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Law & Religion
Inaugural Lectures
Lectures included in this collection are:
Religion and National Identity: Assessing the Discussion from Cicero to Danquah – Rev. Dr. Kwame Bediako (25 June 1997)
Private Investment and Law in a Developing Economy: Reflections – Dr. Samuel K. Date-Bah (22 January 2002)
The Role of the Judiciary in the Establishment of Democracy in Ghana – Mr. Seth Y. Bimpong-Buta (6 April 1999)
Theology and Culture: An African Perspective – Rev. Peter K. Sarpong (31 October 2002)
₵10.00Law & Religion
₵10.00 -
The Public Law of Ghana: A Tale of Two Legal Systems
Inaugural lecture by Professor Albert Kodzo Fiadjoe. Delivered on 16th September, 2009.
₵30.00 -
A Reference Guide to Basic Latin Expressions for Law Students and Legal Practitioners
A Reference Guide to Basic Latin Expressions for Law Students and Legal Practitioners
₵80.00 -
MCQs on the Law of Tort: Test Your Knowledge of Tort Law
As Professor Kwame Frimpong notes in his foreword, questions in this book are practical, based on decided cases, as well as hypothetical issues and situations. The book is relevant for all common law faculties of law offering Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) programmes, and other institutions offering the Law of Torts to their students. The book is intended to be a supplement to the standard existing textbooks used by lecturers, and is intended to be a tutorial aid, to be used by lecturers in tutorials, and students in testing their knowledge on the topics covered during lectures. In Ghana, the book also covers Law of Tort topics that are examinable for the entrance examination to the Professional Law programme at the Ghana Law School. It is my hope that the book will be an essential learning tool for students in Ghana and common law world.
₵100.00 -
Ghana’s 2012 Presidential Election Petition
The story of the presidential election petition as it unfolded outside and inside the courtroom is graphically retold by the author of this book in a straightforward and memorable manner. If you were not among the audience in the courtroom or if you were not a constant watcher of the TV during the hearing of the petition, or if your understanding of the legal process is limited, this book is your best story teller of all that happened.
The author, although a lawyer of many years standing, and a very well-known politician, has not written book on law or politics. His several books deal with history, chieftaincy, culture and conflict in Dagbon. This is his first time of venturing into the politico-legal field. And he has done it well.
Even though the book is intended to tell the story of Ghana’s 2012 presidential election petition, it equally deals with the politics of Ghana and the country’s electoral laws. The book is therefore recommended not only for people who want to know the story of the election petition, but also to politicians and first year law students as well as people interested in law. The book will inspire them.
₵150.00 -
Concise Text On The Law Of Contract in Ghana (Hardcover)
This book is strictly designed for undergraduates who have followed a course of lectures based on standard works on contract law. It is intended to supplement your course materials, lectures and textbooks; it is a guide to revision rather than a substitute for the amount of reading that you need to do in order to succeed. Contract law is a vast subject as evidenced by the volume of material contained in standard works on the subject. It follows that a revision work cannot cover all the depth and detail that the student needs to know, and it does not set out to do so. The aim is to provide a concise overall picture of the key areas for revision.
₵150.00 -
Ghanaian Law of Copyright
Andrew Amegatcher has been an authority on the law of copyright in Ghana for many years. This second edition of the Ghanaian Law of Copyright is not only an academic treatise on the law of copyright generally and as it applies in Ghana, but is an excellent tool for disseminating knowledge of copyright law.
Since publication of the first edition a major piece of legislation, PNDC Law 110 1985 on Copyright has been replaced by another, the Copyright Act 2005, Act 690. The second edition includes new topics and a chapter on international copyright, including TRIPS, the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
₵200.00Ghanaian Law of Copyright
₵200.00 -
Selected Papers and Lectures on Ghanaian Law (Hardcover)
This book is a compendium containing chapters based on various papers and lectures on Ghanaian law delivered by the author. Its contents deal with a wide range of topics expected to be of interest, not only to Ghanaian lawyers, but also to lawyers in general and other persons interested in the legal process in developing countries.
The topics include the legal system and legal education in Ghana, the Judiciary, human rights and good governance, and business law.
The variety of topics treated means that the book can be regarded almost as a mini Reader on Ghanaian law.
₵200.00 -
Ghana Law of Wills
The succession law of Ghana has undergone enormous change since the enactment of the Wills Act, 1971. Relevant literature has hardly kept pace with changes in statutory and judge-made law. The need for a comprehensive statement of the pertinent law has made itself felt for quite a long time. In response, several eminent jurists have grappled with some of the major problems associated with succession. The present account seeks to provide a detailed assessment, analysis, evaluation and critique of the law of wills of Ghana.
Basically founded upon analysis of the Wills Act, 1971 of Ghana and relevant English principles, the discussion here also traverses a wider field. The end result is an opus that interweaves essentially English concepts of the law of wills with equivalent Ghanaian developments. The topics for discussion are broadened to include indigenous forms of testation.
The book is broken into appropriate divisions and subdivisions to facilitate fuller discussion of each topic, largely along conventional formats for the analysis of the law of wills. The underlying theme is concerned with the devolution of a person’s assets upon death. Both the substantive and procedural laws are considered in some detail and on the basis of consistent principles of law. Various types of wills and rules for the making and revocation of wills as well as laws dealing with privileged wills, incorporation of documents, revival and republication, legacies and the construction of wills are analysed extensively with a view to encapsulating the corpus of the law of wills.
₵250.00Ghana Law of Wills
₵250.00 -
Medical Law in Ghana: A Primer (Hardcover)
Transcending the traditional compartments with which lawyers are familiar, medical law is concerned with issues arising from physician or doctor-patient relationship. Medical Law in Ghana – A Primer seeks to present an exposition of health care law and medical law in Ghana as embodied in both statutory and case law. It addresses the law dealing with doctor-patient relationship; confidentiality and access to medical records; medical education, professional regulation of doctors, nurses and pharmacists; assisted reproduction, euthanasia (assisted dying), clinical trials.
After a general introduction, the book systematically describes law related to the medical profession, proceeding from training, licensing, and other aspects of access to the profession, through disciplinary and professional liability and medical ethics considerations and quality assurance, to such aspects of the physician (doctor)-patient relationship as rights and duties of physicians and patients, consent, privacy, and access to medical records. Also covered are specific issues such as organ transplants, human medical research, abortion, and euthanasia, as well as matters dealing with the physician in relation to other health care providers, health care insurance, and the health care system.
This book is intended to serve as useful source of authoritative information and guide for lawyers, students, health care professionals and all those that have interest in the interface between law and medicine, medical law, bioethics and medical ethics. Succinct and practical, this book will prove to be of great value to professional organizations of physicians, nurses, hospitals, and relevant government agencies. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Ghana will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its comparative value as a contribution to the study of medical law in the international context.
₵250.00 -
The Property Law of Ghana
This book consists of six related but separate parts combined in thirteen continuous chapters of land law. The thirteen chapters are fundamentally concerned with the development of the customary land law through the Ghanaian courts. In the first part, the main concepts underlying land law as well as the general characteristics of land are traced and analysed. The second segment deals with the law relating to interests in land, including modes of acquisition and loss of title. Tenancies and pledges are examined in their own right. Part 3 considers the nature of the customary law family, focusing on the composition of the family, the rights of members and the role of the head of family. In Part 4, rules regarding transfer of interests are considered within the general body of case law. This is followed logically by a consideration of the applicable doctrines of English law in Part 5. The final segment directs analysis at the impact of state legislative activity on customary law.
The rules of customary law were developed from pre-colonial times. It might be thought that the rules might be full of hoary anachronisms. The continuous decisions of the courts and the full impact of legislative activity have been the guiding hand in steering the customary land law in consonance with social and economic developments. No one argues that the customary law is in need of purgation. Principles derived from English equity jurisprudence have steadily worked their way into customary notions, particularly in the form of acquiescence, introducing equity’s peculiar element of fairness into the relevant customary law rules. Some of the perceived harshness or inadequacy of the customary land law have also been cured by legislation.
The present work is not a mere rearrangement of emphasis of the land law. I have attempted to bring into one coherent view the ideas expressed by the established jurists. The law we work with is constantly changing. It is constantly between the hammer and the anvil, changed and reshaped by judicial and statutory intervention. New answers are found as problems without judicial precedent press for statutory solution. Where authoritative answers cannot be found for such problems, I have relied on the evidence of actual social practice. Overall this book captures the restlessness of the indigenous law and the constant push for change. Several of the topics that dominated the old texts are receding. Statute law now overshadows many areas of the customary law.
There is considerable imbalance in the rendering of the customary land law of Ghana. Although this is a book on the customary land law of Ghana, a disproportionate number of both actual examples and case-law are drawn from southern Ghana. It reflects the general lacuna in current literature. This deficiency points to the urgent necessity of prosecuting a similar task in relation to the customary law of northern Ghana.
₵250.00The Property Law of Ghana
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The Law of Contract in Ghana
The Law of Contract in Ghana
₵270.00The Law of Contract in Ghana
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The Legislative System of Ghana
This book focuses on the legislative system of Ghana. It contains sixteen chapters, each focusing on a unique aspect of the legislative system of Ghana. It outlines the rules, the practice, and procedure that govern the conduct of business and Members in the Parliament of Ghana and its committees, and the various actors involved in the organisation of the legislative business. It breaks into minute forms, the procedural norms, and attitudes that influence members’ behaviour and the various parliamentary outcomes.
“This study is well researched and presented in a very lucid form…. Indeed, it is a very useful source for students, parliamentarians, and academics on the parliamentary history, procedure, and practice of Ghana’s Parliament.” – Hon Dr. Benjamin Kunbour, Former Majority Leader, Former Minister of Defence and Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana School of Law
₵300.00The Legislative System of Ghana
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Introduction to the Law of Torts in Ghana (Hardcover)
This book attempts to state the Law of Torts as it should apply in the Ghana legal stem. Article I I of the 1992 Constitution recognises the common law principles as they were received from the Anglo-American common law tradition as part of the Laws of Ghana. Section 54 of the Courts Act, 1993 (Act 459) provides that our courts may in the determination of any issue arising from the common law, adopt, develop and apply remedies from any other legal system based on the Anglo-American legal tradition.
In many contemporary common law countries, for example the UK and the USA, however, there has been an explosion of statutory interventions in the common law. This is reflected in the discussions of the common law principles in the recent editions of textbooks written in those countries. Unfortunately, these statutes are not “statutes of general application,” as this phrase is used and understood in the Ghana legal system. The admixture of these statutes and the common law in these countries makes the isolation of the parts of those books, which are helpful to our causes in Ghana, a major challenge.
This book attempts to isolate what is usable from what is not. The hope of the author and the publishers is that the reader, whether a practitioner or student, will find the principles of torts law, as stated in the book, devoid of the statutory contaminations.