accessibility which becomes the challenge to these creative secrets but rather the realization that such even exist. There are many accessible ways writers can position themselves to make good money either on fulltime or part time basis when explored and taken advantage of.

    This book is to help reveal many of these secrets, how and where to access them, and the ability to take advantage of them to realize their long-cherished dreams of becoming entrepreneurial writers. This will bring in multiple streams of income and will create that dream business for the writer.

    To the ‘newbies’ who are yet to begin the writing journey, this is more than a companion which will lead them to the ‘promise land’. Your writing journey is beginning in earnest and will propel you to greater heights with this material. You will not just write and publish but also build a conglomerate from your writing.

    The concepts outlined are easy to assimilate and will direct you to be able to get the most out of your writing. Prepare to be educated, provoked, and redirected to the right path on your writing journey.

    There are 25 innovative secrets yet to be explored by writers. Get this material and explore.



  • An Ethnographic Study of Northern Ghanaian Conflicts: Towards a Sustainable Peace

    Conflict in Northern Ghana appears to be increasing in amplitude and frequency and its effects are getting more devastating. It is the view of this book that The Government of Ghana and civil society organisations involved in aspects of conflict management have approached peace issues in the region with an inadequate understanding of the local issues that divide and unite the people, or using sufficient resources to preempt conflict.

    In 2003 The Mole V summit was held in Damongo to discuss strategic directions for comprehensive development and poverty reduction in Northern Ghana as a mechanism for supporting conflict management.

    It is the aim of this publication to contribute to the proposed plan by suggesting past and current conflict management resources and mechanisms which could be employed. The suggestions are informed by surveys, which are outlined in the book, of particular conflicts in the three northern Regions of Ghana between 2006 and 2008 – their histories, causes and efforts and their resolution.

  • Disguise: Masking What’s Beneath


    A hit man’s identity shrouded in secrecy. There are a number of killings in town; One man wants it all for himself, so he tried betraying his best friends he set-up a company with, in order to claim it.

    Mr. Kuipers’ nephew is murdered and the police believe it’s strongly linked to him, because he’s the powerful median titan in the country.

    But with the help of the police and Ken Kraken, they try to find out who badly wants their demise and later discover the shock of their lives.

    A thrilling novel to spark up your thoughts, a book intrigued and spun with unimaginable suspense that all readers are swept breathless from the beginning of the story to the end. Pure reading entertainment as good you’ll ever find.

  • A Practical Handbook on Personal Development

    “…one must first look into oneself before looking out for achievements. Thus self-knowledge as a foundation to personal development is crucial to any type of personal attainment. This is what this book is about!

    It leads you step by step to discover your own potential and how you can skilfully release this potential to achieve a life that wins.” – The Late Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo (Former Head of Department for the Study of Religions – University of Ghana, Legon) – Foreword

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