Mountype Children’s Picture Dictionary – with Activities (Book 2)


Mountype Children’s Picture Dictionary is packed with over hundred words, illustrated in colour. Some of these words evolve around animals, people, places, shapes, colours, food, clothing, etc.

This book is full of exciting exercises such as:

  • Colouring
  • Matching
  • Tracing
  • Beginning Phonics

It is designed to help children learn names of objects, how to spell words as well as object recognition.

The writing, colouring and tracing exercises help the children to develop fine motor skills and eye-to-hand co-ordination.

As a bonus, we have provided a certificate page to celebrate the child’s success in completing the book. Using this book makes learning fun!

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Weight 0.3 kg

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Mountype Children's Picture Dictionary - with Activities (Book 2)


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