• Bonds of Love (Pacesetters)

    When Constance Majolo sets out to record Mrs Clark’s last will and testament she does so reluctantly, feeling her hard-earned university skills are being wasted on such menial tasks. But little does she realize that Mrs Clark’s request to find her son will take Constance on an exciting and challenging search unravelling an unconventional story of loyalty and love.

  • Love (Pacesetters)

    Love and Nkem are born within hours of each other in the same hospital and their lives seem fated to be inextricably joined together. The Civil War in Nigeria plays its tragic role in parting them for many years. Can they find each other, and happiness, again?

  • Finding Francis (Pacesetters)

    ‘No! ‘ Sarah stood up. How did this man keep backing her into a corner? ‘ You’re not going to blackmail me again. ‘

    Francis smiled lazily from his chair. ‘Blackmail? How do you mean, blackmail? ‘

    Just as Sarah – young, impetuous and talented – seems to be within Francis’s grasp, tragedy strikes.

  • Sosu’s Call (Upgraded Version)

    Age Range: 12+ years

    Sosu’s Call, won the 1999 UNESCO 1st prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance. It is listed as one of the top twelve titles of Africa’s 100 Best Books; and has been named an Honor Book for Young Children by the African Studies Association’s Children’s Africana Book Committee, as a contribution to accurate and balanced material on Africa for children.

    Beautifully illustrated, the story tells of Sosu, a young disabled boy who cannot walk. Sosu misses going to school and all the activities of the other children. His village is on a lagoon, and one day when everyone is away fishing, working in the fields or at school, he raises the alarm with his drumming, and saves the village from total destruction by the sea. His heroism is rewarded when a wheelchair is donated and at last he can go to school.

  • Asuoyaa by Train

    Nyameba, a twelve-year-old boy, had barely two months to write his Common Entrance Examinations. He relocated from his parents’ home to stay with his auntie after his mother travelled out of the country. It was difficult coping with his new environment which, to him, was a bit harsh. He fell into trouble and ran away from home to escape punishment. The main Accra train station became his haven.

    There, he met Ato, a young boy of his age who lost his family through the famous Asuoyaa train disaster and now lived at the train station. He made a living as a head porter. Nyameba joined his new friend in the trade just to survive. Sisi, one of the market women he worked for, offered to travel with him on the train to Asuoyaa.

    His encounter on the journey, his stay in Asuoyaa and the tragic moment he experienced on his return to Accra, transformed his life for good.

  • Babingo: The Nobel Rebel

    In Pointe-Noire of the 1950’s lived Paul Makouta, a “civilized” and westernized native who was very proud of communicating exclusively in French with Madeleine Mamatouka, his wife, Alex his only son, and the other children of his household. Under no circumstance did Makouta allow the members of his family speak the language of Metropolitan France with the slightest trace of a Bantu accent. Again, anyone who dared speak Kituba, an indigenous language, with the family’s domestic staff was liable to severe reprimand.

    Clearly, the father’s intransigence was at odds with the communicative practices in the neighborhood and of children commuting daily to school. And it was only natural for Tessa, a fellow pupil from the neighborhood, to successfully convince her teenage friend, Alex Babingo, of the absurdity of Makouta’s directive. Little did Alex Babingo realize that his initial acceptance of the irrationality of the father’s prohibition in colonized Congo was only the start of a trajectory which, from the other side of the world, would impel his return to the very roots of his culture and ancestral traditions in the now independent Republic of Congo or Congo-Brazzaville. Babingo, the Noble Rebel is a poignant and pulsating advocacy for the mainstreaming of indigenous languages into the curriculum of African countries, not least those belonging to the French-speaking world.

  • The Minister’s Daughter

    A highly pampered little girl from an affluent home loses everything one dark morning. With her dear father gone forever, she must now struggle for survival. Not helping with the situation are an austere and depressing village setting and two feuding women – an aggrieved and bad-tempered nurse and a fashionable teacher with high dreams in a questionable relationship.

    In the village school, there is the head teacher who hates this minister’s daughter because of her father. Not even Akuluksi, the one-eyed boy, spares her with deeply hurting teases that breaks her heart. But the minister’s daughter must survive her childhood days.

  • Prejudice

    The story of the marriage of Mercy Owusu and her husband is told by one of Ghana’s humorous writers, Asare Konadu, under a pseudonym used for his light-hearted novels.

    A bestseller, Prejudice is one of the most starkly moving parables ever written of the forces that shape or mar many marriages of today – patience, determination, thoughtfulness, quarrels, nagging, relations with in-laws, etc.

    Beginning with a tiny incident between the couple, it ends by being as deep and as captivating as love itself.


  • Jennifer

    Due to difficult circumstances beyond her control, Jennifer Hayfron has no other choice than to share the same hotel with Dr Martin when the train on which she is travelling back to school suddenly breaks down at a late hour.

    By a fatal coincidence, Jennifer’s foster father comes around from nowhere and sees her daughter and Dr Martin coming out from the hotel and are about to get aboard a parked vehicle. Mr Hayfron’s hasty conclusion is obvious. There is verbal explosion on the spot, as well as a series of interesting drama in the ensuing days.

    The story, written for young people has been written in simple readable English.


  • Nii Noi the Sanitation Officer

    Age Range: 6 – 15 years

    This book is a thought-provoking piece of a fairly peaceful community that wakes up to the incessant complaints of 13-year-old Nii Noi. Like the dawn of teenage, he becomes, somewhat, shocked by the deplorable sanitary conditions in his neighbourhood.

    Fuming at the apathy of everyone around him towards better sanitation practice, Nii Noi becomes a crusader for hygienic living. But as a prophet without honour in his community, it takes the tragedy of a flood to get the community to appreciate the crusade by Nii, and what he desires to achieve: a hygienic, clean and joyful community. The writer, through the voice and eyes of a boy, reveals the innocent naivety and obvious apathy of society, and the power of camaraderie and community to cause change.

  • A Painful Decision (Drama on Female Circumcision)

    Age Range: 6 – 12 years

    Africans have many customary practices. Sometime ago, these customs certainly had some advantages. With the passage of time, however, some of these practices have outlived their usefulness, not to mention the aim they are often associated with. Hence, there is the need for us to either modify these customary practices or abandon them altogether.

    It will be discovered, in this play, the great pain and suffering that female circumcision brings to our women.

    We do not dispute the fact that it is one of the legacies bequeathed to us by our forebears. Nonetheless, what prevents us from abandoning it since there is nothing to gain from it now or in future? The time has come for us to become selective in the practice of our customs so that only what brings progress to us is maintained.

  • Afua and the Magic Calabash

    Age Range: 5 – 8 years

    Afua and the Magic Calabash tells a story of a maltreated orphan girl who has a magic calabash.
  • To Have and To Hold (Pacesetters)

    To the modern, freedom-loving Phindile it seemed impossible that anyone, least of all a man, could make her compromise her independence. But then she had not reckoned with the determination of the lizard-like Mr Takawira or the charms of the persistent Kudzi.

  • Rich Girl, Poor Boy (Pacesetters)

    Rich Girl, Poor Boy as the title suggests is the story of a young lady from a wealthy family who falls in love with a man of poor origins. Tokunbo is the only daughter of rich parents. She first meets her future husband Lai, when he climbs into her house and tries to steal some fruit. As fate would have it, they meet again years later at university and fall in love, but Lai already has a girlfriend. This causes some complications. The story has a very sad ending…

  • The Hornets’ Nest (Pacesetters)

    “I sincerely wish you every success in the rally……..and do be careful.”

    With these words echoing in his mind, Itemere set off on the East African Rally: with every twist, another problem arises – winning is the least of his worries!

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