• Africa’s Vision: A Second Anthology

    In Africa’s Vision: A Second Anthology, Obaze, who deems himself an accidental poet, takes the reader on a journey of eclectic poems, which in the author’s own words are ‘a convenient special-purpose mechanism for the capturing and demythologization of events and people.’

    Like most poets, Obaze plays on time and space and even abstracts, as if painting far-flung scenes and scenarios on a subliminal, yet illuminating canvas. Accordingly, his poems unmask in very uncanny ways, humanity, complete with observed foibles. As he underlines, “these poems and odes on human foibles, nature, rebirth, and society, are analogous to doodling done over time. In that context, the canvas is rich and the paintings rendered in very vivid colours are exquisitely captivating.

    Africa’s Vision – A Second Anthology, Obaze’s second anthology after Regarscent Past – A Collection of Poems (2015), adds vim to the emerging African voices that resort to poetry to render history and capture events, both sublime and the ridiculous. As the richness of Africa’s oral history and folktales, including moonlight tales, wane, poetry such as this finds both space and salutary coveted niche in Africa’s literary world.

  • Divine Love

    In a world filled with intolerance, uniting people to accept each others diversity has never been more difficult and more necessary. Despite those differences two people are able to rise above them to see what really matters above all else; their shared humanity.

    Khadijah Ibrahim, a young Muslim activist on a journey of self-discovery to find her true purpose stumbles upon Frank, an atheist constantly searching for the truth about religion.

    Divine Love

  • The Remains of the Last Emperor

    Haunting, intensely lyrical, its canvas teeming with unforgettable weirdos, The Remains of the Last Emperor is a memorable portrait of the last moments of a mad tyrant and the extraordinary events leading to his final extermination.

    A spellbinding narrative on power dementia, this novel reveals that not even the most crafty ruler can win against an enraged populace and that a determined people can unseat any tyrant. The book is a powerful political fable from the author of the award-winning book, The Year of the Locusts.

  • Dance Here

    Such touching tribute from one who remembers Jos in all her naivety and mourns her lost innocence even from many miles away from her. – Chijioke Amu-Nnadi, Winner of the Glenna Luschei Prize (2014) for Through the window of a Sandcastle; his most recent poetry collection is A Field of Echoes.

    Dance Here

  • My Path to Happiness

    The key idea of this book is improving wellbeing, developing the mind to see positivity and having happiness regardless of any situation. It covers aspects of life that people go through (depression, financial instability, self doubt, relationship problems etc.) Coming from ignorance as well as from lack of self-belief, which could be as a result of various circumstances like exposure and upbringing.

  • Her Diary of Sobriety

    After a five year long struggle with marijuana addiction, writer and poet Morningkhat, gracefully  found the strength to overcome. In ‘Her Diary of Sobriety’, she writes wholeheartedly about the daily 
    struggles on her journey, lessons, tips and insightful observations on living a life of sobriety. 
    The value contained in this book is priceless for any reader interested in relating with a true account  of an addict to trigger your own courage, or inspire others to create their path of freedom from this 
    fixation. This piece is sure to open up a new perspective, and spark a much-needed conversation  about society’s addiction problems. 
  • Waning Strength of Government: Essays on Nigerian Governance

    In Waning Strength of Government, Obaze draws on twenty-three of his various speeches, policy briefs, lectures and op-eds, to render exploratory essays that dissect some common patterns and trajectories that point anthetically to factors and conducts, which ought to constitute the strength of government, but don’t.  In so doing, he unmasks the prevailing weaknesses and waning strength of government – the attendant consequences, and their prevalence and implications for Nigeria.

    Such developments, with the attendant reversals, some nondescript and some dramatic, but replete with absence of resilience, leads the author to assert that democracy, “once characterized as probably the greatest expansion of freedom,” has come under assault from within its ranks, as shifts in geopolitics combine with ascendancy of non-state actors to undercut democracy.  Cognizant of the suggestion that the democratic system as conceptualized, has not just worked as expected, but is rather dysfunctional, the author asserts that nowhere is this consideration more evident and concrete than in Africa, Nigeria included.

    Waning Strength of Government piggybacks on the assertion that Nigeria’s “democracy is in reverse gear” and “the story is that of regrets and missteps.” Obaze employs an inquiry and excursion model using the flipside of McGeorge Bundy’s 1968 seminal book, The Strength of Government, to analyze leadership, political and governance challenges that continue to dog Nigeria’s nascent democracy.  The essays in this volume, which are clustered into four groupings; democratic imperatives; domestic development challenges; foreign policy dimensions and leadership and governance, explore some Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), as well as general challenges and uncertain aspects of Nigeria’s affected democracy.

    In this very important work on Nigerian contemporary politics, leadership and dilemmas confronting the nation, the point is made severally, and vehemently too, that the strength of government is not about military capacity or use of force; but about the upholding the rule of law, consolidating democratic institutions and entrenching the social contract between the government and the governed.

  • Paradise Lost

    “Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit

    Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tast

    Brought death into the world, and all our woe,

    With loss of Eden…”

    Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children − Sin and Death − build a bridge between Hell and Earth. And disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth.

    Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. And that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.

    And hence follows the Fall of Man…

    Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes-the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve-skilfully balancing them. The epic poem continues to remain as celebrated. as ever.

    “An endless moral maze, introducing literature’s first Romantic, Satan’ – John Carey

    Paradise Lost

  • A Good Mourning

    When a poem is beautifully crafted, images bop up and resonate, lines dance on the page, metaphors grip the reader and one is taken on a voyage of discovery. That was my experience while reading Ogaga Ifowodo’s latest collection of poems, entitled A Good Mourning.

    A Good Mourning

  • Ruffled Butterflies

    “Till death do us part…” Seemingly innocent transgressions like squeezing toothpaste or leaving pee on the toilet seat lie in wait to trip up these characters who in turn become so stifled by their partners that they can’t wait for death to part them.

    Some stories in this collection end with cliff-hangers, making room for self-reflection and numerous possible endings.

    These thirteen stories traverse various domestic issues that call for more meaningful steps than grumbling, as the Morgans, Olabisi, Kayode, Vera and John soon find out.

    Ruffled butterfly wings are used as imagery for the delicate family ties of everyday people who are sewn together in marriage. Suspenseful, dramatic, romantic and dipped in an amalgam of Nigerian and Western cultures, these relationships pass through crucibles with the couples spreading their ruffled, ripped mosaic wings to flutter and fly against all odds.

  • Bionic Evolution

    Long after humans abandoned the Earth, in a far-flung dystopian future, Zakari Nebula is abducted and experimented upon by forces darker than even his imagination. After physical and mental torture of the most horrific kind, the now-cybernetically enhanced abductees escape.

    Bionic Evolution is the story of the bonds they forge, and the battles they face, as they take one last stand for freedom, and their very own souls.

    Bionic Evolution is powerful, it is pacey, it is action-packed and the writer knows exactly what you need to keep turning pages as you follow his hero, a teenager who was kidnapped and turned into an android, as he and his fellow abductees learn to wield the new powers that come with their new bodies and take the fight to their abductors…

  • Sunbeams and Shadows

    Sunbeams and Shadows is a collection of eighty-six poems spread within three sub-titles that include Continuum, Silent Pixels, and Homage. The one hundred and ten page book is published by Origami, an imprint of Parresia Publishers limited, Lagos.

    The well-designed book is of fine quality and the poems gush with ripe innocence, a quality of true beauty. The poems talk about love, pains, philosophy, uncertainties and the absurdities of life. The collection’s romantic ambience is as effective as the lamentations therein.

  • The Anguish and Vigilance of Things

    In these poems, Richard Ali presents his life as a patient on a surgeon’s table and there are no, have been no themes, to his life, as these poems reveal. There have been only a series of glances, his eye resting on this or that, his poems becoming points of emphasis, seeking to undress and pare away adjective and lie alike. My son is not naked in these poems. But these poems are a testimony to what is laid naked. He is naked beneath these poems.

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