African Proverbs: A Guide To Conduct Volume III (The Moral Value of Ewe Proverbs)


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“This is the third volume in the series of African proverbs which Rev. Prof N.K. Dzobo has written… Since the work of the early German missionaries up to the early part of this century, not much attention has been paid to a systematic study of our traditions and systems of thought…I would like to therefore recommend this interesting book on account of its educational value.” – Prof. Francis Agbodeka

The present Volume is the continuation of the study of the moral value of Ewe proverbs. It contains approximately 500 completely new proverbs and this has brought the number of Ewe proverbs studied so far in the three volumes on African proverbs to over 1,200. The proverbs in the present volume are selected from three different sources: a fairly large number of them came from a collection of Ewe proverbs made by Rev. A.K. Abutiate, the Ex-Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church; others from the author’s own new collections, plus over 40 new proverbs indicated by the letters ‘N.C.’ ie. ‘new composition’, at the end of their literal English translations.

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Weight 0.35 kg
Year Published



Leather-bound, Hardcover

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African Proverbs: A Guide To Conduct Volume III (The Moral Value of Ewe Proverbs)
