• Rewards: An Autobiography

    Prof. Marian Ewurama Addy was a Professor of Biochemistry. In January 2008 she was appointed President of the Anglican University College of Technology, then a newly launched private initiative for higher technical education in Ghana. Professor Addy’s interest and extension activities were in bridging the gap between scientific and indigenous knowledge and in the popularisation of science.

    In her autobiography Ewurama Addy takes us through the various stages of her life, culminating in her rise up the academic ladder and an affirmation of her Christian faith.

    Professor Mariama Ewurama Addy, the popular host of the Science and Maths quiz died at age 72 in 2014. Prof. Addy was the first woman professor of Science from the University of Ghana. She was also a resource person for science education programs in the country.

    As the Quiz Mistress of a national weekly science and mathematics quiz program on television, she contributed immensely to science education by making the subject interesting to Ghanaians of all ages. It is believed that her quiz mistress role inspired many female students to study science.

  • Bookset (Pack of 10 books): Everyday Values For Sunday School Children – Short Stories on 10 Values that Children Need to Grow into Responsible Adults

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of 10 short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Selflessness: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Atta Panyin and Atta Kakra never shared anything of theirs. At an Easter picnic, they tried to carry away their food so they would not have to share. The big bowl fell and the food poured on the ground. Shamefully, they had to eat the food their friends brought.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Respect: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Maame became a disrespectful girl after she befriended a group of naughty girls in school. She was suspended from school for misbehaving. Her god- mother spoke to her about God’s commandment on respect. She regretted her actions and resolved to be the respectful child she used to be.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Gratitude: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Maamle never said thank you for anything done for her. She read about the only leaper in the Bible story who came back to thank Jesus after he had healed ten of them. She then learnt the importance of being thankful.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Endurance: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Fire destroyed the house and property of the Numbo family. Sung complained and grumbled because he lost all the things he enjoyed before the fire. He read about Job in his children’s Bible and the experiences of Job taught him the value of endurance.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Forgiveness: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Mamavi vowed not to forgive her classmate who accused her falsely. At Sunday school, the Parable of the Prodigal Son was read and discussed. She spoke to her Sunday school teacher who taught her how to forgive. She later reconciled with her classmate.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Love: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Kobee did not like the way his playmates treated TT. TT could only walk with the help of crutches and often stood outside the playground to watch the children playing. After Kobee heard about the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he befriended TT. His friends later became TT’s friends too.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Honesty: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Mummy discovered her favourite serving bowl was broken. When asked, all the children denied breaking it. Mansa finally owned up after the children were asked many times. She was punished by her parents for being dishonest.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Service: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Tifigra pretended to be sick anytime it was the turn of his family to clean the church. He did not want to take part in church activities. After watching a video about the call of the little boy Samuel in Bible, he became eager to take part in church activities.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Generosity: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Ami was not happy that she had to give away some of her clothing and toys. Her mother told her about the Parable of the Rich Fool. She then changed her mind and happily gathered some of her clothing and toys for the family donation.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Humility: Everyday Values For Sunday School Children

    Abawie was a brilliant boy. He started performing poorly in school when he became proud and boastful. All his good friends stayed away from him. Miss. Bentil, his teacher, advised him on the virtue of humility. When Abawie took her advice, he started to perform well again in school and won his friends back.

    Everyday Values for Sunday School Children is a collection of short stories on 10 values that every growing Christian child should imbibe. Each story shows the involvement of Christian parents in inculcating values in their children. It is the prayer of the author that this book will be a blessing into every home it finds its way into.

  • Decentralisation Reforms in Ghana: The Experiences of the Fifth and Sixth Governments of the Fourth Republic

    What were the decentralisation reforms? What did they consist of? What were their origins? Who authorised them? What were their outcomes? What Impact have they had on the local governance and decentralisation landscape In Ghana?

    The answer to the first question is that they were new initiatives and innovations designed to accelerate the pace of and improve upon decentralisation implementation in Ghana.

    The answer to the second question is that they consisted of a National Decentralisation Policy Framework and a National Decentralisation Action Plan I (2010-2014) and II (2015-2019), an Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Committee on Decentralisation (IMCC), an expansion in the number of districts, a consolidated Local Governance Act, a re-branding of the Office of the Head of Local Government Service, the operationalisation of the Local Government Service and the introduction of a system of Inter-Service/Inter-Sectoral Collaboration and Cooperation. It also covered the enactment of National Development Planning (System) Regulations and a Land Use and Spatial Planning Act, the introduction of a Regional Integrated Budget System (RIBS) and blueprints for an Inter-Governmental Fiscal Framework (IGFF) and an Inter-Governmental Fiscal Transfer (IGFT) system.

    The answer to the third question is that the reforms were traceable to the 2008 manifesto of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the party which won the Presidential and Parliamentary elections of 2008 and 2012 and therefore formed the Fifth and Sixth Governments of the Fourth Republic.

    The answer to the fourth question is that the reforms were authorised by Presidents John Evans Atta Mills and John Dramani Mahama who successively were Presidents of the Fifth and Sixth Governments of the Fourth Republic.

    The answer to the fifth question about outcomes is the new structures, procedures and processes for decentralisation implementation, the improved quality of human resources in the local government sector, and the more efficient systems of checks and balances in the sector.

    The answer to the sixth question lies in the District Assemblies (MMDAs), the better service delivery by the Metropolitan, Municipal and of service delivery, the renewed interest in local governance by the citizenry and the claro Si rate reforms such as the elections of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDC Wand making the MMDAs partisan.

    These and answers to other questions posed by the reforms are answered in this book by the two people who should know, namely, the authors Professor Kwamena Ahwoi and Dr Callistus Mahama.

    Professor Kwamena Ahwoi is the longest-serving Minister of Local Government and Rural Development in Ghana (1988-2000). He was the Chairman of the High Level Strategic Task Force that produced the Decentralisation Policy Frameworks and Action Plans, He chaired the Legislative Review Task Force that resulted in the enactment of the Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936 and was consultant to both the Ministry of Local Government and the IMCC during the period.

    Dr. Callistus Mahama was a member of the High Level Strategic Task Force, a member of the Legislative Review Task Force, the Executive Coordinator of the IMCC and the Head of the Local Government Service during the period.

    The two authors therefore write from a position of knowledge and experience and this is reflected in the contents of the book.

  • Local Government and Decentralisation in Ghana

    Developments since the publication of the First Edition of this book in 2010 have compelled the revision and publication of this Second Edition.

    In 2011, the Fifth Government of the Fourth Republic launched a new ‘National Decentralisation Policy Framework’ (NDPF 1) and an accompanying National Decentralisation Action Plan’ (NDAP 1). The Local Government Service was operationalised in the same year, resulting in the migration of over 30,000 civil servants from the Civil Service to the Local Government Service.

    Prior to these, the Local Government Departments of District Assemblies) (Commencement) Instrument, 2009, L.1. 1961, had been enacted, allowing for the conversion of the de concentrated Departments at the district level into devolved Departments of the District Assemblies. The Local Government (Urban, Zonal and Town Councils and Unit Committees) (Establishment) Instrument, L.1. 1967, was enacted in 2010. The long-awaited Composite Budget was introduced in 2012.

    With the expiry of the NDPF 1/NDAP I in 2014, a new NDPF 11/NDAP 11 was launched in 2015 for the period 2015-2019.

    A new Local Government (Sub-Metropolitan District Councils of Metropolitan Assemblies (SMDCs)) (Establishment, Composition and Functions) Instrument, 2015. 11. 2223, was enacted to provide for uniform composition and functions for the SMDCs in all the six Metropolitan Assemblies.

    A National Development Planning (System) Regulations, 2016, enacted to support the National Development Planning and Act, 1994, 148. A Land Use and Spatial Planning Act, 2016, Act 925, was passed to establish a Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority and to devolve the Department of Country Planning to the MMDAs.

    The disparate laws on local government were consolidated into one Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936. A new Sports Act 2016, Act 934 and a new decentralised National Youth Authority Act 939 were also enacted.

    It is these reforms that the Second Edition of the book has sought to capture, in addition to some elaborations on some of the theoretical underpinnings of local government and decentralisation in Ghana. The sections of Acton Civil Society Organisations and Non-State Actors and Women in Local Governance have been improved. Some aspects of the proposals of the Constitutional Review Commission on local government and decentralisation have been used. Some textual changes have also been made.

  • Pre-Writing Skills

    Ideal for the early stages between 1 and 3 years

    This product introduces the child to writing. Useful for shapes and objects identification, tracing and colouring (hand and wrist movement).

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