• Good News Bible: The Interactive Youth Edition (Hardcover)

    The Good News Bible Youth Edition is created in partnership between Bible Society and Youth for Christ.
    No matter how much you’ve read the Bible before, or how connected to God you feel, this book is for you.
    Young people helped us put this Bible together, and it features:
    • Links to 30 videos (also available on YouTube) unpacking themes found in the Bible.
    • Hundreds of interactive elements throughout the Bible to inspire you to dig deeper.
    • A full-page introduction to each book of the Bible, showing what its all about and how it is fits into the bigger story.
    • Forty-eight (48) extra pages of key things to know about the Bible, help with tough topics, and journaling space
  • Breakfast on the Beach: The Development of Simon Peter

    All too often, we attempt to reduce the gospel narrative to a set of theological propositions. However, our faith is not rooted in the abstract realm of thought but in the tangible, sweat and blood world where we live out our calling to follow in the footsteps of Christ. The gospel is full of the real-life struggles, fears, failures and triumphs of men and women just like us, and in this retelling of Jesus’s ministry as experienced by Simon Peter, Rev. Dr. Johannes W. H. van der Bijl invites us to encounter the gospel’s transformative power afresh.

    Breakfast on the Beach is a harmonized, chronological retelling of the four Gospels that explores Jesus’s fourfold method of discipleship through its impact on his followers, especially Simon Peter. Harnessing the power of story, Johannes brings the gospel to life in new ways, emphasizing the relational nature of faith, discipleship and what it means to follow Christ – whether in first-century Judea or in our own lives and contexts.

  • The Presbyterian Church of Ghana (P.C.G.): History and Impact

    Jesus the Christ proclaimed the Great commission at the close of his earthly work in the first century. But it was not until around the last quarter of the 15th century that, according to a Papal arrangement, the Portuguese reached the Ghanaian coast with the Gospel, but with an economic motive which was expressed as follows:

    To divert to the coast and hence directly to Portugal the wealth of the gold trade across the Sahara, with the hope that the material gain therefrom would enable Portugal better wage that crusade against Islam.

    Later, other European nations followed with Empire-building motives. This involved the natives in fighting European religious wars. This spilled over into Africa as the European nations took colonies.

    Development in other parts of the world gave a spark to the buying and selling of humans as slaves. Europe came to regret the trade’s evil effect and, therefore, decided to compensate the bleeding African continent through holistic ministry spearheaded by missionaries.

    This book traces how Ghana was colonized and evangelised. It narrows down to the activities of the Basel Evangelical Missionary Society (BEMS). This eventually gave birth to the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCC).

    A colonial Governor complimented the Mission on the eve of World War 1 as follows:

    “The government regards the work of the Basel Mission as incomparably the best in the Gold Coast (GC). It is no exaggeration to say that the Mission makes the G.C.”

    The book highlights how the P.C.G. has continued in holistic ministry towards the national wellbeing.

    The author Kofi Nkansa-Kyeremanteng who passed on at the age of 70 (in the year 2007) had blue Presbyterian blood running in his veins. He schooled and later taught in Presbyterian Educational institutions. Through his writing and publishing activities, dating back to 1976, Mr. Nkansa Kyeremanteng’s name has won attachment to literature pertaining to the church.

  • Reflections on Attributes of the Holy Spirit

    Joseph Akwei Allotey had invaluable experiences with the Holy Trinity from his infancy. His love for the Lord and for music spans over 35 years’ membership of five different choirs at home and abroad.

    The book shares the transforming power of the Holy Trinity for human well-being and God’s ability to direct humans to great spiritual values that would benefit those who will truly be faithful and obedient to Him. He believes that any person who reads this book about the awe-inspiring and heart-warming attributes of the Holy Trinity will be extremely blessed.

  • 7 Keys to Abundant Living with No Regrets

    This book contains lessons that the writer’s half-century of life has taught him to be the keys to abundant living. It is the writer’s testament to life.

  • What It Means to Be as Wise as a Serpent

    Jesus said: Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Are serpents really wise? Why would Jesus give such advice? Take a journey with this riveting book by Dag Heward-Mills, and discover the hidden wisdom of the serpent.

  • Everyday Doses Of Rhema 2021

    Age Range: 6 – 19 years

    The Bible enjoins us to “Train up a child in the way he[she] should go; and when he[she] is old, he[she] will never depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

    Everyday Doses of Rhema is a children and youth centred devotional. It is an annual devotional which aims to educate children on God’s word, to have a daily walk with God. It summarises various books of the Bible Chronologically and explains them in easy to understand language, for Christian children and young people, to understand how God’s word applies to their everyday lives.

  • Eight Pillars of Christian Organization

    Eight Pillars of Church Organization is a well thought out and well-presented book full of real and practical issues facing the church today. It is not meant for the pastor in the church only but also for all organizations that seek to grow and expand their influence. I whole heartedly recommend this book to pastors, seminaries and seminarians, church leaders and future leaders as well as every member of the Body of Christ.

    –The Most Rev Dr Paul K. Boafo

    Presiding Bishop, Methodist Church Ghana

    Chairman, Christian Council of Ghana

  • The Christian Life in a Postmodernist World (Hardcover)

    In times of postmodernism and the rise of secular humanism that tend to taint and mask the Christian faith; there is an urgent need to unveil and clarify the faith of Christians. This book exposes the content of the Christian faith in today’s context from Christian traditional heritage and history in a trinitarian manner and as taught by the scriptures. It is a timely resource for Church and the Christian’s empowerment.

  • The Ministry of The Wife: Understanding Your Calling

    What does it mean to be a wife?

    Why is a wife much more than a homemaker?

    How can a wife align with God’s intent and transform her home and community!?

    Dear woman, being a wife is a calling! Your role as a wife is for a divine purpose. You are a specially designed change agent – a vessel God uses to transform the world – starting first with the home! Being a wife goes beyond just being a homemaker. And whether you are aware of it or not, you are the fulfilment of God’s prophecy to your husband and family.

    This book will ignite your spirit, and open your eyes to many deep and encouraging truths that will transform your role as a wife. It will guide you to discover God’s divine plan for your life, and inspire and motivate you to live beyond the ordinary vision of marriage.

    Be prepared to have a renewed and profound understanding of your purpose as a wife and be equipped with wisdom to embrace your calling!

    This book is an important read for all, especially current and prospective wives.

  • Genuinely Ghanaian: A History of the Methodist Church Ghana, 1961-2000

    Genuinely Ghanaian is the fascinating history of the Methodist Church Ghana, from the time of its autonomy, 1961, to the year 2000.  This book shows how missiological issues of contextualization and outreach have shaped the history of the Methodist Church Ghana since the independence of Ghana from colonial rule. Ghanaians have accepted Methodism on their own terms and have reworked it to fit their needs. The Methodist Church Ghana has its roots in a Bible study group of Ghanaians, formed in 1831. Aided by British Methodist missionaries, the group developed over the next 130 years, until, in 1961, it gained autonomy from the British Methodist Conference. Central elements in the contextualization of this church include Ghanaian identity, Akan culture, and Methodist missionary theology. This book examines the evolution and consolidation of Methodism in Ghana from 1961 to 2000, highlighting in particular the contributions of the Fante people.

    “This book brings to the fore the dynamic contribution of The Methodist Church Ghana in respect of the development of the nation and people of Ghana. This volume represents a significant milestone in the study of the history of Ghana Methodism and fills a void in the scholarly literature in the area of Methodism in Ghana.  The work represents a magnificent contribution to the history of The Methodist Movement in Africa.” – The Most Rev. Prof. Emmanuel K. Asante, Presiding Bishop, The Methodist Church Ghana

    “It was a pleasure to know that at long last the task of updating The Roots of Ghana Methodism is in good hands. More important, it is in the hands of an Old Boy of Mfantsipim and the son of the Manse.” – F. L. Bartels, Former Headmaster of Mfantsipim and Author of The Roots of Ghana Methodism

    “Though African Christians make up a high proportion of the Church as a whole, comprehensive studies of African churches are far too few in number. Dr. Essamuah’s learned and readable account of a significant and in many ways representative contemporary African church is thus immensely welcome. May it be widely read and much emulated.” – Andrew F. Walls, University of Edinburgh and Liverpool Hope University 

  • Sense of Grace and Mission

    John Samuel Pobee studied at Adisadel 1950-56 obtaining both the Cambridge School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Subsequently, he studied at University of Ghana and Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. He had his priestly formation at Westcott House, Cambridge. At the University of Ghana, he was Head of Department for the Study of Religions, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Admissions and Examinations.
    He later worked at the World Council of Churches in Geneva. He was Emeritus Professor at the University of Ghana. He was married to Martha, a career diplomat of the Ghana Foreign Service.
    He served as the Vicar-General of the Anglican Diocese of Accra.
    Prof Pobee died in Ghana in January 2020 at the age of 82.
  • The Anglican Story in Ghana: From Mission Beginnings to Province of Ghana

    The Anglican Church, by virtue of being the Christian communion most closely tied to the colonial history of the West Africa sub continent, could be said to be the oldest historic mission ecclesial body within the region. Emeritus Professor Canon John Samuel Pobee’s work The Anglican Story in Ghana is the only published full length monograph of Ghanaian Anglicanism since Church of England missionaries first set foot on the soils of the then Gold Coast in the middle of the 18th century. It is a historical account that features insights into the work and activities of the various dioceses of the Anglican Church including their contributions to education, social evangelism and education in particular. Each chapter is illustrated with pictures of key personnel dating back to the colonial era.

    “The yester-years have lessons for us today and for our new life as a province. So this publication is timely, galvanizing us to take lessons to make a success of the new venture. The study challenges us to search for a creative renewal that is thoughtful and mindful of its pedigree and also endeavours to be the Una Sancta in Ghana, Africa.” – Most Rev. DR. Justice Ofei Akrofi, Archbishop of the Church of the Province of West Africa & Bishop of Accra

    “It is a privilege to commend this study to all in the Anglican Church in Ghana and beyond, inviting you “to read, mark and inwardly digest” it and above all to take lessons from this story for the renewal of our Church and Province.” – Rt. Rev. Daniel Yinka Sarfo, Bishop of Kumasi Diocese & Presiding Bishop, Joint Anglican Diocesan Council

    “The Anglican Story in Ghana is not merely the history of a church chronicling ecclesial achievements, no. It is a well written mission history of the Anglican Church that enables us to appreciate the acts of the Holy Spirit in helping the collaborative efforts of western missionaries and their local helpers to bring God’s word to God’s people.” – Very Rev. Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Ghana

  • Purpose Capsules

    Purpose Capsules strongly implies that Purpose can be found in Jesus Christ and therefore one must know who he is in Christ to discover this purpose, which is not just the reason why you were born but why you are born to be born again in Christ. As a result, Purpose Capsules spends a great deal of time to explain who you are in Christ so that you really grasp why you are here on earth in the light of Christ. By this your mind will not only be challenged but be exposed to living to your truest and fullest potential in Christ so as to be better equipped to discover and fulfill your divine purpose – which is to manifest the Christ in you to the glory of God.

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