• Conquer: A Journey to Freedom

    Temptation, addiction, lust, guilt, redemption; these are but some of the issues raised in this semi-autobiography and anthology— CONQUER — by Nii Lante. In this book, Nii shares with us his struggle with masturbation, how it got hold of his life and how he was finally able to overcome this addiction after encountering God. His story of redemption ultimately came after several times of defeat. God laid a burden on him to share this story, offering practical steps that helped him in finding wholeness in Christ to help others who find themselves in such situations.

    Prayerfully read, listen and CONQUER.

  • Faith, Prayer And Fasting

    In this booklet I review an experience Jesus used to teach His disciples how to solve deep and long seated problems with three powerful tools – faith, prayer and fasting.

    Discover how to release your faith and access God’s power through prayer, while remaining sensitive spiritually.


  • Handling Offences

    Offences are a natural part of all human relationships – be they marital, workplace, family or even at church. They creep in through diverse means and, depending on how they are handled, leave a relationship stronger or damaged. Mismanaging offences has the capacity to destroy both the offender and the offended. Offence must therefore be handled in the spirit of reconciliation.

    Handling Offences identifies the causes and consequences of offences and outlines a systematic process of restoration for relationships that have experienced offence.


  • Midnight: The Opportune Hour to Greatness

    Did you know that at Midnight there are keys to hidden treasures of life? Did you also know that Midnight is a high traffic period in the realm of the spirit? The midnight hour is a crucial time in every individual’s life. It takes the conscious and the strong in spirit to prayerfully guard their possessions against evil operations, or to unlock the Keys to greatness at this hour.

    This book provides deeper revelations about midnight with supporting scriptures from the Bible. The book also provides some prescriptions on how we can take advantage of this crucial hour.

  • The Journey to the Place of Abundance

    The Journey to the Place of Abundance is a book that draws from the Exodus of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land. In this journey, Israel was confronted with many challenges that could have prevented them from moving into their promised land. From the military might of the Egyptians, to the challenges of water and food shortages, to even in fighting among them, the people of Israel demonstrated key behavioral attitudes that either helped them, or slowed down their progress. This book highlights the key attitudes that we also need if we are to get into our place of abundance.

  • Operation Rescue (The ABCs of the Christian, Volume 1)

    This is the first in the 6-part series called The ABCs of the Christian. This volume deals with the theme of SALVATION.

    Why are we adopted children of God? What is justification? How does Jesus Christ fulfill the role of the Messiah? What is the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice, substitution, atonement, redemption? This book explains such key topics and other related matters under the general theme of our Salvation.

    The book is a collection of essays, written in clear easy step-by-step expositions to help the reader understand and appreciate the fullness of our salvation in Christ Jesus and the love of God which made it all possible.

    The contents are carefully selected and traced to their Old Testament origins to bring out the full meaning and the message of the subject under discussion. In the process, the book seeks to answer some questions frequently asked and clarify some confusing issues.

  • Musings from the Hilltop

    “I feel particularly privileged to be able to recommend this wonderful work to all prospective readers. Let our younger generation read, cogitate and be inspired by Kofi Otutu — clearly a man of many parts.” — Ambassador Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission
    “Kofi Otutu Adu Labi continues to enrich the literature landscape of Ghana with his inimitable and felicitous writing style. I warmly commend the book to the widest readership.” — Albert K. Fiadjoe, FGA, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Formerly, Dean of the Faculty of Law University of the West Indies, Chairman, Constitution Review Commission, Ghana
    “In flawless conversational English, the writer takes you through different chapters of his life which he freely shares with his readers. This is a must-read book especially for the younger generation and for the old to reinforce the times they have lived through.” — H E Esther Dzifa Ofori, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to Equatorial Guinea and accredited to the Republics of Cameroon and Gabon


  • The Genesis of Marriage

    This manual captures the studies and experiences accumulated by the authors from more than 60 years of counselling large groups in churches as well as hundreds of copies around the world. It is our strong belief that our fellow marriage counsellors will find the contents of this manual particularly helpful.

    In preparing this manual, we have been guided by the following principles that married couples or those intending to marry need to have:

    • the right understanding about marriage as God intended it
    • basic biblical and additional knowledge
    • commitment to each other
    • the willingness to work for a happy marriage in order to realise its full blessings

    The material here is also designed to be used individually by singles, privately by couples, in small groups or as outlines to prepare teaching to large groups.

    You are invited to turn the pages, learn and practise what we trust will enrich your relationships and marriage. It is in practising what we learn that we benefit the most.


  • Seize Your Kairos Moment

    A time will come when an opportunity of a lifetime will present itself to you. When that time arrives, the question will be whether you will grab hold of the opportunity before you or let it pass you by?

    Seize Your Kairos Moment will teach you how to recognize when your time has come. It will show you how to boldly take hold of that moment and usher your dreams into reality.

  • Endurance

    God’s word tells us that there are many good things in store for our lives. However, throughout the course of our journey to claim His promises, there will be obstacles, disappointments, and tests along the way.

    Endurance is a handy tool to keep you centered through hardships and hostility. It will help you to focus on Christ through temptation and delays. May you develop endurance so that you can maintain the Lord’s favour and come out victorious in the end.


  • I Love You Adjoa: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.

  • I Love You Afua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Akua: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • I Love You Kwesi: A Letter from Mum (Hardcover)

    Age: 3 to 6 years

    “I loved you even before I saw you.

    From the day I knew I was going to be a mum

    on that day my eyes went twinkle twinkle”

    These simple words from the book convey a lot of emotion and a feeling of belonging that every child seeks. They are reassuring and soothing. These words will help quell a lot of insecurity and fear. They go a long way to help shape behaviour and boost confidence.

    These semi-personalized books are written for every child using their day names, following a Ghanaian cultural norm. Find the day of the week on which your child was born and choose from the range.


  • Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty: Fulfilling God’s Desire for the Prosperity of Africa (MEPAC Workbook Volume III)

    Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    The snail-pace of Africa’s development compared to other nations is a major concern to all who have the continent at heart.

    This is the burden of Rt. Rev Prof Osei Safo-Kantanka, an agricultural scientist, a former lecturer in Plant Breeding and Genetics, a gifted Bible teacher and conference speaker, a former Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and a church leader who believes that Africa has all it takes to fulfill God’s desire for the continent to be prosperous. He strongly believes that the Church is God’s instrument to bring this about since Africa’s poverty is due to a mindset and not lack of resources. Therefore, he has founded the Movement for the Eradication of Poverty in Africa through the Church (MEPAC).

    Africa Shall Be Free from Poverty!

    How shall this happen?

    Bishop Kantanka provides the answer in this 3-Volume Book.

    Volume 1: Poverty is Africa’s Greatest Problem

    Volume 2: Changing the African Mindset for Prosperity

    Volume 3: Practical Biblical Foundations to Becoming Rich

    This book is a sequel to his earlier 3-Volume book entitled Abraham was Rich, Isaac was Rich, Jacob was Rich. Why Not You? which describes the spiritual and material blessings of the patriarchs as our example. These books will open your eyes to why Africa is poor and how we can get out of our endemic poverty.

    Read all these books and be part of MEPAC so that we can all work together to remove this ignoble label from off our dear continent.

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