• Inventions & Inventors

    Inventions & Inventors (5)

  • Physicians

    Physicians (1)

  • Probability & Statistics

    Probability & Statistics (1)

  • Technology

    Technology (17)

  • Behavioral Sciences

    Behavioral Sciences (1)

  • Computers & Technology

    Computers & Technology (22)

  • Environment

    Environment (69)

  • When I Grow Up

    Age Range: 2-9 years

    When I Grow Up is a comprehensive colorful book that introduces tots and tykes to the world of Careers. This book graphically illustrates various professions and vocations while simple rhythmic phrases describe these professions.

    When I Grow Up

  • Nature Stories: Crossing River Kulga & Other Stories

    Age Range: 9 – 11 years

    This is a collection of fun-to-read stories that focus on the environment. It teaches the relationship between man and nature and helps readers to appreciate nature better.

  • A Frog Named Korkoli

    Age Range: 7 – 10 years

    Korkoli lost his parents in a flood. He has lost his friends and is lonely, and he no longer has food to eat because the environment no longer supports the life of the tiny insects and worms that he feeds on. The frog named Korkoli talks about the filth in our environment and the need to keep our backyards, water bodies and gutters clean.

  • Rewards: An Autobiography

    Prof. Marian Ewurama Addy was a Professor of Biochemistry. In January 2008 she was appointed President of the Anglican University College of Technology, then a newly launched private initiative for higher technical education in Ghana. Professor Addy’s interest and extension activities were in bridging the gap between scientific and indigenous knowledge and in the popularisation of science.

    In her autobiography Ewurama Addy takes us through the various stages of her life, culminating in her rise up the academic ladder and an affirmation of her Christian faith.

    Professor Mariama Ewurama Addy, the popular host of the Science and Maths quiz died at age 72 in 2014. Prof. Addy was the first woman professor of Science from the University of Ghana. She was also a resource person for science education programs in the country.

    As the Quiz Mistress of a national weekly science and mathematics quiz program on television, she contributed immensely to science education by making the subject interesting to Ghanaians of all ages. It is believed that her quiz mistress role inspired many female students to study science.

  • The Right Stuff Comes In Black Too (Hardcover)

    The right stuff is a designation that was used originally to describe the early astronauts who pioneered space travel for the United States of America. They exhibited an extraordinary ability to perform in the challenging circumstances one finds in outer space.

    This term can be used to describe Blacks of Extraordinary achievements in Movies, Sports, Business and many fields including Technology. This is how we describe the achievements of Dr. Thomas Mensah, who has succeeded against incredible odds. Ebony Magazine calls him a genius in the October 2006 publication.

    He is the author of four books on Engineering Innovation and was awarded 7 US Patents in Fiber Optics in the short time frame of six years. He is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors USA.

    CBS Television News in America on February 25, 2017 Black History Month Program dedicated a special feature interview on him, titled Celebrating the Engineer Who Revolutionized the Internet. This segment was televised worldwide.

    His Innovations have impacted many fields of Engineering, including the Military and Defense, the Environment, Theme Parks, Nanotechnology and the Internet Platform. From Fiber Optics Development to cutting-edge research in Nanotechnology, Dr. Mensah is a Modern day thought leader, a Technology Innovator and one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st Century. He truly embodies the description of the Right Stuff Comes in Black Too.

  • Masterman: Our World and Our People for Basic Schools Book 4

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Our World and Our People (OWOP) for Basic Schools series are activity-based books which have been carefully written and designed in conformity with the current approved curriculum of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), of the Ghana Education Service for Basic Schools (September, 2019).

    Each book consists of five (5) major strands, namely:

    1. All About Us
    2. All Around Us
    3. Our Beliefs And Values
    4. Our Nation, Ghana
    5. My Global Community.

    Under each strand are four (4) sub-strands.

    There are enough practical activities to involve learners and to test their Relevant Previous Knowledge about the subject matter which puts them at the centre of the teaching and learning process.

    The series also provide critical thinking which helps learners to develop their cognitive and reasoning abilities to enable them analyse issues and situations, leading to the resolution of problems in their everyday activities. There are enough Class Exercises, Projects and Home Learning/Parents Help that could be useful for School Based Assessment (S.B.A).

    Each book comes with an accompanying Teacher’s Guide that guides the teacher with the current methods and strategies for teaching with the Standard Based Curriculum for Our World and Our People.

  • Grandpa, Who Is Kakai?

    Age Range: 6 – 9 years

    Who is Kakai? He comes in the night if children are naughty. No one ever sees him.

    This is a simple story which children will find fun to read. The language of the story presents the young reader with a variety of descriptive words and examples of the present, past and future tenses used in everyday conversation.

  • I Am River Densu

    Suitable for upper primary pupils and children between 9 and 11 years

    This storybook is about the life and adventures of River Densu as he finds his way to the ocean.

  • Proceedings of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (Volume XIII, 1975)

    Proceedings, 1975.


    Address by the Academy President at the 15th Anniversary Dinner – Professor E.A. Boateng

    Tradition and Progress – Professor E.A. Boateng

    Ghanaian Society in Change and Stability – Professor K.A. Dickson

    The Study of French Literature: 17th Century French Drama and Corneille – Professor R.F. Amonoo

    Chieftaincy in Ghana Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – Nene Azu Mate-Kole

    Chieftaincy in Ghana Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – Nana Agyeman Badu I

    Chieftaincy in Ghana Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – Togbe Adza Tekpor VI

    Chieftaincy in Northern Ghana – Mr. J.A. Braimah

    Chieftaincy in Ghana Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – Nii Anyetei Kwakwranya II

    Traditional Marriage – Mrs. Emily Hesse

    The Extended Family and Problems of Child Care in Modern Ghanaian Society – Dr. D.K. Fiawoo

    The Family, the Individual and Inheritance – Professor W.C. Ekow Daniels

  • Sawteeth

    Age Range: 7 – 9 years

    Notorious Kwaku Ananse has been active in the galamsey business. He has brought strangers with guns to dig for illegal gold. They are destroying the beautiful environment. The animals of the forest are not happy. Then Sawteeth returns from one of his trips. Will he be able to lead the animals to attack and drive away the galamsey people?


  • Masterman: Our World and Our People for Basic Schools Book 5

    Suitable for children between 2 and 6 years

    Our World and Our People (OWOP) for Basic Schools series are activity-based books which have been carefully written and designed in conformity with the current approved curriculum of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), of the Ghana Education Service for Basic Schools (September, 2019).

    Each book consists of five (5) major strands, namely:

    1. All About Us
    2. All Around Us
    3. Our Beliefs And Values
    4. Our Nation, Ghana
    5. My Global Community.

    Under each strand are four (4) sub-strands.

    There are enough practical activities to involve learners and to test their Relevant Previous Knowledge about the subject matter which puts them at the centre of the teaching and learning process.

    The series also provide critical thinking which helps learners to develop their cognitive and reasoning abilities to enable them analyse issues and situations, leading to the resolution of problems in their everyday activities. There are enough Class Exercises, Projects and Home Learning/Parents Help that could be useful for School Based Assessment (S.B.A).

    Each book comes with an accompanying Teacher’s Guide that guides the teacher with the current methods and strategies for teaching with the Standard Based Curriculum for Our World and Our People.

  • Subtraction (1-20) Activity Book

    Age Range: 3+ years

    Subtraction can be easy and fun. In subtraction you are taking something away from what you have. What you have left is the answer.

    Using things to learn how to subtract can be fun, Let’s subtract using things we see around us. Enjoy your first Mathematics lesson in subtraction.


  • My Critical Thinking Activity Book (Ages: 8 – 12)

    Age Range: 8 to 12 years

    This book is full of fun critical thinking activities that will keep young minds engaged and allow the child to strengthen their problem-solving skills. The activities will call for the children to observe, analyse, identify, reason, evaluate and make decisions.

    Children will be encouraged to think outside the box. The activities have been carefully formulated to enhance lateral thinking and improve cognitive abilities.

    It is a needed book for every child.

  • The Game Hunters

    Age Range: 6 – 9 years

    Okumi and Sam absent themselves from work in order to trap game. But Benni Farms is in danger of being destroyed by the bushfire they start. What can Atua do to stop the wild bushfire which comes roaring towards his uncle’s farm?

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