• Strength for the Journey: Inspirational Stories and Heart-warming Thoughts for Personal Reflection

    “Man shall not live by bread alone,” the Lord said, and it is true. Living by bread alone is detrimental to mankind’s quest for true satisfaction, and it’s never sufficient in providing all the strength we need for the journey of life.

    As we travel through this world, which is full of uncertainties and contradictions, we need every word of encouragement we can grasp – heart-warming words that provide hope in times of need. For a word in season nourishes the soul and warms the heart at every junction on our way to eternity.

    Strength for the Journey is full of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, inspirational stories, and a wide variety of personal experiences that will motivate and give you courage to journey on as we travel through this world.

  • 7 Keys to Abundant Living with No Regrets

    This book contains lessons that the writer’s half-century of life has taught him to be the keys to abundant living. It is the writer’s testament to life.

  • Eight Pillars of Christian Organization

    Eight Pillars of Church Organization is a well thought out and well-presented book full of real and practical issues facing the church today. It is not meant for the pastor in the church only but also for all organizations that seek to grow and expand their influence. I whole heartedly recommend this book to pastors, seminaries and seminarians, church leaders and future leaders as well as every member of the Body of Christ.

    –The Most Rev Dr Paul K. Boafo

    Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church Ghana

    Chairman, Christian Council of Ghana

  • “IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH” The Grail Message

    The three-volume work “In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin mediates the knowledge of the structure of creation, and its laws. On this basis it provides clear and comprehensible answers to the most important questions of life:

    • Where do I come from?
    • Who am I?
    • Where am I going?

    Gradually an all-encompassing picture of the entire creation unfolds before the reader of the “Grail Message”, and he recognizes the connections of cause and effect in world events in the past, present and future.

    The knowledge mediated in the “Grail Message” is also a valuable aid for self-help. For the knowledge of the connections allows us to find solutions to the big problems of our time, regardless of whether it is about issues concerning marriage and family, about psychic crises or fateful events.

  • Conquer: A Journey to Freedom

    Temptation, addiction, lust, guilt, redemption; these are but some of the issues raised in this semi-autobiography and anthology— CONQUER — by Nii Lante. In this book, Nii shares with us his struggle with masturbation, how it got hold of his life and how he was finally able to overcome this addiction after encountering God. His story of redemption ultimately came after several times of defeat. God laid a burden on him to share this story, offering practical steps that helped him in finding wholeness in Christ to help others who find themselves in such situations.

    Prayerfully read, listen and CONQUER.

  • Handling Offences

    Offences are a natural part of all human relationships – be they marital, workplace, family or even at church. They creep in through diverse means and, depending on how they are handled, leave a relationship stronger or damaged. Mismanaging offences has the capacity to destroy both the offender and the offended. Offence must therefore be handled in the spirit of reconciliation.

    Handling Offences identifies the causes and consequences of offences and outlines a systematic process of restoration for relationships that have experienced offence.


  • The Sacrifice of Africa: A Political Theology for Africa

    In The Sacrifice of Africa, Prof. Emmanuel Katongole honestly confronts Africa’s painful legacy of chaos, violence and corruption. He shows how it continues to scar the imaginative landscape of African politics and society. He then demonstrates the real potential of Christianity to interrupt and transform entrenched political imaginations and create a different story for Africa – a story of self-sacrificing love that values human dignity and “dares to invent” a new better future for all Africans. Compelling accounts of three African Christian leaders and their work – Bishop Paride Taban in Sudan, Angelina Atyam in Uganda and Maggy Barankitse in Burundi – cap off Katongole’s vision of hope for Africa.

  • Midnight: The Opportune Hour to Greatness

    Did you know that at Midnight there are keys to hidden treasures of life? Did you also know that Midnight is a high traffic period in the realm of the spirit? The midnight hour is a crucial time in every individual’s life. It takes the conscious and the strong in spirit to prayerfully guard their possessions against evil operations, or to unlock the Keys to greatness at this hour.

    This book provides deeper revelations about midnight with supporting scriptures from the Bible. The book also provides some prescriptions on how we can take advantage of this crucial hour.

  • The Journey to the Place of Abundance

    The Journey to the Place of Abundance is a book that draws from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. In this journey, Israel was confronted with many challenges that could have prevented them from moving into their promised land. From the military might of the Egyptians, to the challenges of water and food shortages, to even in fighting among them, the people of Israel demonstrated key behavioral attitudes that either helped them, or slowed down their progress. This book highlights the key attitudes that we also need if we are to get into our place of abundance.

  • Operation Rescue (The ABCs of the Christian, Volume 1)

    This is the first in the 6-part series called The ABCs of the Christian. This volume deals with the theme of SALVATION.

    Why are we adopted children of God? What is justification? How does Jesus Christ fulfill the role of the Messiah? What is the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice, substitution, atonement, redemption? This book explains such key topics and other related matters under the general theme of our Salvation.

    The book is a collection of essays, written in clear easy step-by-step expositions to help the reader understand and appreciate the fullness of our salvation in Christ Jesus and the love of God which made it all possible.

    The contents are carefully selected and traced to their Old Testament origins to bring out the full meaning and the message of the subject under discussion. In the process, the book seeks to answer some questions frequently asked and clarify some confusing issues.

  • The Genesis of Marriage

    This manual captures the studies and experiences accumulated by the authors from more than 60 years of counselling large groups in churches as well as hundreds of copies around the world. It is our strong belief that our fellow marriage counsellors will find the contents of this manual particularly helpful.

    In preparing this manual, we have been guided by the following principles that married couples or those intending to marry need to have:

    • the right understanding about marriage as God intended it
    • basic biblical and additional knowledge
    • commitment to each other
    • the willingness to work for a happy marriage in order to realise its full blessings

    The material here is also designed to be used individually by singles, privately by couples, in small groups or as outlines to prepare teaching to large groups.

    You are invited to turn the pages, learn and practise what we trust will enrich your relationships and marriage. It is in practising what we learn that we benefit the most.


  • Seize Your Kairos Moment

    A time will come when an opportunity of a lifetime will present itself to you. When that time arrives, the question will be whether you will grab hold of the opportunity before you or let it pass you by?

    Seize Your Kairos Moment will teach you how to recognize when your time has come. It will show you how to boldly take hold of that moment and usher your dreams into reality.

  • Endurance

    God’s word tells us that there are many good things in store for our lives. However, throughout the course of our journey to claim His promises, there will be obstacles, disappointments, and tests along the way.

    Endurance is a handy tool to keep you centered through hardships and hostility. It will help you to focus on Christ through temptation and delays. May you develop endurance so that you can maintain the Lord’s favour and come out victorious in the end.


  • The Soon Coming King

    In the history, there has never been one quite as He. He Lived a simple life and yet impacted his world and generations unborn in a way that has never been!
    He was many things while he’s walked the earth-healer, saviour, miracle worker, even a carpenter. HE IS JESUS-THE SOON COMING KING.

  • Woman Redefined: A Spiritual Journey to Unveil the Gem of Creation

    “Woman Redefined: A Spiritual Journey to Unveil the Gem of Creation” by Anthony Selom Dzadzra explores the essence of womanhood, revealing women as Divine Partners, guardians of strength and wisdom, and uniquely designed masterpieces. The book highlights women’s achievements throughout history and provides an exposition on Proverbs 31, guiding readers towards becoming a model woman of grace, strength, and virtue.

    The Guys’ Corner offers a unique perspective on harnessing women’s potential, challenging societal expectations and encouraging women to break free from limitations and expectations of the society. The author also highlights the concepts of “Woman You Are Not” and “Beautiful Women” and argues against the notion that women should conform to someone else’s expectations and celebrates them by emphasising that their beauty is not just skin deep but radiates from the inside out.

    The concept of the Combo is introduced, celebrating the multifaceted nature of every woman, and the author concludes the book with a powerful message of “Woman Thou Art Loosed,” encouraging women to break free, be themselves, and shine in all glory.

    “Woman Redefined” is an indispensable guide for those seeking to uncover the extraordinary gems within the heart and soul of every woman.



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