• A Guide to Autopsy Practice in Ghana (Hardcover)

    This book is meant to guide the Ghanaian resident doctor, district and regional medical officers, medical students, non-medical personnel such as police detectives and traffic officers and lawyers through the rudiments of autopsy practice. It sheds light on the benefits of the autopsy, autopsy practice and the laws that govern autopsy practice and general academic dissections. It also discusses religion and the autopsy and is thus useful to religious leaders and curious general readers who may not belong to any of the above stated professions.

    In addition it discusses the rudiments of death certification with relevant examples and will be useful to nosologists and other health officials responsible for collecting and coding data related to cause of death certificates. It entrenches the role of the clinical pathologists who is a part of the clinical team by introducing the perspectives and relationship of various clinicians to autopsy practice.

  • Not My Time to Die

    “Reading Yolande Mukagasana’s book in French at the age of 15 changed my life.”- Gaël Faye

    Originally published as La mort ne veut pas de moi in 1997, this book was the first survivor testimony to be published about the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

    In 1994 Yolande was an unconventional nurse and mother of three who enjoyed wearing jeans and designer glasses. She ran her own clinic in Nyamirambo and was planning a party for her wedding anniversary. But when genocide started everything changed. Targeted because she was a successful Tutsi woman, she was separated from her family and had to flee for her life.

    Mukagasana’s gripping memoir describes the betrayal of friends and help that came from surprising places. Quick-witted and courageous, Yolande never lost hope she would find her children alive.

    Translated from the French by Zoe Norridge.

  • J. A. Braimah: Biography of a Trailblazer (Hardcover)

    This well researched book is not just a biography of the first-ever Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister from Northern Ghana, but a packed chronicle of the stormy political period of the pre- and immediate post-independent Ghana, narrated through the lens of a man in whose soul the development of Ghana – and Northern Ghana in particular – burns. It highlights the slow but momentous inclusion of Northern Ghana in the affairs of the Gold Coast.

    The mistrust that characterized the relationship between Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the leaders of Northern Ghana, which culminated in the formation of the Northern Peoples Party, and Northern Ghana’s struggle for a dignified independence; makes this biography a must have for scholars, students, politicians and all who are interested in the twists and turns of this period.

  • Polo the Magnificent: The Story of the Dribbling Magician

    Nii Odai Anidaso Laryea is a product of a number of academic institutions including Prempeh College (completed in 1974/5), Tarkwa Secondary School (1977), the University of Ghana, Legon (1980) and the then University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (1985).

    Nii Odai fell in love with Ahmed Polo when the youngster burst onto the turf in the early and mid-1980s in Ghana. According to the author, he has not come across a finer footballer on the African continent of Polo’s ilk. Even beyond the shores of Africa, the only soccer gem, he opines, whose skills surpass that of Mohammed Polo is Diego ‘Armando’ Maradona.

    The book attempts to recollect some of the memorable matches he played and gleans perspectives from some sportswriters who watched him play in his hey-days. The book also takes the reader back into days of yore and helps in recollecting the ‘good old days’ of the 1970s and 1980s when Ghana could boast of quality soccer stars. It is also to get the current generation to appreciate the fact that once upon a time, Ghana produced a soccer prodigy whose magic and wizardry were almost equal to that of Maradona.

    It is the expectation of the author that perhaps God, in His infinite mercy might one day embellish the soccer landscape of Ghana with a similar, if not greater soccer genius.

  • In Pursuit: Journeys in African Entrepreneurship

    In Pursuit – Journeys in African Entrepreneurship chronicles the journeys of two friends whose experiences in America shaped their approach to starting their own businesses in Nigeria. Drawing on their experiences of working, building and supporting business, and exposure to multimillion-dollar projects around the world, they uncover what it takes to own, run, and grow a profitable business.

    Through their personal insights, they relay information relevant not only to entrepreneurs and investors seeking to do business in Nigeria, but anywhere on the globe―after all, the heart of business is human interaction. Their conversational banter-jab style, for which they’re known in person and on social media, invites readers into their circle where they can share the wisdom gained through continuous pursuits to fulfill their dreams.

    Business and life intersect. No matter your goal, you’re not crazy, and no, you’re not alone! Through In Pursuit, two Bendel boys invite you to laugh, yell, and reflect, as they converse from head and heart.


  • The Akans of Ghana: Their Customs, History and Institutions

    Supremacist historians have tended to give slanting presentations to African history as mere accounts of conflicts and wars between tribes.

    The author, deploring the situation – and agreeing with the African proverb that “until lions have their own historians, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter” – embarked on the work of the role of the African Historian.

    In this book he provides basic background information about Ghana in the first chapters and utilizes the remaining to:

    1. Identify the Akans among Ghanaians

    2. Discuss Akan Kingdoms, past and present and

    3. Treat the Akan cultures (their way of life) from procreation, through marriage to death as well as their religion.

    The book is targeted at:

    i. Akans who wish to be reminded about their heritage so that they do not lose their 1dentity in the fast moving world.

    ii. Non-Akans (including foreigners) who seek to learn about the Akans.

  • Zeb Silhouette

    Zeb Olima Jefferson is a bold and inspiring character. Determined to live her life according to her own rules, she travels from a dangerous relationship in Nigeria to life as an immigrant in America and then back to Nigeria again. There she faces a challenge that threatens her very sanity. This is a moving, shocking and compelling novel.

    Zeb Silhouette

  • All Ghana A Stage: We Move, Ghanaian Dream in Motion


    From the evocative storytelling of Dreams and Shadows to the thought-provoking critique of Accra: A Manifesto, each piece in this anthology speaks to the unyielding spirit of a nation in motion. Curated through the Samira Bawumia Literature Prize, this anthology captures the resilience, ambition, and ingenuity of the Ghanaian as writers navigate the intricate themes of identity, societal expectations, love, and national progress

  • Paying My Debt: An Autobiography

    “Every human life is a unique story. Telling my life story is not for vainglory. It is not a story of heroic deeds, but the story of a humble debtor who cannot pay his debts in a lifetime. This is an attempt to look at the trails of my life which would remind me that no matter how far I have come, I am nowhere close to paying all my debts.”

    This is the opening paragraph of the autobiography of Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, a Trade Unionist, human and environmental rights activist, Professional Paralegal, poet, human resource development/industrial relations practitioner and an ADR Practitioner.

  • Steps for the Progress of the Black Race: Guides for Black Man’s Redemption (Hardcover)

    The book talks about Black history and traces it to when Blacks were successful. The author shows how the current difficult condition of Blacks in the world is surmountable if they will do the right thing. That right thing is Blacks changing their behaviour for the better. The author believes that everybody’s condition in which he/she finds himself or herself can be changed if the necessary conduct is applied. The book encourages Blacks not to give up in the quest to make their conditions better.

    The narrative concludes with the biographies, inventions and achievements of some prominent Blacks across the ages and across the world.

  • Mastering Digital

    “Exact source of knowledge: it points out the power we have sitting in our pockets and our hands to turn around our fortunes and increase visibility.” – Samuel Twum, Software Engineer, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, South Africa

    “Digitization, automation, optimization, disintermediation and robotization is now happening in all industries. Mastering Digital highlights some important facts.” – Kwame A. Opoku, CEO, Reset Global People, Ghana

    “A great recommendation for all seeking to grow in this era of rapidly advancing technology.” – Isaac Ashong, Pastor and Businessman, USA

    “A rejoinder for us all!” – Amaka Okoye, Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist, Nigeria

    “The blueprint every individual and or business needs as a fundamental in growing their personal and professional brands on the digital space.” – Lucas Escalada, Fashion Designer, Equatorial Guinea

    “Outlines in simple terms the power of understanding and leveraging insights from various social media platforms to deliver bespoke products and services to clients.” – Derrydean Dadzie, Ghana Chamber of Communications, Ghana

    “A good primer on how to start and grow your digital footprints.” – Tito Magero, Data Engineer, Kenya

    “A light onto our path in the digital journey.” – TRIGMATIC, Renowned Musician, Ghana

  • Judgement Day: The Story of Ghana’s 2020 Election Petition from the Diary of a Journalist

    Throughout the 2020 Election Petition hearing in Ghana, the evidence, facts and theories were played out in a kind of ‘theatre’, with its own characters, costumes and settings.

    The judges, the lawyers, the witnesses and the political party supporters all strove to play their parts in the quest to establish the validity or otherwise of the petition. Judgement Day is a book that also presents the behind-the-scenes and out-of-courtroom events that had some bearing on the substantive matter in court.

    This book reproduces the story of the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in an ‘as it happened’ manner. The author also perceptibly recounts portions of the story of the 2012 Presidential Election Petition that were relevant to the 2020 Presidential Election Petition in a language that is straightforward, easy to read and easy to understand.

  • In Times Like These (Hardcover)

    In times of trouble and crisis, in looking for answers, we clutch at things that will give us some form of hope.

    In 2020, COVID-19 struck and with it came the psychological, social and financial strains.

    This inspirational book is filled with powerful, encouraging messages that address topics such as: repentance, trust, prayer, worship, giving, thanksgiving, pain, sorrow, anxiety, peace, joy as well as fear arising from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

    The messages will help you to remain hopeful and cling to God in the challenging times.

  • Guts and Grit: The Compelling and Inspirational Stories of Six Successful Ghanaian Entrepreneurs

    How can a nation address the menace of a growing number of unemployed youths? Why is the private business endeavour perceived largely as a big risk? What does it take for one to brave the storm and establish a flourishing enterprise? This book highlights the success stories of some of Ghana’s current entrepreneurs despite all the obstacles they have faced. Guts and Grit serves as a revelation to our public officials and the society at large towards a behavioural change in how private enterprises are seen, regarded and treated.

    The frank and engaging case studies provide the catalyst for dismantling the obstacles to achieving business success. The success stories so freely shared offer a source of inspiration and a springboard to the young people who would be willing to take up entrepreneurship.


    Guts and Grit is a book that chronicles the gut-wrenching stories of entrepreneurs who have braved significant odds to build viable businesses in a developing economy context.

    In choosing to write this book, Alex Banful, the author could not have made a better choice. The choice of entrepreneurship should not be surprising, given that there is at least four decades of scholarship to demonstrate that entrepreneurship, new business venturing, and the development of small and medium enterprises are crucial to Africa’s growth.

    Guts and Grit will soon become a leading cross-over entrepreneurship textbook that will be useful

    for executive training, undergraduate and postgraduate training programmes in Africa and other emerging economy contexts.” − Prof. Robert E. Hinson, Ph.D., DPhil.; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Kigali, Rwanda

  • An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure

    An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure can best be described as the continuation of the book of The Acts of the Apostles in the Bible. It is a collection of over 60 powerful testimonies which demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The reader is sure to relate to more than one testimony shared in the book.

    It is an undeniable fact that this book was birthed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Kuukua Maurice Ankrah tells us stories from her childhood, her career and her intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. With each flip of the pages of this book, she makes you fall in love more and more with the third person of the God Head, the Holy Spirit. One is left in no doubt when reading the testimonies in An Available Vessel for the Lord’s Pleasure that the Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers just as He was in the days of Paul the Apostle.

    Delve in and have an awesome encounter.

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